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    1. Neuroscience

    Shh from mossy cells contributes to preventing NSC pool depletion after seizure-induced neurogenesis and in aging

    Hirofumi Noguchi, Jessica Chelsea Arela ... Samuel Pleasure
    Hilar mossy cells control seizure-dependent dentate neurogenesis and stem cell quiescence by activity-dependent control of Sonic hedgehog production and signaling.
    1. Neuroscience

    OpenApePose, a database of annotated ape photographs for pose estimation

    Nisarg Desai, Praneet Bala ... Benjamin Hayden
    A dedicated dataset for non-human apes improves pose estimation and tracking accuracy in apes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Effort cost of harvest affects decisions and movement vigor of marmosets during foraging

    Paul Hage, In Kyu Jang ... Reza Shadmehr
    When the acquisition of reward becomes effortful, marmosets choose to work longer, delaying their harvest, but slow their movements, reducing energy consumption.
    1. Neuroscience

    ACC neural ensemble dynamics are structured by strategy prevalence

    Mikhail Proskurin, Maxim Manakov, Alla Karpova
    Anterior Cingulate Cortex displays robust tracking during strategy execution of a summary statistic for that strategy in recent behavioral history, suggesting a role for this brain region in estimating which actions promote the occurrence of events in the environment.
    1. Neuroscience

    Postsynaptic mitochondria are positioned to support functional diversity of dendritic spines

    Connon I Thomas, Melissa A Ryan ... Benjamin Scholl
    Correlated light and electron microscopy of cortical neurons reveals a local organization of mitochondria near dendritic spines with diverse functional properties.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Opposing chemosensory functions of closely related gustatory receptors

    Ji-Eun Ahn, Hubert Amrein
    Live imaging and taste behavior analyses show that related members of the Gr28 gene subfamily are expressed in largely non-overlapping sets of neurons and mediate opposing taste behaviors.
    1. Neuroscience

    Adaptive biasing of action-selective cortical build-up activity by stimulus history

    Anke Braun, Tobias H Donner
    Prior expectations about the state of the sensory environment are dynamically updated in a context-dependent manner and selectively bias the build-up of human motor cortical activity during subsequent decisions.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Dynamic landscape of the intracellular termini of acid-sensing ion channel 1a

    Megan M Cullinan, Robert C Klipp ... John R Bankston
    A novel FRET approach suggests that the intracellular termini of acid-sensing ion channel 1a do not form a complex at rest requiring a new hypothesis for ASIC1a involvement in stroke.
    1. Neuroscience

    Natural forgetting reversibly modulates engram expression

    James D. O’Leary, Rasmus Bruckner ... Tomás J. Ryan