In our latest monthly media coverage roundup, we highlight the top mentions that eLife papers generated in July. You can view the coverage, along with the related research articles, below:
Harada et al.’s Research Article, ‘Metabolic clogging of mannose triggers dNTP loss and genomic instability in human cancer cells’, was featured in:
- – A type of sugar that kills honeybees could help fight cancer
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News – How a Sugar Could Be a Potential Secondary Treatment for Cancer
- SciTechDaily – This Sugar Kills Honeybees – It Could Also Be Our Secret Weapon Against Cancer
- Postimees Tervis (Estonia) – Bees helped discover a new anti-cancer weapon (translated)
- El Confidencial (Spain) – This sugar can make cancer treatment more effective and safer (translated)
Kleynhans et al.’s Research Article, ‘Association of close-range contact patterns with SARS-CoV-2: a household transmission study’, was mentioned in:
- Fortune – COVID in your house? Isolating from sick family members may not do much good
This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Close contact within households may not influence COVID-19 transmission’.
Lindmark at al.’s Research Article, ‘Larger but younger fish when growth outpaces mortality in heated ecosystem’, was covered in:
- SciTechDaily – Popular Theory Under Question: Global Warming’s Unexpected Impact on Fish Size
This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Water warming study shows unexpected impact on fish size’.
Holzinger et al.’s Research Article, ‘Scorpionfish BPI is highly active against multiple drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from people with cystic fibrosis’, was featured in:
- Science – This fish delivers a nasty sting. Could it also save lives?
- Cystic Fibrosis News Today – Scorpionfish protein may treat antibiotic-resistant infections
This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Scorpionfish protein kills drug-resistant bacteria from patients with cystic fibrosis’.
Berger et al.’s Research Articles/Reviewed Preprints, ‘Evidence for deliberate burial of the dead by homo naledi’, ‘241,000 to 335,000 Years Old Rock Engravings Made by Homo naledi in the Rising Star Cave system, South Africa’ and ‘Burials and engravings in a small-brained hominin, Homo naledi, from the late Pleistocene: contexts and evolutionary implications’, were picked up by:
- The Objective (Spain) – ‘The cave of bones’: is celebrating death what makes us human? (translated)
- Forskning (Norway) – Early humans buried their dead 100,000 years before Homo sapiens (translated)
- Inverse – Ancient Human Burials Featured in Netflix Doc Spark a Scientific Controversy
- Tygodnik Powszechny (Poland) – Homo naledi and the myths of the Cave of Bones (translated)
- De Standaard (Belgium) – Was primitive dwarf man really as smart as Netflix would have us believe? (translated)
MaBouDi et al.’s Research Article, ‘How honey bees make fast and accurate decisions’, was covered in:
- The Jerusalem Post – Honeybees could inspire future AI with rapid, accurate decision-making
- IEEE Spectrum – How Hacking Honeybees Brings AI Closer to the Hive
- Inc. (Russia) – Scientists from the UK have created an AI model based on the brain of honey bees (translated)
- Devdiscourse – Bees make decisions better, faster for things that matter to them
Gadani et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Spatial Transcriptomics of Meningeal Inflammation Reveals Variable Penetrance of Inflammatory Gene Signatures into Adjacent Brain Parenchyma’, was featured in:
- Medical News Today – Inflammation in the brain’s protective barrier may contribute to MS
This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Inflammation hotspots in MS spill over to damage grey matter’.
Shen, Rolls et al.’s Research Article, ‘Brain and molecular mechanisms underlying the nonlinear association between close friendships, mental health, and cognition in children’, was featured in:
- The Conversation – How having five friends boosts the adolescent brain – and educational performance
Lammer et al.’s Research Article, ‘Impact of social isolation on grey matter structure and cognitive functions: A population-based longitudinal neuroimaging study’, was featured in:
- Morningstar – Having friends isn’t just good for your social life – it can also ward off dementia
This study was also summarised in the eLife press release, ‘Social contact may help preserve brain function in later life’.
Truman et al.’s Research Article, ’Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain’, was covered in:
- Quanta Magazine – Why Insect Memories May Not Survive Metamorphosis
Li et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Genetic and dietary modulators of the inflammatory response in the gastro-intestinal tract of the BXD mouse genetic reference population’, was featured in:
- Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News – Genes Linked to Diet in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Scientists link genes to diet in inflammatory bowel disease’.
Wagner et al.’s Research Article, ‘Repair of noise-induced damage to stereocilia F-actin cores is facilitated by XIRP2 and its novel mechanosensor domain’, was featured in:
- The Hearing Review – Natural Repair Process Fixes Damaged Hair Cells
- Deccan Herald – New process discovered to repair damaged hearing cells
- The Week (India) – New process that repairs damaged hearing cells discovered
Santopaulo, Gregorova et al.’s Research Article, ‘Prolonged T-cell activation and long COVID symptoms independently associate with severe COVID-19 at 3 months’, was covered in:
- iSanidad (Spain) – Persistent COVID-19 does not arise as an inflammatory response (translated)
- Outlook India – Immune Response Against “Bystander” Virus, Not SARS-CoV-2, May Cause Long Covid
Farahani et al.’s Tools and Resources Article, ‘pYtags enable spatiotemporal measurements of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in living cells’, was covered in:
- Futurity – ‘Live Reporters’ Capture Action In Living Cells
Black, Hanson et al.’s Research Article, ‘UBQLN2 restrains the domesticated retrotransposon PEG10 to maintain neuronal health in ALS,’ was featured in:
- Study Finds – Virus remnants from 50 million years ago may be responsible for ALS
Li, Ruggiero-Ruff et al.’s Research Article, ‘Sexual dimorphism in obesity is governed by RELMα regulation of adipose macrophages and eosinophils’, was featured in:
- OnMed (Greece) – The protein that protects against obesity (translated)
Sandra et al.’s Research Article, ‘Presenting a sham treatment as personalised increases the placebo effect in a randomised controlled trial’, was commented on in:
- Futurity – Personalised Placebos Are Extra Effective
Media contacts
Emily Packer
+441223855373George Litchfield
eLife transforms research communication to create a future where a diverse, global community of scientists and researchers produces open and trusted results for the benefit of all. Independent, not-for-profit and supported by funders, we improve the way science is practised and shared. From the research we publish, to the tools we build, to the people we work with, we’ve earned a reputation for quality, integrity and the flexibility to bring about real change. eLife receives financial support and strategic guidance from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Max Planck Society and Wellcome. Learn more at