(A1) Schematic of reduced model with mutual excitatory connections between all neurons. Indices correspond to (1) high-excitability (HE), (2) medium-excitability (ME), and (3) low-excitability (LE) neurons. (A2) 1:4 regime represented in toroidal state space (product of two cyclical variables). Four rotations around the larger cycle, corresponding to SA bursts, occur during a single rotation in the smaller cycle, corresponding to an LA burst. Adapted from Rubin et al., 2011. (B1–B3) Simulation results when w=0. (B1) Output activity, f(Vi), was calculated for each neuron. The 'Sum' trace depicts aggregate network output and is asynchronous when w=0 (uncoupled network). (B2) A trajectory (red trace) in the (hNaP1,V1,V3)-plane depicts endogenous HE oscillations (cyclical movement in the (hNaP1,V1)-plane), and a silent LE neuron (no movement in V3). (B3) In the (hNaP,V)-plane an endogenously bursting neuron’s trajectory (red trace) travels around the local minima and maxima of a V-nullcline (blue curve) that intersects the hNaP-nullcline (black, dotted curve). A band of V-nullclines was calculated for the range of EL ∈ [-59.0, -53.8] mV where endogenous bursting occurred (gray band). EL values above and below this range caused tonic activity and silence, respectively. (C1–C3) Simulation results when w=2. (C1) Output activity showed a pattern of three SA bursts between two LA bursts (1:4 quantal regime). LA bursts occurred when all three neurons were active, low amplitude SA bursts occurred when only the HE neuron was active, and higher amplitude SA bursts occurred when both HE and ME neurons were synchronously active. (C2) The system’s trajectory (red curve) projected into (hNaP1,V1,V3). Four rotations in (hNaP1,V1) occurred along with only a single rotation in (V1,V3), denoting an LA burst. (C3) The LE neuron’s trajectory (red curve) is projected into the (V3,hNaP3)-plane. The hNaP3-nullcline (black, dotted curve) intersects three V3-nullclines: the black nullcline curve corresponds to LE neuron's resting state (no excitatory input), and the blue and green nullcline curves correspond to excitatory inputs from the HE neuron and both HE and ME neurons, respectively. The LE neuron receives four inputs, marked (i)-(iv), while at rest. Only input (iv) results in a successful LE activation, and therefore an LA burst. (D1–D3) Simulation results when w=3. (D1) Two SA bursts occurred between pairs of LA bursts (1:2 quantal regime). (D2) In (hNaP1,V1,V3) the trajectory makes two rotations in (hNaP1,V1) during one rotation in (V1,V3). (D3) In (V3,hNaP3), the LE neuron receives two excitatory inputs, at points marked (i) and (ii). Nullcline colors are consistent with B3. (E1–E3) Simulation results when w=4. (E1) Only LA bursts were observed (1:1 quantal regime). (E2) In (hNaP1,V1,V3), one rotation occurs in (hNaP1,V1) for each rotation in (V1,V3). (E3) The LE trajectory is projected into (V3,hNap3) for the 1:1 regime. The LE neuron activates when it receives an excitatory input from the other neurons.