(A–C) Whole mount confocal imaging of embryonic lungs isolated from SOX9-GFP reporter mice at E12.5 (A), E13.5 (B), and E14.5 (C) show SOX9 expression at the distal branch tips and in the tracheal …
(A) Sample batches are indicated (red – E11.5 lung epithelium; blue – E16.5 lung epithelium). (B) Monocle pseudotime heatmap is shown. (C–D) Gene enrichment modules 4 and 12 are highly enriched for …
(A) Schematic strategy for isolation of SOX9+EPC. Cells sorted at E11.5 and E16.5 were used for RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis (n=2 biological replicates pooled from 8 to 12 embryos at each timepoint …
(A) A Volcano plot for genes differentially expressed between E11.5 and E16.5 in SOX9+EPCs is shown. (B–C) Gene ontology analysis demonstrates that differentially expressed genes at E11.5 are …
SOX9+lung epithelial progenitor cells were isolated by cell sorting CD326+/CD31-/CD45-/7-AAD-/GFP + cells isolated from Sox9-GFP reporter embryos at E11.5 and E16.5. Key single stain controls are …
(A) A representative locus for a well-expressed gene (Nkx2.1) shows the high degree of consistency between biological replicates, and strong correlation between open regions of chromatin with …
(A–B) The relationship between gene expression and the presence of a nearby region of accessible chromatin is displayed. Data is shown as the odds that a gene is expressed, compared to the set of …
(A) The computational model Paired Expression and Chromatin Accessibility (PECA) was used to develop a SOX9+ epithelial progenitor cell gene regulatory network. Potential active cis-regulatory …
(A–C) Gene ontology analysis for genes nearest E11.5 and E16.5 differentially accessible regions (DARs) and common regions are shown. Pathways regulating lung epithelial development, such as Wnt, …
(A–F) Strong staining for AKT phosphorylated at Ser473 (pAKT) was observed in the early lung epithelium at E12.5, with minimal staining seen in the mesenchyme. Staining intensity was highest in the …
(A–B) Whole-mount images show cystic areas throughout the lungs of Pik3ca cKO embryos at E18.5. The lungs are smaller in size compared to littermate controls. (C–F) Widefield imaging of H&E stains …
(A–C) In littermate control embryos, immunofluorescence microscopy clearly detected phospho-AKT (pAKT) in the lung epithelium at E12.5. (D–F) In Pik3ca cKO embryos, no detectable pAKT signal was …
(A–AF) The relative numbers of NKX2−1+epithelial cells, SOX9+ epithelial progenitor cells, and fraction of proliferating (Ki67+) cells within each population were assessed and quantified using …
(A–X) SOX2 expression is observed in the airway epithelium from E12.5 to E18.5. (NN) Although the total number of SOX2 + cells present at E18.5 appears to be decreased in images A-X, the relative …
(A) During normal lung epithelial development, a proximal-to-distal gradient of PI3K signaling patterns the lung epithelium, with highest levels in the developing conducting airways and distal tips …
Genes identified to be differentially expressed between E11.5 and E16.5 in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry are listed.
Significantly accessible regions identified using MACS2 in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry at E11.5 are listed.
Significantly accessible regions identified using MACS2 in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry at E16.5 are listed.
Regions of differentially accessible chromatin in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry, with increased accessibility at E11.5 compared to E16.5, are listed.
Regions of differentially accessible chromatin in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry, with increased accessibility at E16.5 compared to E11.5, are listed.
Regions of accessible chromatin in SOX9+lung epithelial cells sorted using flow cytometry, that did not undergo statistically significant changes in accessibility between E11.5 and E16.5 (common regions), are listed.
Information for ENCODE datasets used in this study are listed.
Oligonuclotide DNA sequences used as primers for RT-PCR (qPCR) in this study are listed.