Identification of a weight loss-associated causal eQTL in MTIF3 and the effects of MTIF3 deficiency on human adipocyte function

  1. Mi Huang
  2. Daniel Coral
  3. Hamidreza Ardalani
  4. Peter Spegel
  5. Alham Saadat
  6. Melina Claussnitzer
  7. Hindrik Mulder
  8. Paul W Franks  Is a corresponding author
  9. Sebastian Kalamajski  Is a corresponding author
  1. Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences, Clinical Research Centre, Lund University, Sweden
  2. Department of Chemistry, Centre for Analysis and Synthesis, Lund University, Sweden
  3. Metabolism Program, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, United States
  4. Unit of Molecular Metabolism, Department of Clinical Sciences, Clinical Research Centre, Lund University, Sweden
  5. Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, United States
7 figures, 1 table and 2 additional files


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Identification of rs67785913 as a causal cis-eQTL for MTIF3.

(A) Violin plot of MTIF3 expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue for rs1885988 from Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project eQTL. (B) Same as in (A), but for rs67785913. (C) Representative Sanger sequencing traces of rs67785913 CTCT/CTCT and CT/CT clones obtained after CRISPR/Cas9-mediated allele editing and single-cell cloning. (D) Normalized Z-score plot of luciferase reporter assays using vectors carrying different DNA fragments of the MTIF3 gene cloned into pGL4.23 luciferase reporter vector. Hypothesis testing was performed by comparing the transcriptional enhancer activity of each of the 12 vectors (F1–12) to the empty vector (minP). All data were plotted as mean ± standard deviation (SD), n = 4 independent experiments, p values are presented in each graph; ordinary one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical analysis. (E) Relative MTIF3 expression (mRNA) in rs67785913 allele-edited cells 2 days before, at, or 2 days post-differentiation induction (day −2, 0, and 2, respectively). n = 3 clonal populations for CTCT/CTCT genotype, n = 5 clonal populations for CT/CT genotype, error bars show SD. (F) as in (E), but for GTF3A (mRNA) expression. Two-tailed Student’s t-test was used; p values are presented in each graph.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
To test if rs67785913 affects adipogenic differentiation in hWAs cells, we differentiated the rs67785913 allele-edited cells (CTCT/CTCT vs. CT/CT) for 12 days.

We then used qPCR to quantify adipogenesis marker gene expression and mitochondrial content (mtDNA). Neither PPARG, ADIPOQ, CEBPA, SREBF1, and FABP4 gene expression (panels A–E) or mitochondrial content (panel F) were significantly different between the two rs67785913 genotypes. n = 3 clonal cell lines with CTCT/CTCT genotype, n = 5 clonal cell lines for CT/CT genotype. Error bars show standard deviation. Statistical analyses were performed using paired Student’s t-test, and p values are presented in the graphs.

The workflow of establishing hWAs-iCas9 cell line and its application in studying MTIF3 and environment interactions in vitro.
Figure 3 with 1 supplement
MTIF3 perturbation in mature adipocytes does not affect adipocyte-specific protein expression or total triglyceride content.

(A) An illustration of Cas9-specific single guide RNA (sgRNA)-binding site in the exon expressed in all three MTIF3 protein-encoding transcripts. (B) Representative Sanger sequencing of control and knockout hWAs mature adipocytes. (C) Immunoblots of adipocyte markers in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes, n = 5 independent experiments. (D) Quantitative analysis of MTIF3 band densities in (C). (E) Quantitative analysis of ACC, FABP4, and FAS band densities in (C). (F) Representative Oil-red O staining images of control and MTIF3 knockout in hWAs mature adipocytes. Scale bar is 200 µm. (G) Total triglyceride content in scrambled control (SC) and MTIF3 knockout (KO) cells. n = 3 independent experiments. Error bars show standard deviation in all plots. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Student’s t-test, p values are presented in each graph. Uncropped blot images for (C) and raw.scn data files can be found in Figure 3—source data 1.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1
To test the effects of MTIF3 knockout on adipogenic differentiation in hWAs-iCas9 cell line, we first induced MTIF3 knockout in hWAs-iCas9 pre-adipocytes, then differentiated them using standard adipogenic differentiation cocktail.

After 12 days of differentiation, we assessed MTIF3 knockout efficiency using western blots, and examined adipogenic marker gene expression by RT-qPCR. MTIF3 expression was efficiently decreased in the knockout cells in n = 6 independent experiments (panels A, B). There were no significant differences between scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout cells on adipogenesis markers PPARG, ADIPOQ, CEBPA, SREBF1, and FABP4 expression (panel C); n = 5 independent experiments. Error bars show standard deviation. Statistical analyses were performed using paired Student’s t-test, and p values are presented in the graphs. Uncropped blot images for panel A and raw.scn data files can be found in Figure 3—figure supplement 1—source data 1.

MTIF3 perturbation in mature adipocytes disrupts mitochondrial gene expression and OXPHOS complex assembly.

(A) Immunoblots of mitochondrial genome-encoded proteins in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes. (B) Quantitative analysis of band densities in (A). (C) qPCR for mitochondrial gene expression in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes, n = 5 independent experiments. (D) Relative mitochondrial DNA content in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes, n = 5 independent experiments. (E) Immunoblots of mitochondrial OXPHOS complex assembly after Blue Native-PAGE electrophoresis, n = 4 independent experiments. (F) Quantitative analysis of band densities in (E). Error bars show standard deviation in all plots. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Student’s t-test, p values are presented in each graph. Uncropped blot images for (A) and raw.scn data files can be found in Figure 4—source data 1. Uncropped blot images for (E) and raw.scn data files can be found in Figure 4—source data 2.

Cellular mitochondrial respiration in hWAs adipocytes.

(A) The average oxygen consumption rate (OCR) traces during basal respiration, and after addition of oligomycin, FCCP, and rotenone/antimycin A. (B) Basal respiration OCR, n = 4 different cell passages. (C) ATP production OCR, n = 4 different cell passages. (D) Maximal respiration OCR, n = 4 different cell passages. (E) Proton leak OCR, n = 4 different cell passages. (F) Non-mitochondrial respiration OCR, n = 4 different cell passages. (G) Coupling efficiency, n = 4 different cell passages. Error bars show standard deviation. Statistical analyses were performed using paired Student’s t-test in each condition, p values are presented in each graph.

Figure 6 with 1 supplement
MTIF3 perturbation affects adipocyte fatty acid oxidation.

(A) A representative Seahorse oxygen consumption rate (OCR) trace for endogenous fatty acid oxidation assay. MTIF3 knockout and scrambled control adipocytes were treated with or without etomoxir for 15 min before the assay. Following the basal OCR measurement, oligomycin, FCCP (carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone), and rotenone + antimycin A were added sequentially to measure the detection of ATP production OCR, maximal respiration OCR and non-mitochondrial respiration OCR. (B) Basal endogenous fatty acid oxidation OCR in scrambled control (SC) and MTIF3 knockout (KO) adipocytes, n = 4 independent experiments. (C) Upper panel: workflow of glucose restriction in differentiated adipocytes; Lower left panel: total triglyceride content in scrambled control (SC) and MTIF3 knockout (KO) adipocytes in 25 mM glucose conditions; Lower right panel: triglyceride content in adipocytes cultured in glucose-restricted conditions (5, 3, and 1 mM) relative to adipocytes cultured in 25 mM glucose, n = 4 independent experiments. (D) Z-score-normalized data for glycerol release in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes under basal, insulin-stimulated, and isoproterenol-stimulated conditions, n = 4 independent experiments. (E) qPCR for mitochondrial and adipocyte-related gene expression in scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout adipocytes. Error bars show standard deviation in all plots. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Student’s t-test, p values are presented in each graph.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
MTIF3 knockout does not affect mature adipocyte glycerol release at either 25 or 1 mM glucose condition.

To assay this, we incubated the differentiated adipocytes in glycerol release assay medium supplemented with either 25 or 1 mM glucose. We then determined glycerol content in each sample after 2-hr incubation. We found no differences in glycerol release between scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout cells cultured in the same glucose concentration. Notably, both scrambled control and MTIF3 knockout cells had significantly decreased glycerol release in 1 mM glucose restriction condition. n = 3 independent experiments, with 3 replicates per group and experiment. Error bars show standard deviation. Statistical analyses were performed using paired Student’s t-test, and p values are presented in the graph.

Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics data for control (SC) and MTIF3 knockout (KO) cells in 25 mM glucose (NF, normal feeding) and 5 mM glucose (GR, glucose-restricted) conditions.

(A) Principal component analysis (PCA) score plot displaying the discrimination between MTIF3 knockout and control cells in normal and glucose-restricted conditions (PC1: 28%, PC2: 19%). (B) Orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) score plot showing classification of MTIF3 knockout and control cells in 25 mM glucose condition. (C) OPLS-DA score plots showing classification of MTIF3 knockout and control cells in glucose-restricted condition. (D) Shared and unique structures (SUS) plot, based on OPLS-DA models in (B, C), showing glucose concentration-dependent differences between MTIF3 knockout and control cells. (E) Box plots showing the abundance of some of the significantly altered metabolites in normal and MTIF3 knockout cells in normal and glucose-restricted conditions. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, p values are presented in each graph.


Appendix 1—key resources table
Reagent type (species) or resourceDesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
(Homo sapiens)
MTIF3UCSC Genome BrowserGRCh38/hg38
Cell line
(Homo sapiens)
hWAsTseng laboratory at Joslin Diabetes CenterXue et al., 2015
Cell line
(Homo sapiens)
hWAs-iCas9This paperCell line maintained at Lund University
Diabetes Center
AntibodyAnti-MTIF3 (rabbit polyclonal antibody)ProteintechCat: 14219-1-APWB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-OXPHOS antibody cocktail (mouse polyclonal antibody)Thermo Fisher ScientificCat: 45-8199WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-FABP4 (rabbit polyclonal antibody)Cell Signalling TechnologyCat: 12589WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-ACC rabbit polyclonal antibodyCell Signalling TechnologyCat: 12589WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-FAS rabbit polyclonal antibodyCell Signalling TechnologyCat: 12589WB (1:1000)
(rabbit polyclonal antibody)
ProteintechCat: 26723-1-APWB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-ND2 (rabbit polyclonal antibody)ProteintechCat: 19704-1-APWB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-CYTB (rabbit polyclonal antibody)ProteintechCat: 55090-1-APWB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-β-Actin (rabbit polyclonal antibody)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat: #4967WB (1:10,000)
AntibodyAnti-GAPDH (rabbit polyclonal antibody)AbcamCat: ab37168WB (1:10,000)
AntibodyAnti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody (goat polyclonal antibody)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat: #7074WB (1:10,000)
AntibodyAnti-mouse IgG, HRP-linked Antibody (horse polyclonal antibody)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat: #7076WB (1:10,000)
Recombinant DNA reagentSuper PiggyBac transposase (plasmid)System BiosciencesPB210PA-1
Recombinant DNA reagentpGL4.23 vectorsPromegaE8411
Recombinant DNA reagentpGL4.75 CMV-Renilla reporter vectorsPromegaE6931
Recombinant DNA reagentpPB-rtTA-hCas9-puro-PB plasmiddoi:10.1038/nprot.2016.152
Sequence-based reagentPCR primer (Forward) for rs67785913 genotypingIDT5′–3′: GATTTGCAGGTGAGCAGACA
Sequence-based reagentPCR primer (Reverse) for rs67785913 genotypingIDT5′–3′: ACTTGGAAATGGCCAAGATG
Sequence-based reagentsgRNA for rs67785913 editingIDTSpacer sequence: 5′-TTCAATAAGAAATTCCTCAA-3′
Sequence-based reagentsgRNA for rs67785913 editingIDTSpacer sequence: 5′-GAAGAAAAAGGGGGGACACG-3
Sequence-based reagentDonor template for rs67785913 editingIDTssDNA sequence:
Sequence-based reagentsgRNA against MTIF3IDTDesign ID: Hs.Cas9.MTIF3.1.ABSpacer sequence:
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MTIF3Thermo Fisher ScientificHs00794538_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for GTF3AThermo Fisher ScientificHs00157851_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for ADIPOQThermo Fisher ScientificHs00977214_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for PPARGThermo Fisher ScientificHs01115513_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for CEBPAThermo Fisher ScientificHs00269972_s1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for SREBF1Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02561944_s1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for FASNThermo Fisher ScientificHs01005622_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for TFAMThermo Fisher ScientificHs01073348_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-CO1Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596864_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for PRDM16Thermo Fisher ScientificHs00223161_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for TOMM20Thermo Fisher ScientificHs03276810_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for CPT1BThermo Fisher ScientificHs00189258_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for ACADMThermo Fisher ScientificHs00936584_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for ACAT1Thermo Fisher ScientificHs00608002_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for ABHD5Thermo Fisher ScientificHs01104373_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for PNP1A2Thermo Fisher ScientificHs00386101_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for ACACBThermo Fisher ScientificHs01565914_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-ND1Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596873_s1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-ND2Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596874_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-ND3Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596875_s1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-ND4Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596876_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-CO2Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596865_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for MT-CO3Thermo Fisher ScientificHs02596866_g1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for HPRT-1Thermo Fisher ScientificHs99999909_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for TBPThermo Fisher ScientificHs00427620_m1
Sequence-based reagentTaqman assay for RPL13AThermo Fisher ScientificHs03043885_g1
Commercial assay or kitDNeasy Blood and Tissue kitQIAGEN69506
Commercial assay or kitDual-Glo Stop&Glo reagentsPromegaE2920
Commercial assay or kitAlt-R S.p. Cas9 D10A Nickase V3IDT1081058
Commercial assay or kitNucleofector reagent LLonzaVCA-1005
Commercial assay or kitAlt-R HDR Enhancer V2IDT10007921
Commercial assay or kitQuickExtract DNA Extraction SolutionLucigenQE09050
Commercial assay or kitAlt-R Genome Editing Detection KitIDT1075932
Commercial assay or kitMitochondrial isolation kitThermo Fisher Scientific89874
Commercial assay or kitNativePAGE Sample Prep KitInvitrogenBN2008
Commercial assay or kitQuant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay KitThermo Fisher ScientificP7589
Commercial assay or kitTriglyceride-Glo Assay kitPromegaJ3161
Commercial assay or kitGlycerol-Glo AssayPromegaJ3150
Chemical compound, drugInsulinSigma-AldrichI2643
Chemical compound, drugIsoproterenolSigma-Aldrich1351005
Chemical compound, drugGlucoseAngilent103577-100
Chemical compound, drugGlutamineAngilent103579-100
Chemical compound, drugCarnitineSigma-AldrichC0283
Chemical compound, drugPyridineThermo Scientific019378.K2
Chemical compound, drugN-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamideThermo ScientificA13141.22
Chemical compound, drugTrimethylsilyl chlorideThermo ScientificA12535.30
Chemical compound, drug3-NitrophenylhydrazineSigma-AldrichN21804
Chemical compound, drug1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochlorideThermo Scientific22980
Chemical compound, drugFormic acidFisher ChemicalA117-50
Chemical compound, drugEtomoxirSigma-AldrichE1905
Chemical compound, drugOligomycinSigma-AldrichO4876
Chemical compound, drugFCCPSigma-AldrichC2920
Chemical compound, drugRotenoneSigma-AldrichR8875
Chemical compound, drugAntimycin ASigma-AldrichA8674

Additional files

Supplementary file 1

Design of fine mapping luciferase reporter assays, and association of MTIF3 locus with adiposity traits in UK Biobank.

(a) Thirty-one SNPs in tight linkage disequilibrium (r2 ≥ 0.8) with the lead variant rs1885988 tiled down into 12 DNA segments of the MTIF3 gene for luciferase reporter assay. To fine map the transcriptional regulatory regions in the MTIF3 locus, we first identified the common genetic variants which were in tight linkage disequilibrium (r2 ≥ 0.8) with the lead variant rs1885988 in HaploReg v4.1. The identified 31 SNPs were tiled down into 12 DNA segments of the MTIF3 gene depending on PCR primer design constraints. (b) SNPs in MTIF3 locus associated with body mass index (BMI), whole-body fat mass and arm fat mass (right). We checked the rapid GWAS analysis results from 337,000 samples in the UK Biobank, which were made available by Benjamin Neale’s lab and visualized in Oxford BIG browser, we found SNPs in MTIF3 locus showed nominal associations with body weight-related traits including BMI, whole-body fat mass and arm fat mass (right).
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  1. Mi Huang
  2. Daniel Coral
  3. Hamidreza Ardalani
  4. Peter Spegel
  5. Alham Saadat
  6. Melina Claussnitzer
  7. Hindrik Mulder
  8. Paul W Franks
  9. Sebastian Kalamajski
Identification of a weight loss-associated causal eQTL in MTIF3 and the effects of MTIF3 deficiency on human adipocyte function
eLife 12:e84168.