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  1. Working Lives: A Series of Interviews

    Edited by Emma Pewsey
    People with a PhD in the life sciences answer questions about their life and work.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Paleontology: A Collection of Articles

    Edited by Ian Baldwin et al.
    eLife has published papers on topics as diverse as paleoproteomics, ancient insects and the discovery of a new hominin species.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    Tropical disease

    Tropical Disease: A Collection of Articles

    Edited by Prabhat Jha et al.
    eLife has published papers on many tropical diseases, including malaria, Ebola, leishmaniases, Dengue and African sleeping sickness.
  2. Moving On: eLife at Five

    Edited by Emma Pewsey
    To celebrate five years of eLife we catch up with some of our first authors and reflect on the current state of scientific publishing and peer review.