(A) In this study, we infer neuronal timescales from intracranial field potential recordings, which reflect integrated synaptic and transmembrane current fluctuations over large neural populations (B… see more
(A) Example time series from five electrodes along the human cortical hierarchy (M1: primary motor cortex; SMC: supplementary motor cortex; OFC: orbitofrontal cortex; ACC: anterior cingulate cortex; … see more
(A) Per-parcel Gaussian-weighted mask values showing how close the nearest electrode was to a given HCP-MMP1.0 parcel for each participant. Brighter means closer, 0.5 corresponds to the nearest … see more
(A) Distributions of Spearman correlation values between empirical T1w/T2w map and 1000 spatial-autocorrelation preserving null timescale maps generated using Moran Spectral Randomization (MSR), … see more
Cortical thickness from the HCP dataset is positively correlated with neuronal timescale (left) and negatively correlated with T1w/T2w, i.e., thicker brain regions have longer (slower) timescales … see more
(A) Locations of 180-electrode ECoG grid from two animals in the Neurotycho dataset; colors correspond to locations used for comparison with single-unit timescales. (B) Electrode indices of the … see more
(A) Timescale gradient follows the dominant axis of gene expression variation across the cortex (z-scored PC1 of 2429 brain-specific genes, arbitrary direction). (B) Timescale gradient is … see more
(A) Proportion of variance explained by the top 10 principal components (PCs) of brain-specific genes (top) and all AHBA genes (bottom). (B) Absolute Spearman correlation between timescale map and … see more
Correlation between timescale and expression of genes from Figure 3C, with gene symbols labeled and grouped into functional families for ease of interpretation.
(A) Fourteen participants with overlapping intracranial coverage performed a visuospatial working memory task, with 900 ms of baseline (pre-stimulus) and delay period data analyzed (PC: parietal, … see more
(A) Difference between delay and baseline periods for 1/f-exponent, timescale (same as main Figure 4C but absolute units on y-axis, instead of percentage), theta power, and high-frequency power. (B) … see more
(A) Cortex-averaged timescale is independent of parcel coverage across participants. (B) Sensitivity analysis for the number of valid parcels a participant must have in order to be included in … see more
Significant items from brain-specific GOEA (data for Figure 3F).
Significant items from all-gene GOEA.
Significant items from all-gene GOEA with T1w/T2w as control.