(A) Left. Equivolumetric surfaces overlaid on an MT image of a single subject, also showing an example vertex along which MT intensity is sampled (example MT profile in grey, with lighter tones … see more
(A) Examples of hyper-stained myelin pictures (Nieuwenhuys and Broere, 2017; Vogt and Vogt, 1919; Vogt, 1911) with corresponding myelin profile and group-average MT profile from the same region. V1 =… see more
(A) Distribution of values across each cortical class. (B) Z-scores of relative over or under-representation of parcels showing an age-related effect within each class. Classes showing a significant … see more
(A) Shifts in MT profiles and moments from lowest to highest age strata shown for exemplar regions of laminar differentiation (Figure 1). (B) Upper. Age-related changes in MT moments (qFDR <0.00625).… see more
(A) Upper t-statistics projected on the cortical surfaces depict significant age-related changes in MT moments. Lower Scatter plots depict individual changes in average moment value across … see more
Only genes negatively relating to age-related changes in skewness are shown as only these genes survived FDR < 0.05. No other moments had any significantly associated genes. Cell-type-specific … see more
Results from this spatial overlap analysis show no clear or unique ontological profile for any of the genes and when p-values were corrected for FDR across the four moments and positive and negative … see more
(A) Subject-specific MPC matrices (stacked) were used in mixed effect models to calculate age-related changes in microstructural similarity between each node pair, generating a t-statistic matrix (mi… see more
(A) Age-related changes in MPC stratified by increases (red) and decreases (blue). (B) Edge-wise changes in MPC were stratified by level of laminar differentiation. Raincloud plots illustrate the … see more
(Left) Matrices showing the Pearson correlation between average MT profiles within ten discrete bins of principal developmental gradient (G1Dev) for young (<16 years) and old (>24 years). (Right) … see more
Absolute difference in MT moment values between each pair of regions was calculated for each participant and transformed into a node x node matrix. In the same manner as developmental gradient … see more
(A) Spatial distribution of MT moments corrected for cortical thickness (moment(n)~b0 + b1thickness(n) + ε). (B) t-statistics representing the age-related changes in MT moments, with cortical … see more
(A) Spatial distribution of MT moments corrected for interface blurring (moment(n)~b0 + blurring(n) + ε). (B) t-statistics representing the age-related changes in MT moments, with interface blurring … see more
(A) Spatial distribution of MT moments corrected for mean MT (moment(n)~b0 + b1meanMT(n) + ε). (B) t-statistics representing the age-related changes in MT moments, with mean MT included in the … see more
(Left) Laminar thickness, derived from a post mortem volumetric reconstruction of a Merker stained human brain (Wagstyl et al., 2018). (Right) Spearman correlation coefficients between spatial maps … see more
Supplementary materials.