Overview of the individual digits throughout the experiment (A) and a detailed view of the grip aperture (B) and grip position (C) for the grasping movements performed in the pre- and post- …
Positions at 1 cm before crossing the board for of all trials underlying Figure 1 and the summary data underlying the central parts of Figure 1B,C.
The subject performs a single-digit pointing trial with the index finger. During single-digit trials, participants viewed the target block monocularly through a prism that was in front of the …
Participants started with 6 grasping trials (pre-adaptation; grey background). Subsequently, they made 24 pointing movements with either the index finger or thumb while wearing leftward deviating …
(A) The participants made pointing movements with either the unseen index finger (purple) or thumb (green) of their dominant hand (the right hand for 7 of the 8 participants). During adaptation …
Three single digit trials (adaptation phase) and two grasping trials of one subject (pre- and post-adaptation phases). Note the presence/absence of the prisms, and the opening of the shutter glasses …
Expected influence on | ||
Controlled in grasping | Grip position | Grip aperture |
Grip aperture and wrist position | No | No |
Grip aperture and thumb position | Yes | No |
Finger position and thumb position | No | Yes |