A bacterial membrane sculpting protein with BAR domain-like activity

  1. Daniel A Phillips  Is a corresponding author
  2. Lori A Zacharoff  Is a corresponding author
  3. Cheri M Hampton
  4. Grace W Chong
  5. Anthony P Malanoski
  6. Lauren Ann Metskas
  7. Shuai Xu
  8. Lina J Bird
  9. Brian J Eddie
  10. Aleksandr E Miklos
  11. Grant J Jensen
  12. Lawrence F Drummy
  13. Mohamed Y El-Naggar
  14. Sarah M Glaven
  1. U.S. Army DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center, BioSciences Division, BioChemistry Branch, United States
  2. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, United States
  3. University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy, United States
  4. Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, United States
  5. University of Southern California, Department of Biological Sciences, United States
  6. Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory, United States
  7. California Institute of Technology, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, United States
  8. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young University, United States
  9. University of Southern California, Department of Chemistry, United States
5 figures, 6 videos, 1 table and 3 additional files


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Redox active vesicles are enriched with Bin/Amphiphysin/RVS (BAR) domain-like protein BdpA.

(A) Representative cryoelectron tomography image of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) (scale = 200 nm). (B) Cyclic voltammetry (scan rate of 10 mV/s) of vesicles adhered to gold electrode via small self-assembled monolayers, as diagrammed. Inset shows first derivative of anodic scan. (C) Volcano plot of vesicle proteome compared to cell-associated outer membrane (red = enriched in vesicles, blue = enriched in cell-associated outer membrane). Plot is representative of outer membrane vesicles and outer membrane fractions collected from three independent biological replicates each. (D) Schematic of putative BdpA domains. BdpA has a predicted signal peptide (SP) and cleavage site within the first 22–23 amino acid residues. (E) Ab initio predicted structure of the mature BdpA protein after signal peptide cleavage. Colors correspond to predicted domains in (D). (F) Top-down (top) and side profile (bottom) views of the predicted homodimeric structure of BdpA (left), and surface representation of the homodimeric protein without the galactose-binding domain-like region colored according to electrostatic potential (right), with positively charged residues in blue and negatively charged residues in red. The concave face (top right) has an accumulation of distributed positively charged residues, while the side profile shows predicted BAR domain-like intrinsic curvature.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Locations of proteins associated with vesicles and cell outer membrane predicted by PSORTb (CYT = cytoplasm, IM = inner membrane, OM = outer membrane, Peri = periplasm).

Note: There was disagreement between PSORTb and other protein prediction services.

Figure 2 with 3 supplements
BdpA is responsible for maintaining vesicle size but does not alter the combined frequency of cells producing membrane structures.

(A) Outer membrane vesicle (OMV) size distribution by dynamic light scattering (DLS) from the Shewanella oneidensis wild-type (WT) strain (top left, n = 11), deletion strain (ΔbdpA) (middle left, n = 9), and ΔbdpA strain expressing bdpA from a plasmid (bottom left, n = 3). Error bars represent the standard deviation from the average percentage of particles (% intensity) at a given diameter. The absence of an error bar indicates that a given diameter was only observed in a single replicate sample. The weighted average of the OMV diameter for each strain was also compared (right). Error bars represent the standard deviation and asterisks indicate a significant difference (p < 0.05, Student’s t-test) between samples indicated by the line above. (B) Average proportion of cells producing distinctly visible outer membrane extensions (OMEs) (whether or not they also produce OMVs), and the average proportion of cells producing only visible OMVs (i.e., no distinctly visible OMEs) during 5 hr perfusion flow imaging experiments. Black bars are the WT strain and white bars are the ΔbdpA strain. A total of 2607 WT and 2943 ΔbdpA cells were quantified from n = 3 independent biological replicate experiments per strain. (C) Average proportion of cells forming large vesicles (typically >300 nm diameter) during 5 hr perfusion flow imaging experiments. A total of 1273 WT and 1317 ΔbdpA cells (from n = 3 independent biological replicate experiments per strain) were included in this quantification. Asterisk indicates a significant difference between samples (p < 0.0001, Pearson’s χ2 test). For both (B) and (C). cell membranes were visualized by staining with FM 4–64 FX during time-lapse fluorescence imaging in a perfusion flow platform (6.25 ± 0.1 µL/s). Time-lapse images were acquired from at least five fields of view every 5 min over 5 hr for each strain. Error bars represent ± SEM.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Growth of Shewanella oneidensis strains in Luria Bertani (LB) (top) or Shewanella defined medium (SDM) (bottom) in response to DAPG exposure and BdpA induction.

Error bars are standard deviation of three biological replicates (independent cultures).

Figure 2—figure supplement 2
Anaerobic ferrihydrite reduction over time by Shewanella oneidensis strains.

Concentration of Fe(II) was determined by ferrozine assay. Error bars are standard deviation of three biological replicates (independent cultures).

Figure 2—figure supplement 3
Example image of an outer membrane extension (OME) and a large vesicle produced by Shewanella oneidensis ΔbdpA after 3 hr during perfusion flow conditions. Scale = 2 µm.
BdpA promotes outer membrane extension (OME) maturation into ordered tubules.

(A) Fluorescence images of Shewanella oneidensis wild-type (WT) (top), ΔbdpA (middle), and ΔbdpA+ bdpA with 12.5 µM DAPG (bottom) OMEs. Scale = 2 µm. All cells were counted manually and categorized as either with extension or without extension (a total of 2444 cells from WT, 4378 cells from ΔbdpA, and 3354 cells from ΔbdpA+ bdpA). (B) Proportion of cells making OMEs relative to the total number of cells counted from static cultures at 3 hr post-deposition onto chambered cover glass, recorded from five random fields of view from fluorescence microscopy for each of three independent cultures per strain. Statistical significance was determined by Student’s t-test (p > 0.05 for each). Error bars represent standard deviation. (C) Representative cartoon of OME phenotypes used for classification at 3 hr. (D) Frequency of OME phenotypes observed with cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) relative to the total number of OMEs observed from each strain. Phenotypes were documented from observations of 14 WT, 12 ΔbdpA, and 41 ΔbdpA+ bdpA OMEs at the 90 min time point, and 31 WT, 13 ΔbdpA, and 3 ΔbdpA+ bdpA OMEs at the 3 hr time point across three separate biological replicates, with two technical replicates of each strain per biological replicate. Membrane blebs/bulges were defined as non-structured membrane protrusions that did not resemble either of the other OME categories depicted in (E). (E) Representative cryo-TEM of S. oneidensis WT (top), ΔbdpA (middle), and ΔbdpA+ bdpA with 12.5 µM DAPG (bottom) OMEs at 90 min post-surface attachment. Scale = 100 nm. (F) Representative cryo-TEM images of WT (top), ΔbdpA (middle), and ΔbdpA+ bdpA with 12.5 µM DAPG (bottom) OMEs at 3 hr post-surface attachment. Scale = 100 nm.

Figure 4 with 1 supplement
Heterologous expression of BdpA promotes outer membrane extension (OME) formation.

(A) Induction (1 hr) of BdpA expression with 12.5 µM DAPG during planktonic, non-attached growth results in OME formation in Shewanella oneidensis (left, wild type [WT] + bdpA), Marinobacter atlanticus CP1 (middle, CP1+ bdpA), and Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) (right, BL21+ bdpA). Scale = 2 µm. At least three individual biological replicates were included per strain and images are representative of 5–15 fields of view per replicate. (B) Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) image of OMEs following a 2 hr planktonic induction of BdpA expression in S. oneidensis WT + bdpA cells. Scale = 200 nm. Insets enlarged to show detail of regularly ordered electron densities at the surface of OME junctions (blue) and tubule regions (yellow). Scale = 50 nm. (C) Quantification of the proportion of cells associated with an OME from 1 hr planktonic induction cultures observed across 5–10 fields of view and three individual biological replicates from S. oneidensis WT (700 cells) and WT + bdpA (472 cells) (p = 0.025), M. atlanticus CP1 (4041 cells) and CP1+ bdpA (150 cells) (p = 0.041), and E. coli BL21 WT (2190 cells) and BL21+ bdpA (2623 cells) (p = 0.0007). Asterisks denote statistical significance between OME proportions of the WT and+ bdpA samples of the same species. No significance was observed between WT + bdpA and CP1+ bdpA (p = 0.089), but BL21+ bdpA produced more OMEs than either WT + bdpA (p = 0.0017) or CP1+ bdpA (p = 0.0001). (D) Proportion of the cells associated with a tubule-like OME relative to the total number of OME-associated cells observed for each+ bdpA strain. S. oneidensis WT + bdpA produced significantly more tubule-like OMEs than E. coli BL21+ bdpA cultures (p = 1.1 × 10–5) but not M. atlanticus CP1+ bdpA (p > 0.05). Similarly, more tubule-like OMEs were observed from M. atlanticus CP1+ bdpA cultures than in E. coli BL21+ bdpA (p = 0.035). (E) Proportion of the total number of OME-associated cells in each strain observed in contact with a web-like OME. E. coli BL21+ bdpA produced predominately web-like OMEs, and significantly more than S. oneidensis WT + bdpA (p = 1.1 × 10–5) or M. atlanticus CP1+ bdpA (p = 0.035). All statistical significance was determined by Welch’s t-test. Error bars represent standard deviation.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Variability in outer membrane extension (OME) phenotypes following BdpA induction in Marinobacter atlanticus CP1+ bdpA cells. Cells displayed an array of membrane curvature phenotypes, ranging from tubule-like OMEs (A–F), membrane vesicles or blebbing (C,F), and branched, web-like OME/outer membrane vesicle (OMV) chains (F). Frequencies of each phenotype are shown in Figure 4. Scale = 2 µm.
Figure 5 with 1 supplement
Comparative phylogenetic analysis of BdpA with bacterial homologs, membrane curvature-associated bacterial proteins, and eukaryotic Bin/Amphiphysin/RVS (BAR) domains.

Maximum likelihood evolutionary histories were inferred from 1000 bootstrap replicates, and the percentage of trees in which the taxa clustered together is shown next to the branches. Arrows indicate multiple branches collapsed to a single node. Shewanella oneidensis BdpA and three unique bacterial orthologs (WP_011623497 – unclassified Shewanella, ESE40074 – S. decolorationis S12, KEK29176 – Streptomyces xiamenensis) predicted by the current BAR domain Pfam hidden Markov model (HMM) to contain a BAR domain aligned with representative BAR domains from various BAR domain subtypes (N-BAR, F-BAR, SNX-BAR, I-BAR) at a total of 435 positions. Bacterial proteins are emphasized with bold font. The gamma distribution used to model evolutionary rate differences among sites was 7.24.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1
BdpA has homologs in other bacterial species.

A phylogenetic tree of the 23 Bin/Amphiphysin/RVS (BAR) domain sequences that seed the BAR domain hidden Markov model (HMM) predictions, Shewanella oneidensis BdpA, and conserved BdpA orthologs in other bacteria. The protein regions corresponding to the BdpA BAR domain sequence from the 52 bacterial BdpA orthologs were aligned with the 23 representative eukaryotic BAR domain-containing proteins used to generate the BAR domain consensus sequence (cd07307) at a total of 286 positions. Maximum likelihood evolutionary histories were inferred from 1000 bootstrap replicates, and the percentage of trees in which the taxa clustered together is shown next to the branches. The gamma distribution used to model evolutionary rate differences among sites was 11.9548.


Video 1
Epifluorescence time course imaging of a single frame of Shewanella oneidensis wild-type (WT) cells during perfusion flow over a 5 hr duration, collecting images at 5 min intervals.

Scale = 5 µm.

Video 2
Epifluorescence time course imaging of ΔbdpA cells during perfusion flow over a 5 hr duration, collecting images at 5 min intervals.

Scale = 5 µm.

Video 3
Epifluorescence imaging of Shewanella oneidensis wild-type (WT) cells 3 hr post-deposition onto the surface of a chambered cover glass.

Images were collected of a single field of view for a 20 s duration. Scale = 5 µm.

Video 4
Epifluorescence imaging of Shewanella oneidensis ΔbdpA cells 3 hr post-deposition onto the surface of a chambered cover glass.

Images were collected of a single field of view for a 20 s duration. Scale = 5 µm.

Video 5
Epifluorescence imaging of Shewanella oneidensis ΔbdpA+ bdpA cells 3 hr post-deposition onto the surface of a chambered cover glass.

Images were collected of a single field of view for a 20 s duration. Scale = 5 µm.

Video 6
Confocal imaging of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 p452-bdpA cells after 1 hr planktonic induction of BdpA with 12.5 µM DAPG.

Cells with apparent outer membrane extensions (OMEs) can be seen moving through the field of view. Scale = 5 µm.


Key resources table
Reagent type (species) or resourceDesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
Gene (Shewanella oneidensis)bdpAGenBankAE014299.2locus tag SO_1507
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)WTMyers and Nealson, 1988Wild type
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)WT+ pBBR1-mcs2This paperWild type with the pBBR1-mcs2 empty vector
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)WT + bdpAThis paperWild type with an extra copy of bdpA in trans under
inducible control by DAPG on the p452-bdpA plasmid
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)ΔbdpAThis paperbdpA scarless deletion
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)ΔbdpA + pBBR1-mcs2This paperbdpA knockout strain with the pBBR1-mcs2 empty vector
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)ΔbdpA+ bdpAThis paperbdpA scarless deletion with bdpA under inducible control
by DAPG in the p452-bdpA plasmid
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)JG1194 (∆Mtr)Coursolle and Gralnick, 2010S. oneidensis with the extracellular electron transfer
pathway proteins deleted (ΔmtrC/ΔomcA/ΔmtrF/ΔmtrA/
Strain, strain background (S. oneidensis MR-1)JG1194 (∆Mtr)+ pBBR1-mcs2This paperWhite strain harboring the pBBR1-mcs2 empty vector
Strain, strain background (Marinobacter atlanticus CP1)CP1Bird et al., 2018Wild type
Strain, strain background (M. atlanticus CP1)CP1+ bdpAThis paperHeterologous expression strain of bdpA under inducible
control by DAPG from the p452-bdpA plasmid in M. atlanticus CP1
Strain, strain background (Escherichia coli)BL21(DE3)PMID:3537305OneShot E. coli BL21(DE3)
Strain, strain background (E. coli)BL21+ bdpAThis paperE. coli BL21(DE3) with bdpA under inducible control by
DAPG in the p452-bdpA plasmid
Strain, strain background (E. coli)UQ950Saltikov and Newman, 2003Cloning strain
Strain, strain background (E. coli)BW29427 (WM3064)Saltikov and Newman, 2003Conjugation strain
Recombinant DNA reagentpBBR1-mcs2 (plasmid)Kovach et al., 1995Empty vector
Recombinant DNA reagentpBBJM (plasmid)This paperCloning backbone
Recombinant DNA reagentpSMV3 (plasmid)Simon et al., 1983Suicide vector
Recombinant DNA reagentpBBJM-452 (plasmid)Yates et al., 2021; Meyer et al., 2019Marionette sensor with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)
under inducible control of DAPG in the pBBR1-mcs2 backbone
Recombinant DNA reagentpSMV3_1507KO (plasmid)This paperContains up- and downstream regions
of open reading frame SO_1507 (bdpA)
Recombinant DNA reagentp452-bdpA (plasmid)This paperDAPG inducible bdpA in the
pBBJM-452 plasmid instead of YFP
Sequence-based reagentpAJMF2This paperPCR primersTTAACGCGAATTTTAACAAAATATTAACGC
Sequence-based reagentpAJMR3This paperPCR primersAGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGAAACAGC
Sequence-based reagentpBBRF3This paperPCR primersgggctcatgagcaaatattttatctgaggt
Sequence-based reagentpBBRR2This paperPCR primersacccgcgctcagccaacgatcgttaagcggg
Sequence-based reagent1507 F_insertThis paperPCR primersttaatactagagaaagaggggaaatactag
Sequence-based reagent1507 R_insertThis paperPCR primersgaggcctcttttctggaatttggtaccgagC
Sequence-based reagentBBJMV_reverseThis paperPCR primersCAGCATTGAGATGACTGCAGCGGTGCGCAT
Sequence-based reagentBBJMV_forwardThis paperPCR primersAAGGAAGCCTTTACTAAAGCCTTTATGTAG
Sequence-based reagentpSMV3_RThis paperPCR primersGCTAATCCAAAGGGAAACACCACA
Sequence-based reagentpSMV3_FThis paperPCR primersCaagacattattgaaattaagcaaagcacacactagttctagagcggccg
Sequence-based reagentbdpAUpstream1kb_FThis paperPCR primerstgatatcgaattcctgcagcccgggggatcgtttattgtggtgtttccctttgga
Sequence-based reagentbdpAUpstream1kb_RThis paperPCR primersAAGCCCAGTAAACCTTTCTATAACAAGTCGAAAAGCCT
Sequence-based reagentbdpAdwnstream1kb_FThis paperPCR primerscgtatgttatttatgttttatgaggcttttcgacttgttatagaaaggtttactggg
Sequence-based reagentbdpAdwnstream1kb_RThis paperPCR primersACCGCGGTGGCGGCCGCTCTAGAACTAGTGTGTGC
OtherFM 4–64InvitrogenT13320(0.25 µg/mL)

Additional files

Supplementary file 1

Protein enrichment within the outer membrane vesicle (OMV) proteome relative to the proteome of the Shewanella oneidensis outer membrane (OM).

Supplementary file 2

Alignment of BdpA homologs with bacterial membrane curvature associated proteins and eukaryotic Bin/Amphiphysin/RVS (BAR) domains.

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  1. Daniel A Phillips
  2. Lori A Zacharoff
  3. Cheri M Hampton
  4. Grace W Chong
  5. Anthony P Malanoski
  6. Lauren Ann Metskas
  7. Shuai Xu
  8. Lina J Bird
  9. Brian J Eddie
  10. Aleksandr E Miklos
  11. Grant J Jensen
  12. Lawrence F Drummy
  13. Mohamed Y El-Naggar
  14. Sarah M Glaven
A bacterial membrane sculpting protein with BAR domain-like activity
eLife 10:e60049.