1,203 results found
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Dynamic range adaptation in primary motor cortical populations

    Robert G Rasmussen, Andrew Schwartz, Steven M Chase
    Motor neurons adjust their sensitivity to direction of movement in a manner analogous to how neurons in the visual system adjust their sensitivity to light.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synchronized amplification of local information transmission by peripheral retinal input

    Pablo D Jadzinsky, Stephen A Baccus
    Peripheral retinal input transiently amplifies information transmission from ganglion cells, dynamically allocating the resources of neural activity to times of expected high information content.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct forms of synaptic plasticity during ascending vs descending control of medial olivocochlear efferent neurons

    Gabriel E Romero, Laurence O Trussell
    In a fast brainstem relay controlling hearing sensitivity, descending synaptic control from midbrain provides the dominant source of excitation, due to a distinct form of synaptic plasticity.
    1. Neuroscience

    Precise excitation-inhibition balance controls gain and timing in the hippocampus

    Aanchal Bhatia, Sahil Moza, Upinder Singh Bhalla
    Delayed inhibition precisely balances excitation from arbitrary combinations of CA3 neurons and controls the gain of CA1 output by reducing inhibitory delay with increasing excitation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Adaptive coding for dynamic sensory inference

    Wiktor F Młynarski, Ann M Hermundstad
    To make reliable but metabolically efficient perceptual inferences in a changing world, neural systems should dynamically adapt based on surprise and uncertainty about the sensory environment.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Evolutionary and functional insights into the mechanism underlying body-size-related adaptation of mammalian hemoglobin

    Olga Rapp, Ofer Yifrach
    Hemoglobin affinity and cooperativity reveal mechanistic insights in how the relation between physiology and evolutionary variations shape a protein's molecular property.
    1. Neuroscience

    Parallel encoding of sensory history and behavioral preference during Caenorhabditis elegans olfactory learning

    Christine E Cho, Chantal Brueggemann ... Cornelia I Bargmann
    Odor conditioning induces two changes in olfactory neurons: non-associative sensory adaptation to odor history, and associative, bidirectional changes in behavioral output that are oppositely regulated in aversive and appetitive learning.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Microsaccadic sampling of moving image information provides Drosophila hyperacute vision

    Mikko Juusola, An Dau ... Jouni Takalo
    New experiments and theory reveal how the ability to see image details depends upon photoreceptor function and eye movements, and how fruit flies (Drosophila) see spatial details beyond the optical limit of their compound eyes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Slow presynaptic mechanisms that mediate adaptation in the olfactory pathway of Drosophila

    Carlotta Martelli, André Fiala
    Slow presynaptic depression in olfactory receptor neurons rescales combinatorial odor representations in postsynaptic neurons and mediates the encoding of stimulus mean and variance.
    1. Medicine

    Cardiovascular adaptation to hypoxia and the role of peripheral resistance

    Andrew S Cowburn, David Macias ... Randall S Johnson
    Radiotelemetric and genetic studies of peripheral tissue response show that a peripheral tissue can dynamically alter cardiovascular adaptation to changes in environmental oxygen.

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