FluoEM, virtual labeling of axons in three-dimensional electron microscopy data for long-range connectomics
The labeling and identification of long-range axonal inputs from multiple sources within densely reconstructed electron microscopy (EM) datasets from mammalian brains has been notoriously difficult because of the limited color label space of EM. Here, we report FluoEM for the identification of multi-color fluorescently labeled axons in dense EM data without the need for artificial fiducial marks or chemical label conversion. The approach is based on correlated tissue imaging and computational matching of neurite reconstructions, amounting to a virtual color labeling of axons in dense EM circuit data. We show that the identification of fluorescent light- microscopically (LM) imaged axons in 3D EM data from mouse cortex is faithfully possible as soon as the EM dataset is about 40–50 µm in extent, relying on the unique trajectories of axons in dense mammalian neuropil. The method is exemplified for the identification of long-distance axonal input into layer 1 of the mouse cerebral cortex.
The dense reconstruction of neuronal circuits has become an increasingly realistic goal in the neurosciences thanks to developments in large-scale 3D EM (Denk and Horstmann, 2004; Bock et al., 2011; Hayworth et al., 2015; Kasthuri et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2017) and circuit reconstruction techniques (Saalfeld et al., 2009; Boergens et al., 2017). First locally dense neuronal circuits have been mapped using these techniques (Helmstaedter et al., 2013; Kasthuri et al., 2015; Berck et al., 2016; Wanner et al., 2016). However, in mammalian nervous systems, any given local neuronal circuit receives numerous synaptic inputs from distant neuronal sources. In most layers of the mammalian cortex, for example, the fraction of distal input synapses in a dense local circuit is estimated to comprise 70–90% of all synapses (Stepanyants et al., 2009). Similarly, subcortical structures as the striatum or amygdala (Figure 1a) receive the vast majority of their inputs from distal projection sources. Uncovering the synaptic logic of such multi-source circuits together with the local dense neuronal connectivity requires the identification of multiple input sources in the same connectomic experiment. Since 3D EM is still limited to volumes that do not routinely encompass entire mammalian brains, the origin of a large fraction of input synapses remains thus unidentified in current high-resolution connectomic experiments in mammals.
At the same time, the labeling of multiple neuronal populations and their axonal projections by fluorescent dyes visible in LM is routine (Livet et al., 2007; Mao et al., 2011; D'Souza et al., 2016). Combining light-microscopic fluorescent labels in axons from multiple sources with large-scale 3D EM would be ideal. Such direct correlative light- and electron microscopy (CLEM) has been successful for high-resolution subcellular label localization (Agronskaia et al., 2008; Murphy et al., 2011; Liv et al., 2013) and synaptic identification (Micheva and Smith, 2007; Rah et al., 2013), but can so far not be combined with 3D EM at both resolution and scale allowing for dense large-scale circuit mapping in mammalian neuropil.
Similarly, en-bloc immunolabeling in conjunction with EM is limited to thin tissue slices (Faulk and Taylor, 1971; Pallotto et al., 2015). Approaches to interlace EM and LM imaging on alternating tissue slices, though successfully applied in invertebrates (Shahidi et al., 2015), impede dense EM-based circuit reconstruction in mammalian nervous tissue. Rather, methods to obtain electron-dense labels in a subset of neurons have been developed over the decades based on induced axonal degeneration (Gray and Hamlyn, 1962; Colonnier, 1964; White, 1978), introduction of HRP (Hersch and White, 1981; Hamos et al., 1985; Horikawa and Armstrong, 1988; Anderson et al., 1994a; Anderson et al., 1994b; Markram et al., 1997; da Costa and Martin, 2011) or fluorophores (Maranto, 1982; Grabenbauer et al., 2005; Knott et al., 2009) into a subset of neurons which could be utilized to create electron contrast via enzymatic or photo-oxidative DAB polymerization. More recent improvements enabled the genetically targeted expression of electron-dense labels in diverse cellular compartments, potentially allowing to encode multiple label classes in a single EM experiment (Shu et al., 2011; Martell et al., 2012; Atasoy et al., 2014; Lam et al., 2015; Joesch et al., 2016). However, generating multiple electron-dense label classes in the very same experiment while ensuring ultrastructural preservation is challenging and to our knowledge has been accomplished in Drosophila (Lin et al., 2016) but so far not in mammals. Furthermore, the number of cellular compartments usable for such axonal identification may be rather limited.
Methods to directly co-register light microscopic labels in axons and dendrites with 3D EM data (Bishop et al., 2011; Maco et al., 2013; Gala et al., 2017) have been restricted to local volumes of up to 10 µm on a side, using LM-burnt fiducial marks visible in EM; these do not scale to the large volumes required for neuronal circuit reconstruction (sized hundreds of micrometers per dimension, that is at least 1000-fold larger). Direct co-alignment between fluorescently labeled cell bodies and EM data has been routinely applied (Bock et al., 2011; Briggman et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2016; Tsang et al., 2018), but provides LM-to-EM alignment only at a coarse scale that does not allow for the identification of single axons.
Apart from the experimental limitations currently hampering the use of multi-color labels in large 3D EM data, current computational approaches are challenged when attempting submicron registration precision of neurites in volumes required for connectomics (~106 µm3 or larger). Previously proposed multi-modal graph-based neurite registration (Serradell et al., 2012; Fua and Knott, 2015; Serradell et al., 2015) can in principle be used for LM-to-EM morphological matching, but did not yet scale to graphs of thousands or tens of thousands of nodes as required for connectomics.
Thus, a method that could directly employ the full multi-color space of LM in large 3D tissue samples while enabling dense EM-based circuit reconstruction would be ideal. Here, we report FluoEM, a set of experimental and computational tools to achieve this goal. Instead of directly attempting alignment of LM-labeled axons to the EM dataset at the nanometer scale, we exploit the availability of locally dense neurite reconstructions in current volume EM. Here, the alignment problem can be re-formulated as identifying the most likely axon (out of all axons, reconstructed in EM) that best explains an LM-imaged axonal fluorescence signal. We show that this is a well-constrained problem based on the actual geometry of axonal fibers in nerve tissue from mouse cerebral cortex. We report the experimental methods allowing for subsequent correlative imaging of samples in LM and EM and the computational tools to register the labeled LM axons to their EM correspondences. We exemplify our method for long-range inputs to layer 1 of mouse cortex.
The FluoEM workflow (Figure 1b) comprised the following steps: acquisition of a 3D fluorescence-LM dataset from a given piece of tissue; 3D imaging of that very same piece of tissue in the electron microscope; reconstruction of the fluorescently labeled axons in the LM data; reconstruction of locally all axons in small subvolumes of the EM data; computational determination of the most likely EM axons that explain the LM signal.
In a first step, we used blood vessels as intrinsic fiducials in the neuropil to obtain a coarse co-registration between LM and EM (Figure 1b). Coarse LM-EM registration based on cell bodies and blood vessels has been successfully performed before (Bock et al., 2011; Briggman et al., 2011) and is expected to yield an alignment precision of about 5–10 µm (Figure 1c). We next had to determine the typical length of faithful 3D axon reconstruction in fluorescence data (Figure 1d). Then, the problem of matching EM axons to LM data can be phrased as follows (Figure 1e): Given all axons that traverse a cube of edge length in the EM data, will the trajectory of these axons become unique on a length scale that is smaller than or comparable to the LM-reconstruction length : () ≤ ? In other words: What is the travel length after which all axons from a center cube of size will have no other of these axons closer than ?
In order to understand whether this approach could work, we had to measure in LM data with realistic labeling density and determine for a realistic in EM data. These measurements are reported next, followed by a proof-of-principle co-registration experiment and results from the virtual labeling of axons in EM data.
Reconstruction length and axon uniqueness
We first performed a fluorescence imaging experiment (Figure 2a–c) in which we injected adeno-associated viruses expressing fluorescent markers into the primary motor cortex (M1; virus expressing the green marker eGFP) and the secondary somatosensory cortex (S2; virus expressing the red marker tdTomato) of a 28-day-old mouse, followed by transcardial perfusion and tissue extraction at 46 days of age. Using a confocal laser scanning microscope, we then acquired a dataset sized (828 × 828 × 75) µm3 at a voxel size of (104 × 104 × 444) nm3 from layer 1 of a part of cortex in which both of these projections converged (located to lateral parietal association cortex (LPtA), Figure 2b). We then 3D-reconstructed all axons traversing a (40 × 40 × 48) µm3 bounding box in this LM image dataset using our annotation tool webKnossos (Boergens et al., 2017) and measured the length over which the axons were faithfully reconstructable as judged by expert annotators (for this we asked the annotators to stop reconstructing whenever they encountered a location of any ambiguity, the loss of axon continuity or an unclear branching). The reconstruction length per axon was 70 ± 44 µm (mean ± s.d., n = 46 axons) for the green and 134 ± 62 µm (n = 42 axons) for the red fluorescence channel. Ninety-five percent of axons were reconstructable above 20 µm length, some for up to 200 µm (Figure 2c, independent reconstruction by two experts).
Figure 2—source data 1
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Figure 2—source data 2
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Figure 2—source data 3
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Figure 2—source data 4
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Figure 2—source data 5
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We then measured the length over which the trajectory of axons in cortex becomes unique, assuming a macroscopic alignment precision of = 5 µm (Figure 2d–k). For this, we acquired a 3D EM dataset sized (130 x 110 x 85) µm3 at a voxel size of (11.24 x 11.24 x 30) nm3 from layer 1 of LPtA cortex (Figure 2d,e) using SBEM (Denk and Horstmann, 2004) and reconstructed all n = 220 axons that traversed a cubic bounding box of size (5 x 5 x 5) µm3 in the center of the dataset (Figure 2e, blue box). We then analyzed for each axon how many of the other 219 axons were still within proximity at a Euclidean distance d from the center cube (Figure 2f). For a given axon, the uniqueness length was then computed as the distance after which no other axon was in the -surround. Figure 2g shows the number of remaining axons after distance d for a dense reconstruction of axons in L1 of mouse cortex. The uniqueness length per axon was 22 ± 10 µm (mean ± s.d., range 7 – 78 µm, n = 220 axons); after 31, 35, 41 and 69 µm, 85%, 90%, 95% and 98% of axons had no other axon in their proximity, respectively. We repeated this analysis in two additional 3D EM datasets obtained from layers 2/3 and 4 of mouse somatosensory cortex (datasets 2012-09-28_ex145_07x2 and 2012-11-23_ex144_st08x2, KM Boergens & MH, unpublished, Figures 2h,i). Here, uniqueness lengths per axon were 21 ± 9 µm (mean ± s.d., range 7 – 62 µm, n = 214, L2/3) and 17 ± 8 µm (mean ± s.d., range 6 – 55 µm, n = 128, L4), with 90% of axons unique after = 35 µmin L2/3 and = 32 µm in L4 (Fig. 2j, was indistinguishable between layers 1, 2/3 and 4, Figure 2—figure supplement 1).
Importantly, when comparing in layer 1 as determined in 3D EM data to the reconstruction lengths obtained in the fluorescence datasets (Figure 2c), we find that about 45% (green channel) and about 80% (red channel) of the faithfully LM-reconstructed axonal stretches were at least of length . Since for a first LM-EM co-registration a set of the longest LM-reconstructable axons can be used, these data strongly suggested that the FluoEM approach for matching-based co-alignment between LM and EM reconstructed axons could in principle be successful. Furthermore, we expected the uniqueness length to depend on the macroscopic alignment precision achieved by the blood-vessel-based coarse pre-registration of the LM and EM datasets (Figure 2k). When re-analyzing our dense axonal reconstructions in the 3D EM dataset from L1 for smaller , we find that the uniqueness length strongly decreased for smaller (to = 5 µm at = 1 µm; (eGFP) = 11 µm at = 2 µm; (tdTomato) = 20 µm at = 3 µm).
Correlated LM and 3D EM dataset acquisition
We then set out to perform correlated 3D LM-EM imaging for the application of FluoEM (Figure 3). For this, we continued the experiment described above (Figure 2a) and acquired an additional fluorescence channel to image blood vessels (during perfusion, the rinsing solution was supplemented with DiD, a lipophilic dye for blood vessel staining with fluorescence in the far red spectrum, around 650 nm). Then we applied a slightly modified version of our standard volume EM staining protocol (Hua et al., 2015) to the tissue block (see Materials and methods), embedded and mounted the sample and imaged it using SBEM (Denk and Horstmann, 2004) (Figure 3a). We first acquired EM images with a large field of view (dataset dimensions (1500 × 1000 × 10) µm3) at lower resolution of (270 × 270 × 200) nm3 to identify the location of the LM-imaged dataset relative to the EM imaged sample (Figure 3b,c). For this, we used the pattern of superficial blood vessels as coarse alignment fiducials (Figure 3d,e). We then acquired a high-resolution 3D EM dataset sized (130 × 110 × 85) µm3 at a voxel size of (11.24 × 11.24 × 30) nm3 in a region previously imaged using LM with suitable fluorescent labeling density (Figure 3c,g). In both the high-resolution EM dataset and the corresponding LM volume we then reconstructed the blood vessels (Figure 3h,i) and annotated their branch points as control points for fitting a coarse affine transformation ATBV from the LM to the high-resolution EM dataset (Figure 3h–n, n = 7 control points). To estimate the precision of this coarse alignment, we measured its residuals (Figure 3o; 2.7 ± 1.1 µm, mean ± s.d., n = 7, median = 2.7 µm). Since this coarse alignment precision was well in the range previously assumed for the analysis of axonal uniqueness (≈ 5 µm, Figure 3g–k), we then attempted a first LM-to-EM matching.
Figure 3—source data 1
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LM-to-EM axon matching
We chose an axon next to a blood vessel in the LM data (Figure 4a). The axon was skeleton-reconstructed at the LM level (Figure 4b) using webKnossos (Boergens et al., 2017). We then transformed this LM reconstruction (path length of 105 µm) to the EM dataset using the coarse transformation ATBV based on blood vessel correspondence as determined before (Figure 4c). Evidently, based solely on this coarse transformation, an identification of the corresponding axon at the EM level was impossible (Figure 4d). Rather, we then defined a cubic region sized (5 µm)3 in the EM data next to the blood vessel at which the LM reconstruction had been seeded (Figure 4e,f) and reconstructed all axons that traversed that region in the EM dataset (Figure 4g, n = 193 axons). We then used a spherical search kernel with 5 µm radius (Figure 2f) to determine which of the 193 EM-reconstructed axons were within that surround of the transformed LM-reconstructed axon along all of its trajectory (Figure 4h,i). Beyond a distance of 42 µm along the transformed LM axon, only one candidate EM-reconstructed axon remained persistently within the search kernel (Figure 4i). So, in fact, for this example fluorescent axon, we had found a corresponding axon at the EM level that matched its trajectory.
Figure 4—source data 1
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But how could we be sure that this EM axon was the one that had given rise to the fluorescence signal at the LM level? We first investigated the detailed morphology of this axon and identified axonal varicosities in the EM data. We then reconstructed the varicosities visible in the LM data and overlaid both (Figure 4j). The similarity was visually striking (distance between LM and EM varicosities, 0.7 µm ± 0.6 (mean ± s.d., n = 11); distance between LM and random EM varicosity distributions: 4.9 µm ± 2.1, (mean ± s.d., n = 11 varicosities, n = 105 draws, p < 10−5, Randomization test, Figure 4—figure supplement 1)). With this, we had found the EM axon that most likely explained the fluorescence signal reconstructed in the LM dataset (Figure 4k).
We then continued to match other fluorescent axons given this first matched axon (Figure 5). For this, we chose an axon in the LM data in proximity to the previously matched axon and selected an LM varicosity close to the axonal apposition as a seed point for the correspondence search in the EM data (Figure 5a). Since each matched axon provided additional registration constraints beyond the initial blood-vessel-based constraints, we could now use each matched axon to further refine an elastic-free-form LM-to-EM transformation using the matched varicosities, branchpoints and other prominent structural features of the axons seen in both LM and EM (Figure 4b,k). The iteratively refined registration together with the usage of varicosities as search criteria allowed us to substantially reduce the work load for matching subsequent fluorescent axons to their EM counterparts (Figure 5b–e; in this example 34 axons were within a (2 × 2 × 3) µm3 search volume around the LM-varicosity, but only six of these had a varicosity). While the first match involved the reconstruction of 193 axons, the subsequent matches were successful after only several or even one reconstruction attempt and a few minutes of reconstruction time (Figure 5e). The fact that all subsequent matches were successful (see varicosity correspondence as shown in Figure 5f) implies that the previous matches were correct (since the probability of finding a correctly matched axon by chance after several chance matches is virtually zero). Using this strategy, we matched a total of 38 axons (27 in the red fluorescence channel, 11 in the green channel), using a total of 284 control points (7.5 ± 3.8 cps per axon (mean ± s.d), Figure 5g).
Figure 5—source data 1
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Figure 5—source data 2
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Figure 5—source data 3
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Figure 5—source data 4
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To quantify the improved registration precision obtained from the iteratively constrained LM-to-EM axon matches, we measured the residual registration error of both affine and free-form registration (constrained by a random subset of 250 control points) on 30 other control points. Compared to the affine registration, the residual registration error was reduced by one third from 725 ± 408 nm (mean ± s.d) to 487 ± 290 nm (mean ± s.d, Figure 5h; Figure 5—figure supplement 1), thus about six-fold smaller than in the blood vessel based coarse pre-alignment obtained before (cf. Figure 3o; see Figure 5i for dependence on control point number).
To test whether we could perform a close-to-complete matching of LM-to-EM reconstructions for a certain depth range of the fluorescence dataset we matched all clearly visible fluorescently labelled axons at a depth of 17–20 µm in the red (tdTomato) channel (n = 27 axons, total path length of 3 mm). We then computed a segmentation of the LM data and measured the fraction of the segmentation voxels overlapping with the EM-matched reconstructions (Figure 5j–n). We found that in fact about 90% (86 ± 3%, mean ± s.d, n = 7 LM image planes) of the fluorescent voxels were explained by the matched EM axons in this depth range (Figure 5o).
In summary, investing a total of 195 work hours (178.8 hr for the first axon; 16.6 hr for the remaining axons) we obtained the EM equivalents of 38 fluorescently labeled axons in two fluorescence channels (total axonal path length of 4.6 mm). The total reported time included LM-to-EM matching (181.1 hr), full axon reconstruction in EM (4.8 hr) and control point placement in LM and EM (9.5 hr). Since the matching of the first axon consumed most invested time, we checked whether by using the distribution of varicosities along EM and LM axons also for the initial match the time investment could be further reduced. In fact, when asking a second independent expert to perform the first LM-to-EM axonal match by also using varicosities as a search criterion, the invested total time was only 30.3 min for the initial match (7.5 min for EM-to-LM matching, 6.8 min full axon reconstruction in EM, 16.0 min control point placement in LM and EM). While this reduction in matching effort is well applicable to settings in which axonal varicosities can be detected, the more general but more laborious FluoEM approach of locally dense axonal reconstruction is expected to be applicable to other settings (for example transit axons that rarely form synapses). Together, we conclude that FluoEM is effective and efficient for LM-to-EM registration.
Comparison of axon and synapse detection in LM and EM
The axons matched between the LM and EM volumes provided a dataset to calibrate in hindsight, how well axonal trajectories and branches can be reconstructed and how faithfully synapses can be detected in fluorescence LM data (Figure 6).
Figure 6—source data 1
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Figure 6—source data 2
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Figure 6—source data 3
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We first asked a different expert annotator to reconstruct the previously matched axons in the LM dataset, this time without an explicit bias to stop reconstruction at uncertain locations (cf. Figure 2c), and without knowledge of the matched EM axon’s shape or trajectory. We then compared these axonal reconstructions performed in the LM dataset with the corresponding EM trajectories of the axons, which we considered the ground truth for the detection of branchpoints, the determination of the axonal morphology and the presence of presynaptic boutons (Figure 6a–f). We found that while a large fraction of axons were reconstructed faithfully at the LM level (27 of 38 axons, 71%), in 29% of cases the LM reconstruction contained an error (Figure 6f). The largest fraction of errors was related to incorrectly terminated reconstructions (‘stop’, 38%, Figure 6b,f), followed by an incorrect continuation of the LM-reconstructed axon at locations where multiple fluorescent axons overlapped (31% of errors, Figure 6c,f). Furthermore, missed (23%) and added (8%) branches occurred (Figure 6d,e,f).
Together, this data illustrates that at the chosen labeling density, fluorescence-based axon reconstruction in cortex is error-prone. Labeling density was 1.2 ± 0.2% (mean ± s.d., n = 115 planes) for the tdTomato channel and 1.4 ± 0.4% (mean ± s.d., n = 115 planes) for the eGFP channel; error rates evaluated separately for axons in each channel were 30% of axons (tdTomato) and 27% of axons (eGFP), respectively.
We then identified 255 axonal varicosities in the LM data and investigated their ultrastructure at the EM level based on the successfully matched axonal counterparts (Figure 6a,g–o). As the examples indicate (Figure 6g–m), many varicosities in the LM in fact correspond to presynaptic boutons (63%, n = 161 of 255, Figure 6h,k,l). A substantial fraction of LM-varicosities, however, are without evidence for a presynaptic specialization and instead contain only mitochondria (n = 54, Figure 6g,j), or are hollow thickenings (n = 39, Figure 6i) or myelinated (n = 1, Figure 6m). Notably, while the inference of synaptic boutons from LM varicosities was dependent on the size of the LM varicosity (Figure 6n) with larger varicosities more likely synaptic, there was no LM varicosity size range that allowed unequivocal inference of a synapse from the LM morphology (Figure 6n,o).
Reproduction experiment
Finally, in order to assure the reproducibility of FluoEM, we conducted a second correlated imaging experiment in layer 1 of mouse S1 cortex (LM dataset sized (1027 × 820 × 84) µm3, EM dataset sized (155 × 135 × 50) µm3, Figure 6p–q), in which we successfully matched 15 axons between LM and EM as a proof of principle. The total time investment (Figure 6r) for the second matching experiment was 10 hr, which included LM-to-EM axon matching (1.3 hr), full EM-based axon reconstruction (2.4 hr) and LM-EM control point placement (6.5 hr).
We report FluoEM, a set of experimental and computational tools for the virtual labeling of multiple axonal projection sources in connectomic 3D EM data of mammalian nervous tissue. At its core is the notion that dense EM circuit reconstruction allows to reformulate the alignment between data obtained at micrometer resolution (LM) to data obtained at nanometer resolution (EM) to the best-matching between a sparse subset of labeled axons (LM) and all possible axons (EM). We find that in mammalian neocortex, densely reconstructed axons have unique trajectories on a spatial scale that is compatible with currently achievable 3D EM dataset sizes, allowing the FluoEM concept to be successfully applied. With this, FluoEM allows the enriching of EM-based connectomes in mammalian neuropil with the large range of multi-color encoded information already successfully expressed in axons at the light-microscopic level.
One key prerequisite for FluoEM is the uniqueness of axonal trajectories in dense neuropil. We have so far determined the uniqueness length for several layers of the mouse cerebral cortex (Figure 2), where this length is consistently below 40 µm (90th percentile, see Figure 2), thus in a range that can be faithfully reconstructed at the LM level (Figure 2a–c). For a broad range of cortical and subcortical nervous tissue (basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, nuclei of the brain stem etc.) in which locally dense circuits coexist with incoming projection axons from distant sources, FluoEM can be applied on the spatial scales described here. Cases in which dense neuropil contains highly anisotropic axons (for example axon bundles in the white matter of mammalian brains) will likely imply a longer scale on which axonal trajectories become unique, and therefore require longer reconstruction lengths in the fluorescence data.
We have developed FluoEM using a particular 3D EM imaging technique, SBEM (Denk and Horstmann, 2004). Since FluoEM only relies on the underlying geometry of axonal trajectories, which we have shown to be unique on scales achievable with all current 3D EM techniques (Figure 2g–k), FluoEM is not restricted to the combination with SBEM. Rather, other 3D EM imaging approaches, especially FIB-SEM (Heymann et al., 2006; Knott et al., 2008; Hayworth et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2017) and ATUM-SEM (Schalek et al., 2011; Kasthuri et al., 2015) that provide faithful axonal reconstructions over at least about 40–50 µm extent in three dimensions will be useable for the presented approach.
While FluoEM in principle allows the identification of as many axonal projection sources in a single connectomic experiment as can be encoded at the light-microscopic level, it is practically limited by the number of fluorescence channels that can be acquired in sequence without exerting damage to the tissue. In our experiments, tissue exposed to 2 hr of continuous LM imaging with acquisition of three parallel fluorescence channels was still well usable for subsequent 3D EM circuit reconstruction. To acquire more fluorescence channels without increasing the local photon dose in the tissue, one can exploit the fact that in FluoEM, it is not necessary to image the axons of interest in their entirety at the LM level. Rather, it is sufficient to LM-image volumes of 40–50 µm in extent, as long as all axons of interest pass through that volume, and to reconstruct the complete axons in EM. Therefore, a setting in which the volume of interest is split into several subvolumes, in each of which a limited number of fluorescence channels is acquired, could multiplex the color range of FluoEM (Figure 7a–b) without increasing the exposure time in the LM step.
In LM imaging of mammalian nervous tissue, labeling density of axons poses a notorious limitation as long as axonal trajectories were to be reconstructed from the LM data (labeling more than about 1 in 1000 to 10,000 axons impedes reconstruction (Helmstaedter, 2013); and LM reconstruction errors may increase substantially with increased labeling density, see Figure 6b–f). With FluoEM, labeling density is only limited by the need to follow axons over the uniqueness length (Figures 2 and 3). Since this depends on the overall alignment precision (Figure 2k), a setting in which one fluorescence channel contains sparsely labeled axons to provide an accurate pre-alignment (see Figure 5g,h), and the other fluorescence channels are densely labeled is a possible solution, in which LM-reconstructable stretches of axons as short as 5 µm would be sufficient for co-registration (Figures 2k and 5h). For the experiment described here, we titrated the labeling density by adjusting the injection volume while keeping the virus titer constant (see Materials and methods). Depending on the distance and connectivity of the projection sources to the FluoEM target area this parameter might need to be adjusted. An extreme example of sparse labeling could be the parallel intracellular injection of two or more (neighboring) neurons in one part of cortex (Figure 7c) and the investigation of their convergent projections in other parts of the brain (Figure 7c); in this case, FluoEM could be used to study the synaptic output logic of multiple identified neurons at single-cell and single-synapse level.
Finally, the reconstruction work load in FluoEM requires a quantitative discussion. In settings where axonal varicosities can be used as additional constraints on the matching (Figure 5a–d), the LM-to-EM match consumed about 20–30 min per axon (including the full EM reconstruction of the axon and the placement of control points). With this, a full matching of a sparsely stained volume sized (1 × 1 × 0.1) mm3, for example a large area of layer one in the mouse neocortex, would thus likely consume about 5300 work hours in FluoEM (using webKnossos (Boergens et al., 2017), see Materials and methods for estimates). While this is a considerable time investment, it favorably compares to other resource investments in biomedical imaging. Furthermore, with the development of increasingly reliable automated approaches for the reconstruction of axons and synapses at the EM level (Berning et al., 2015; Dorkenwald et al., 2017; Staffler et al., 2017; Januszewski et al., 2018), a further speedup of FluoEM is conceivable in which partially automated matching contributes. In mammalian circuits where axons may not show local diameter variations that can be used for co-registration, the FluoEM approach using dense axonal reconstruction (Figure 2) is applicable.
Together, the presented methods overcome the major hurdle of limited color space for identifying multiple axonal input sources in parallel in large-scale and dense electron microscopic reconstruction of mammalian neuronal circuits.
Materials and methods
Animal experiments
Request a detailed protocolAll experimental procedures were performed according to the law of animal experimentation issued by the German Federal Government under the supervision of local ethics committees and according to the guidelines of the Max Planck Society. The experimental procedures were approved by Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, V54 - 19c20/15 F126/1015.
Virus injection
Request a detailed protocolYoung adult (p28) male wild-type mice (C57BL/6 j) were anesthetized with isoflurane (induction: 4%, maintenance: 2%) in medical oxygen and fixed in a stereotaxic frame (Model 1900, Kopf Instruments, USA). The core body temperature was maintained at 37°C using a feedback-controlled heating pad (DC Temperature Control System, FHC, USA). Systemic analgesia was provided by subcutaneous injection of 2 mg/kg Meloxicam (Metacam, Boeringer-Ingelheim, Germany) and 100 mg/kg Metamizol (Metamizol WDT, WDT, Germany) prior to surgery. Local anesthesia was provided by injecting 16.7 mg/kg Ropivacaine (Naropin, AstraZeneca, Switzerland) under the scalp. To anterogradely label projections originating from M1 and S2 cortex, adeno-associated viruses expressing eGFP (AAV1.CAG.FLEX.EGFP, 2.4 × 1013 GC/ml, Penn Vector Core, USA) and tdTomato (AAV1.CAG.FLEX.tdTomato, 1.5 × 1013 GC/ml, Penn Vector Core, USA) were injected using freshly pulled 1.5 mm borosilicate glass capillaries at the following coordinates: 1.0 mm anterior of bregma, 1.0 mm lateral of the midline, 0.7 mm below the cortical surface (M1) and 0.6 mm posterior of bregma, 4.1 mm lateral of the midline, 1.3 mm below the cortical surface (S2). Both AAV.FP solutions were mixed in a 2:1 ratio with AAV.Cre solution (AAV1.CamKII0.4.Cre, 4.8 × 1013 GC/ml, Penn Vector Core, USA) prior to injection. At each site approximately 50 nl were injected using a pressure injection system (PDES, NPI, Germany).
Transcardial perfusion
Request a detailed protocolThree weeks after virus injection, mice were subcutaneously injected with 0.1 mg/kg Buprenorphine (Buprenovet, Recipharm, France) and 100 mg/kg Metamizol. General aneasthesia was introduced with 4% isoflurane and maintained with 3% isoflurane in medical oxygen. Mice were transcardially perfused with 10–15 ml flushing solution containing a lipophilic far-red fluorescent dye for blood vessel labeling (150 mM Sodium Cacodylate, 5 µM 1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-Tetramethylindodicarbocyanine (DiD, Thermo Fisher, USA), pH 7.4) followed by 50–60 ml fixative solution (80 mM Sodium Cacodylate, 2.5% Paraformaldehyde, 1.25% Glutaraldehyde, 0.5% CaCl2, pH 7.4) using a syringe pump (PHD Ultra, Harvard Apparatus, USA) at a flow rate of 10 ml / min. After perfusion, mice were decapitated and the connective tissue around the skull was removed. The head was immersed in fixative solution for approximately 24 hr at 4°C.
Request a detailed protocolAfter extracting the brain from the skull and placing it in a dish filled with storage buffer (150 mM Sodium Cacodylate, pH 7.4) coronal vibratome (HM650V, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) sections of 100–150 µm thickness were made until the target position along the rostro-caudal axis was reached at 1.6 mm posterior of bregma. A coronal slab of 1 mm thickness was then cut off the remaining brain from which a cylindrical sample containing cortical layers 1–5 was extracted from 1.3 mm lateral of the midline using a medical 1.5 mm biopsy punch (Integra, Miltex, USA).
Confocal imaging
Request a detailed protocolPrior to confocal imaging, the fixed brain tissue sample was washed for 30 min in storage buffer containing a mild reducing agent (150 mM Sodium Cacodylate, 2 mM reduced Glutathion, pH 7.4) and then transferred into a storage buffer-filled imaging chamber (Cover Well, Grace Bio-Labs, USA). Using an inverted Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM 880, Zeiss, Germany) and a 40x water objective (C-Apochromat 40x/1.2 W Korr FCS M27, Zeiss, Germany), a three-channel (eGFP labeled axons, tdTomato labeled axons, DiD labeled blood vessels) image stack of dimensions (828 × 828 × 75) µm3 was acquired at a voxel size of (104 × 104 × 444) nm3 in a single scanning track using 488 nm and 561 nm laser lines.
EM staining
Request a detailed protocolImmediately after imaging the sample was removed from the imaging chamber and immersed in 2% OsO4 aqueous solution (Serva, Germany) in cacodylate buffer (150 mM, pH 7.4). After 90 min the solution was replaced by 2.5% ferrocyanide (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) in cacodylate buffer (150 mM, pH 7.4) and incubated for another 90 min. The solution was subsequently exchanged for 2% OsO4 in cacodylate buffer (150 mM, ph 7.4) and incubated for another 45 min. The sample was then washed first for 30 min in cacodylate buffer and then for another 30 min in ultrapure water. Next, the sample was incubated in 1% thiocarbohydrazide (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) at 40°C for 45 min and washed twice in ultrapure water for 30 min each before immersing it in 2% unbuffered OsO4 aqueous solution. After 90 min the sample was again washed twice for 30 min each in ultrapure water and subsequently immersed in 1% uranyl acetate (Serva, Germany) aqueous solution at 4°C overnight. On the next day, the sample (still immersed in uranyl acetate solution) was heated to 50°C in an oven (Universal Oven Um, Memmert, Germany) for 120 min. After two washing steps with ultrapure water lasting 30 min each, the sample was incubated in a 20 mM lead aspartate (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) solution (adjusted to pH 5 with 1N KOH) at 50°C for 120 min. The sample was then washed twice in ultrapure water again for 30 min each. Unless specified otherwise all steps were carried out at room temperature.
EM embedding
Request a detailed protocolAfter concluding the staining procedure the sample was dehydrated by immersing it for 30 min each at 4°C in a graded ethanol (Serva, Germany) series of 50% ethanol in ultrapure water, 75% ethanol in ultrapure water and 100% ethanol, respectively. The sample was then immersed three times in acetone (Serva, Germany) 30 min each at room temperature. After completing the dehydration steps, the sample was infiltrated with a 1:1 mixture of acetone and Spurr’s resin (Sigma Aldrich, USA) with a component ratio of 4.1 g ERL 4221, 0.95 g DER 736 and 5.9 g NSA and 1% DMAE at room temperature for 12 hr on a 45 degree rotator in open 2 ml reaction tubes (Eppendorf, Germany). Infiltrated samples were then incubated in pure resin for 6 hr, placed in embedding molds and cured in a preheated oven at 70°C for 48–72 hr.
EM stack acquisition
Request a detailed protocolThe embedded sample was trimmed with a diamond-head milling machine (EM Trim, Leica, Germany) to a cube of approximately (1.5 × 1 × 1) mm3 dimension and mounted on an aluminium stub with epoxy glue (Uhu Plus Schnellfest, Uhu, Germany) in tangential orientation, so that the pia mater was located at the top of the block face. The thin layer of resin covering pia was carefully removed with a diamond-knife ultramicrotome (UC7, Leica, Germany). The smoothed tissue block was then gold-coated (ACE600, Leica, Germany) and placed in a custom-built SBEM microtome (courtesy of W. Denk) mounted inside the chamber of a scanning electron microscope (FEI Verios, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). Microtome movements and image acquisition were controlled using custom-written software packages interfacing with motor controllers and the microscope software’s API. A low-resolution image stack of dimensions (1500 × 1000 × 10) µm3 was acquired at a pixel size of (270 × 270) nm2 and a cutting thickness of 200 nm. After correspondences with the confocal image stack were successfully identified, a high resolution image stack sized (130 × 110 × 85) µm3 was acquired at a pixel size of (11.24 × 11.24) nm2 and a cutting thickness of 30 nm (Figure 3).
Image post-processing
Request a detailed protocolThe LM image stack (Figure 2a–c, Figure 3) consisted of 16 × 153 (xy x z) image tiles (2048 × 2048 pixels each) acquired at eight bit color depth for each of the three color channels, resulting in 29 GB of uncompressed data. The 2448 image tiles were stitched into a global reference frame using the Zen software package (Zeiss, Germany). The LM image volume was then rotated so that the orientation of the superficial blood vessel pattern coarsely matched the orientation of the blood vessel pattern visible in the EM overview images. The images were then converted into the Knossos (Helmstaedter et al., 2011) format and transferred to a data-store hosted at the Max Planck Compute Center in Garching from which they can be accessed via our online data viewer webKnossos (Boergens et al., 2017, webknossos.org).
The EM image stack acquired was comprised of 20 × 2768 (xy x z) image tiles (3072 × 2048 pixels each) with eight bit color depth, resulting in 326 GB of uncompressed data. The 55360 resulting tiles were stitched into a global reference frame using custom written Matlab software based on the approach described in Briggman et al. (2011). However, instead of cross-correlation we used SURF feature detection to estimate relative shift vectors and their confidence. We then used a weighted least-squares approach to retrieve a robust globally optimal solution given these parameters. The EM data was then also converted into the Knossos format and transferred to a data-store hosted at the Max Planck Compute Center in Garching from which they can be accessed via our online data viewer webKnossos.
Measurement of LM axon reconstructable pathlength (drecon)
Request a detailed protocolFor estimating the distribution of the reconstructable pathlength in the LM data, a (40 x 40 x 48) µm3 bounding box was placed in a subvolume of the dataset with representative labeling density and all visible axons traversing this bounding box were skeleton-reconstructed independently by two expert annotators using webKnossos. Then the path-lengths of the resulting skeleton representations were measured by calculating the cumulative sum of the Euclidian distances between all connected nodes and a histogram over the distances was computed (Figure 2c).
Measurement of EM axon uniqueness pathlength (dunique)
Request a detailed protocolTo measure the uniqueness distance of cortical axons in different cortical depths, a rectangular bounding box of edge length was placed at the center of each dataset and all axons traversing this bounding box were reconstructed, resulting in a set of axon skeletons. To measure for a given axon a marching sphere with radius was placed iteratively around each node and all neighboring axons with at least one of their nodes residing within the sphere so that were identified, resulting in a binary neighbor vector indicating the presence (true) or absence (false) of each putative neighboring axon at each sphere (node) location. The results were then sorted according to the Euclidian distance between the respective sphere (node) location and the bounding box origin. Whenever a value of the distance sorted neighbor vector changed from true to false at consecutive distances and the respective distance was considered the dropout distance for a given neighbor axon . We define and as the Euclidean distances from the origin for which all or 90% neighboring axons have dropped out, respectively (Figure 2f,g–i).
Coarse LM-EM alignment
Request a detailed protocolBased on the characteristic pattern of large superficial blood vessels visible both in the LM data and the low-resolution EM data (Figure 3d,e) a coarse correspondence was visually established between the two datasets. An approximate bounding box was applied to the LM dataset defining the sub-volume corresponding to the acquired high resolution EM dataset. Subsequently, all blood vessels were traced using webKnossos. Based on characteristic blood vessel bifurcations, seven pairs of blood vessel skeleton nodes were defined as corresponding control point pairs with and used to constrain a three-dimensional affine transformation (Figure 3h,o).
Affine registration
Request a detailed protocolGiven a set of control point pairs and an initial scaling vector resulting from the ratio between the nominal LM and EM voxel sizes we computed an initial affine transformation using Horn’s quaternion-based method (Horn, 1987). We then iteratively optimized the scaling vector by minimizing the mean squareds residual registration error. We then applied the resulting transformation to the nodes of skeleton reconstructed LM blood vessels or axons to obtain affine transformed skeletons registered to their corresponding structures in EM reference space.
Free-from registration
Request a detailed protocolGiven a set of control point pairs and an initial scaling vector we first computed the optimal affine registration as described above. We then used a b-spline interpolator based approach (Lee et al., 1997; Rueckert et al., 1999) to compute an optimal free-form registration given a set of control points, an initial b-spline knot spacing and a number of bisecting mesh refinement steps. We found a combination of 32 µm initial spacing and four refinement steps to give us an optimal compromise between registration precision and robustness. We then applied the resulting deformation grid to the nodes of skeleton reconstructed LM axons to obtain free-form transformed skeletons registered to their corresponding structures in EM reference space.
Initial axon matching
Request a detailed protocolAs a candidate for the initial axon matching an axon in spatial vicinity of a blood vessel bifurcation was picked and reconstructed in the LM dataset using webKnossos. The previously constrained affine transformation was then used to transform into the EM reference space so that . Because was chosen close to one of the corresponding blood vessel bifurcations, it was possible to estimate the local affine transformation error by applying the same transformation to the blood vessel skeletons and measuring the offset at the closest bifurcation. Based on this offset, a local translative correction was defined and used to locally correct the offset of the first axon candidate: A bounding box was then defined around a node close to the blood vessel bifurcation and all axons traversing this bounding box were reconstructed. The true corresponding axon amongst all of these possible axon candidates was selected by the marching sphere method (see Materials and methods: measurement of EM axon uniqueness pathlength, Figure 2, Figure 4i) followed by a validation based on varicosity patterns (Figure 4j).
Iterative axon matching and free-form transformation
Request a detailed protocolAfter successfully matching a given axon we used its varicosities and branchpoints as additional constraints to update our registration, thereby increasing local registration precision substantially. By applying these updates and carefully choosing an axon in the spatial vicinity of a previously matched as the next matching candidate, we were able to reduce the search volume from (5 µm)3 to (2–3 µm)3 depending on the distance of the seed point on the candidate axon to the closest previously matched constraint and the general registration precision in that area. Furthermore, by using a varicosity as a seed point around which the search volume would be centered we were able to even further reduce the number potential EM candidates to only such axons displaying such a structural feature within the reduced search volume (Figure 5a–d). Only if we did not succeed in finding the match within the small bounding box, its volume was incrementally increased until the match was found. Using this method, we were able to identify the match for every axon we attempted.
Time investment for axon matching
Request a detailed protocolTo assess the work hour investment when using FluoEM we recorded the total time required to find a given LM-to-EM match using the internal time tracking in webKnossos. The work load for full EM-based axon reconstruction was estimated using the average tracing speed in orthogonal webKnossos tracing mode (Boergens et al., 2017) multiplied by the respective axon path length. For the control point placement, we estimated an average time investment of 2 min per control point. In our experience, this is a conservative estimate, since control point placement can be substantially accelerated when using transformed axon skeletons containing for example varicosity or branchpoint annotations from one modality as a guiding template for the other modality. Control point management and the handling of corresponding axon skeletons was carried out using the SkelReg Matlab class, which is an important part of the FluoEM software package provided here (see https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/connectomics/FluoEM; copy archived at https://github.com/elifesciences-publications/FluoEM).
Registration error measurements
Request a detailed protocolThe residual registration error of the blood vessel-based affine registration was measured by applying the affine transformation to the nodes of the LM blood vessel skeleton representations and measuring the Euclidean distances between the EM control points and the transformed LM control points located on the respective skeletons. In this case we used the same control point pairs to constrain the transformation and measure the residuals (Figure 3o).
The residual registration error of the axon-based affine registration was measured by applying the affine transformation to the nodes of the LM axon skeleton representations and measuring the Euclidean distances between the EM control points and the transformed LM control points located on the respective skeletons. We randomly picked control point pairs, none of which had been used before to constrain the transformation, to measure the residuals (Figure 5h).
The residual registration error of the axon-based free-form registration was measured by successively applying the affine transformation followed by the free-form transformation to the nodes of the LM axon skeleton representations and measuring the Euclidean distances between the EM control points and the transformed LM control points located on the respective skeletons. We randomly picked control point pairs, none of which had been used before to constrain the transformation, to measure the residuals (Figure 5h).
To measure the effect the number of control points exerts on the residual registration error we randomly picked control points from a population of control points and computed the registration. We then randomly picked an additional control points none of which were used in the step before for constraining the registration. We repeated this procedure 10 times for each number of control point pairs and reported the average and standard deviation of the respective sample residual mean (Figure 5i).
Varicosity diameter measurements
Request a detailed protocolWe define axon varicosities as roughly ellipsoid-shaped local diameter increases for EM and as roughly ellipsoid-shaped local signal width and/or intensity increases for LM. The equivalent sphere diameters reported for the varicosities were calculated based on measured volumes using . EM varicosity volumes were measured by first computing an over-segmentation using SegEM (Berning et al., 2015), manually collecting segments belonging to a given varicosity and summing the number of voxels multiplied by the respective voxel volume. LM varicosity volumes were obtained by manually annotating the three principal axes of the ellipsoid-shaped varicosities, extracting the intensity profiles along these axes and fitting Gaussian functions to them. Finally, was estimated as the ellipsoid volume resulting from the three full-width half-maximums of these Gaussians relative to the local baseline intensity (Figure 6g–n).
Bouton and non-bouton likelihood estimation for varicosities
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Comparison of axon detection in LM and EM
Request a detailed protocolTo test the reliability of axon reconstruction in LM we asked an expert annotator to again reconstruct all 38 axons that had been successfully matched before (by another expert), without knowledge of their shape or trajectories. To initialize these reconstructions, we randomly selected a central skeleton node and its two direct neighbors from each axon (only nodes of node degree two were considered). The expert annotator was then instructed to complete the LM axon reconstructions based on these initial locations using webKnossos; the expert was asked to reconstruct faithfully but also to attempt a full axonal reconstruction (thus relieving the bias towards split reconstructions applied in the calibrations of Figure 2c). The resulting reconstructions were then compared to the EM skeletons by visual inspection, and errors counted (Figure 6a–f).
FluoEM for larger volumes: extrapolation
Request a detailed protocolIn a (130 × 110 × 70) µm3 volume, we matched 38 axons constituting approximately 36% of the total fluorescence signal in both color channels. Assuming an average matching time effort of 5 min per axon, an average EM reconstruction time of 10 min per axon and an average control point placement time of 15 min per axon, a total time effort of 19 hr would be required to match the volume with 36% coverage. To achieve 100% coverage for the matched volume, 19 hr x (100% / 36%) ≈ 53 hr would be necessary. Thus, in order to match a volume of (1000 × 1000 × 100) µm3 (comprising e.g. a substantial patch of cortex L1) one can estimate the time effort to be approximately 53 hr x (1000 µm / 130 µm) x (1000 µm / 110 µm) x (100 µm / 70 µm) ≈ 5300 hr.
Statistical tests
Request a detailed protocolAll statistical tests were performed using MATLAB.
To test whether the observed differences in (Figure 2j,k) between L1, L2/3 and L4 are caused by the varying numbers of traversing axons encompassed in the (5 µm)³ bounding boxes (L1: n = 220 axons, L2/3: n = 207 axons, L4: n = 128 axons), we repeatedly (n = 30 draws) bootstrapped random subsamples of 128 axons from the L1 and L2/3 bounding box axon samples (without replacement) and measured . In both cases (L1: p = 0.54, L2/3: p = 0.14), the bootstrapped axon sets were indistinguishable from of the L4 bounding box axon sample (one sample t-tests, see Figure 2—figure supplement 1).
To validate the initial axon match, we compared the similarity of the measured varicosity distributions on the LM axon and EM candidate axon (Figure 4j). To determine the probability of finding a matching varicosity pattern by chance, we performed a randomization test in which we repeatedly (n = 100,000 draws) assigned the measured number of EM varicosities (n = 11) to random positions (nodes) on the EM skeleton. We then calculated the mean Euclidian distance between the measured varicosity positions on the affine transformed LM axon and the (either measured or randomly drawn) positions on the EM axon and found it is unlikely (p = 10−5) to find a match as good or better as the match based on the actually measured varicosity positions (Figure 4—figure supplement 1).
Data and software availability
Request a detailed protocolThe fluorescence dataset and the 3D EM high-resolution and low-resolution datasets from L1 (Figures 2–6) are publicly available at demo.webknossos.org:
Low resolution EM dataset: https://demo.webknossos.org/datasets/FluoEM_2016-05-23_FD0144-2_st001_v1/view
High resolution EM dataset: https://demo.webknossos.org/datasets/FluoEM_2016-05-26_FD0144-2_v2s2s/view
Full field of view LM dataset: https://demo.webknossos.org/datasets/FluoEM_2016-06-02-FD0144_2_Confocal/view
Alternatively, direct short-links to the 3D datasets are provided in the figure legends and can be used to directly jump to the position and field of view as displayed in the respective figure panel.
The raw data for the reproduction experiment (Figure 6p–r) is available upon reasonable request.
All software routines are publicly available under the MIT license at fluoEM.brain.mpg.de and https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/connectomics/FluoEM (copy archived at https://github.com/elifesciences-publications/FluoEM).
Data availability
All imaging data is available for online browsing and annotation at demo.webknossos.org as detailed in the data availability section of the Methods.
FluoEM low-res EM datasetOpenly accessible via webknossos.org (FluoEM_2016-05-23_FD0144-2_st001_v1).
FluoEM high-res EM datasetOpenly accessible via webknossos.org (FluoEM_2016-05-26_FD0144-2_v2s2s).
FluoEM LM datasetOpenly accessible via webknossos.org (FluoEM_2016-06-02-FD0144_2_Confocal).
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Article and author information
Author details
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Open-access funding)
- Florian Drawitsch
- Ali Karimi
- Kevin M Boergens
- Moritz Helmstaedter
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.
We thank Kevin Briggman and Gilles Laurent for discussions, Marcel Beining and Kun Song for comments on the manuscript, Alessandro Motta, Manuel Berning, Benedikt Staffler and Emmanuel Klinger for computational advice, Stephan Junek for support with light microscopic imaging, Johannes Letzkus for advice and support with viral injections, Heiko Wissler and Dalila Rustemovic for tracer management. We thank Matt Jacobson for providing the ‘Absolute Orientation – Horn’s method’ Matlab central package we used in our affine registration workflow. We thank Dirk-Jan Kroon for providing the ‘B-spline Grid, image and point registration’ Matlab central package we used for our free-form registration workflow. We thank Susanne Babl, Lisa Bezzenberger, Alexander Brandt, Raphael Jakoby, Raphael Kneißl and Marc Kronawitter for annotator training and task management. We thank Aymun Al-Shaboti, Mahmoud Aly, Carolin Arras, Nagihan Aydin, Susanne Babl, Danny Baltissen, Anne Bamberg, Feron Basoeki, Natalie Berghaus, Alfred Berghoff, Lisa Bezzenberger, Nicola Böffinger, Svenja Bohne, Alexander Brandt, Oliver Brandt, Julius Buss, Lars Buxmann, Deniz Celik, Hanaa Charif, Nadia Cipta, Linda Decker, Kristina Desch, Tim Engelmann, Theresa Ernst, Jordi Espino Martinez, Benjamin Fani Sani, Theresa Fueller, Daniel Goffitzer, Victoria Gosch, Jennifer Hartel, Hanna Hees, Björn Heftrich, Julian Heller, Robert Hülse, Oana Ilea, Raphael Jakob, Raphael Jakoby, Alexander Jost Lopez, Marcel Jüngling, Vanessa Kalbert, Mehmet Karabel, Lennart Kirchner, Raphael Kneißl, Plamen Kondev, Patricia König, Katharina Kramer, Franziska Krämer, Leonhard Kreppner, Marc Kronawitter, Jülide Kubat, Benjamin Kuhl, Derya Kurt, Eike Laube, Maria Leondaraki, Rebecca Lotz, Carina Lossnitzer, Luisa Lutz, Saskia Mehlmann, Isabell Metz, Nils Plath, Anna-Lena Possmayer, Leonard Präve, Maximilian Präve, Sylvia Reibeling, Sascha Reichel, Anna Rix, Claudio Sabatelli, Clemens Schumm, Lilli Schütz, Britta Stiehl, Kira Trares, Simon Umbach, Marco Werr, Jannik Winkelmeier, Timm Winkelmeier and Susanne Zimbelmann for neurite reconstruction.
Animal experimentation: All experimental procedures were performed according to the law of animal experimentation issued by the German Federal Government under the supervision of local ethics committees and according to the guidelines of the Max Planck Society. The experimental procedures were approved by Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt, V54 - 19c20/15 - F126/1015.
© 2018, Drawitsch et al.
This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.
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Further reading
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Techniques that enable precise manipulations of subsets of neurons in the fly central nervous system (CNS) have greatly facilitated our understanding of the neural basis of behavior. Split-GAL4 driver lines allow specific targeting of cell types in Drosophila melanogaster and other species. We describe here a collection of 3060 lines targeting a range of cell types in the adult Drosophila CNS and 1373 lines characterized in third-instar larvae. These tools enable functional, transcriptomic, and proteomic studies based on precise anatomical targeting. NeuronBridge and other search tools relate light microscopy images of these split-GAL4 lines to connectomes reconstructed from electron microscopy images. The collections are the result of screening over 77,000 split hemidriver combinations. Previously published and new lines are included, all validated for driver expression and curated for optimal cell-type specificity across diverse cell types. In addition to images and fly stocks for these well-characterized lines, we make available 300,000 new 3D images of other split-GAL4 lines.
- Neuroscience
Cell identification is an important yet difficult process in data analysis of biological images. Previously, we developed an automated cell identification method called CRF_ID and demonstrated its high performance in Caenorhabditis elegans whole-brain images (Chaudhary et al., 2021). However, because the method was optimized for whole-brain imaging, comparable performance could not be guaranteed for application in commonly used C. elegans multi-cell images that display a subpopulation of cells. Here, we present an advancement, CRF_ID 2.0, that expands the generalizability of the method to multi-cell imaging beyond whole-brain imaging. To illustrate the application of the advance, we show the characterization of CRF_ID 2.0 in multi-cell imaging and cell-specific gene expression analysis in C. elegans. This work demonstrates that high-accuracy automated cell annotation in multi-cell imaging can expedite cell identification and reduce its subjectivity in C. elegans and potentially other biological images of various origins.