(A) Velocity of axis elongation and of somite formation. (B) PSM cell number. (C–D) Tiling of confocal sections of 20-somite (C) and 25-somite (D) stage embryos. EdU positive cells are labeled in …
(A) Table showing the collinear onset of Hox genes expression in the epiblast/tail-bud generated from (B) Chicken embryos hybridized in whole-mount with Hoxa (blue), Hoxb (yellow), Hoxc (red), and Ho…
(A) Consecutive electroporation protocol. The ratio of the green domain (green bar, Hox expressing) over the red domain (red bar, control vector) measures the ingression delay. (B) Embryos …
(A) Embryos consecutively electroporated with Hoxd10-Cherry and Hoxc11-Venus (left) and with Hoxc11-Cherry and Hoxa13-Venus (right). Arrowheads: anterior boundary of Cherry (red) and Venus (green) …
(A) Transverse section of a stage 7 HH chicken embryo labeled with phalloidin (white) to highlight the actin network and with laminin (red) to identify the epiblast basal membrane. Colored boxes …
(A–B) Time-lapse series of chicken embryos electroporated either with control (A) or Hoxa13 (B). Red line: position of Hensen's node. ss = somite-stage. (C) Velocity of axis elongation of embryos …
(A) Embryos consecutively electroporated first with Hoxc11-Cherry + Hoxc11mutH-Cherry and with Hoxd10-Venus + Hoxc11-Venus shown 24 hr after reincubation. (B) Embryos consecutively electroporated …
(A) Pbx1 expression during somitogenesis. Red squares: region of PM progenitors. White dashed line: level of transverse section shown in bottom left. (B–C) Pbx1 expression in stage 6–7 HH chicken …
(A) Design of the microarray experiment. (B) Validation by Q-RT PCR of selected Hoxa13 targets identified in the microarray experiment. (C-E) Q-RT PCR for (C) T/Brachyruy, (D) Axin2, and (E) Fgf8 at …
(A–F) In situ hybridization of 15-somite (left panels) and 25-somite stage (right panels) embryos hybridized with Hoxa13 (A), Axin2(B), Fgf8 intronic (C), T intronic (D), Fzd2 (E), and Dact2 (F) …
(A) Graph showing Figure 8I samples after removal of control and Hoxd10 and Hoxd11 (which have a weaker effect) to highlight the collinear trend of this set of Hox genes on Wnt repression. (B) Cell …
(A) Consecutive electroporation of PM precursors with Cherry and then with Venus together with T (left panel), Hoxa13 (middle), or a combination of the two vectors (right). Arrowheads: anterior …
Luciferase assay measuring Wnt/βcatenin pathway activity 20 hr after over-expression of BATLuc and Renilla constructs together with control, T, Hoxa13, or Hoxa13+T. Stars represent the p-value of …
(A, C, E) Design of the Hox chimeras. N-ter is in blue, the homeodomain in white, and the C-ter in red. (B, D, F) Luciferase assay measuring T/brachyury expression 20 hr after over-expression of …
ClustalW alignment of the N-ter region of Hoxa9, Hoxd10, Hoxc11, and Hoxa13 shows poor conservation at the amino acid level.
Model representing the 3 phases (I, II, and III) of Hox action in PSM precursors in the epiblast/tail-bud during body axis elongation. Anterior Hox genes (paralogs 1–9) are expressed during phase I. …
Bright-field imaging of chicken embryos at 15–17 somites (left panel), 20–22 somites (middle panel), and 25–27 somites (right panel) (ventral view, anterior is up).
Bright-field (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with a control H2B-Venus (ventral view, anterior is up) from stage 6 HH onwards.
Bright-field (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with either a control H2B-Venus (first panel from the left), Hoxa9-ires2-H2B-Venus (second panel from the …
Bright-field (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with either a control pBIC (left panel) or a Pbx1pBIC (right panel) construct (green) (ventral view, …
Bright-field (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with Hoxa13mutH-ires2-H2B-Venus (left panel), Hoxa13-ires2-H2B-Venus (second panel), T and Hoxa13-ires2-H2B…
Bright-field (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with Hoxd10mutH-ires2-H2B-Venus (left panel), Hoxd10-ires2-H2B-Venus (middle panel) or βcatLEF and Hoxd10-i…
Brightfield (purple) merged with fluorescent images of PSM cell progenitors electroporated with Hoxc11mutH-ires2-H2B-Venus (left panel), Hoxc11-ires2-H2B-Venus (middle panel), or βcatLEF and Hoxc11-i…
List of selected genes of the Wnt and FGF pathways down-regulated or up-regulated following over-expression of Hoxa13 in tail-bud cells
Gene | Average (control) | Standard Dev (control) | Average (Hoxa13) | Standard dev (Hoxa13) | Fold change |
Sp8 | 949.9 | 279.2 | 483.8 | 21.4 | 0.51 |
Fzd2 | 139.7 | 10.7 | 78.5 | 8.6 | 0.56 |
Axin2 | 857.8 | 42.5 | 677.0 | 99.1 | 0.79 |
Dact2 | 415.8 | 134.4 | 989.8 | 270.1 | 2.38 |
Cyp26a1 | 625.1 | 258 | 102.9 | 13 | 0.16 |
Fgf8 | 1523.9 | 159.3 | 591.2 | 65 | 0.39 |
Etv1 | 296.6 | 113.2 | 155.1 | 23.8 | 0.52 |
Fgfr1 | 145.9 | 5.8 | 80 | 0.6 | 0.55 |
Rasgrp3 | 1441.3 | 671.8 | 362.8 | 218.8 | 0.25 |
List of primers used for Q-RT PCR
Gene name | Gene reference | Primers sequence 5′→3′ | Size of the amplicon |
Gapdh | NM_204305.1 | F: GCTGAGAACGGGAAACTTGTG | 62 bp |
Axin2 | NM_204491.1 | F: GCGCAAACGATAGTGAGATATCC | 76 bp |
Sp8 | NM_001198666.1 | F: CATGGCGCACCCCTACGAGTC | 131 bp |
Fzd2 | NM_204222.1 | F: CCCTGCCCGCTGCACTTCAC | 190 bp |
Cyp26a1 | NM_001001129.1ik | F: AGGAGCCCGAGGGTGGCTACA | 138 bp |
Fgf8 | NM_001012767.1 | F: CGCTCTTCAGCTACGTGTTCATGC | 108 bp |
Etv1 | NM_204917.1 | F: ATGGACCACAGATTTCGCCGCC | 145 bp |
Fgfr1 | NM_205510.1 | F: CACGCTGCCCGACCAAGCTC | 168 bp |
Rasgrp3 | NM_001006401.1 | F: AACGGCATCTCCAAGTGGGTCCA | 111 bp |
List of genes regulated by Hoxa13 in our microarray screen. (A) List of genes upregulated in the PSM precursors after Hoxa13 overexpression. (B) List of genes downregulated in the PSM precursors after Hoxa13 overexpression.