46 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Sensory dynamics of visual hallucinations in the normal population

    Joel Pearson, Rocco Chiou ... Bard Ermentrout
    A new method for inducing, measuring and modelling visual hallucinations in healthy people reveals that hallucinations share common underlying mechanisms with normal sensory perception.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct hierarchical alterations of intrinsic neural timescales account for different manifestations of psychosis

    Kenneth Wengler, Andrew T Goldberg ... Guillermo Horga
    fMRI evidence for distinct hierarchical alterations in intrinsic neural timescales for different positive symptoms of schizophrenia support hierarchical perceptual-inference models of psychosis and suggest local increases in excitation-inhibition ratio.
    1. Neuroscience

    Autistic traits, but not schizotypy, predict increased weighting of sensory information in Bayesian visual integration

    Povilas Karvelis, Aaron R Seitz ... Peggy Seriès
    Autistic traits are associated with weaker influence of prior expectations in visual perception, which is due to more precise sensory representations.
    1. Neuroscience

    DMT alters cortical travelling waves

    Andrea Alamia, Christopher Timmermann ... Robin L Carhart-Harris
    Psychedelics induce a pattern of cortical activity very similar to the one observed during visual perception, despite participants had shut eyes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Non-rapid eye movement sleep and wake neurophysiology in schizophrenia

    Nataliia Kozhemiako, Jun Wang ... Jen Q Pan
    Multiple non-redundant features of non-rapid eye movement sleep are altered in schizophrenia and largely independent of waking electrophysiological abnormalities, supporting the promise of neuropsychiatric disease biomarkers based on a precise dissection of the sleep.
    1. Neuroscience

    Corticothalamic gating of population auditory thalamocortical transmission in mouse

    Baher A Ibrahim, Caitlin A Murphy ... Daniel A Llano
    Sensory stimulation produces stochastic population responses in the cortex that are governed by layer 6 cortico-reticular projections that modulate thalamic synchrony.
    1. Neuroscience

    Antipsychotic drugs selectively decorrelate long-range interactions in deep cortical layers

    Matthias Heindorf, Georg B Keller
    Cell type-specific effects of antipsychotic drugs in cortex could provide a basis for a functional screen of antipsychotic efficacy.
    1. Neuroscience

    How many neurons are sufficient for perception of cortical activity?

    Henry WP Dalgleish, Lloyd E Russell ... Michael Häusser
    Targeted optogenetic activation of small ensembles of neurons is sufficient to trigger a behavioral report while recruiting matched network suppression, suggesting exquisite sensitivity despite network mechanisms that maintain sparseness.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Citizen Science: Asking questions of psychedelic microdosing

    Lindsay P Cameron
    A citizen science approach to research has shown that the improvements in mood and cognition associated with psychedelic microdosing are likely due to a placebo effect.
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    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Learning cortical representations through perturbed and adversarial dreaming

    Nicolas Deperrois, Mihai A Petrovici ... Jakob Jordan
    A cortical model inspired by cognitive theories and deep learning demonstrates how the combination of wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM), and REM dreams leads to the emergence of robust and semantically organized neuronal representations in higher cortical areas.

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