Endocytosed-LDL is the primary lipid source for intracellular LD-R proliferation.
A (i) Live cell images of LDL-endocytosis in 24Hrs post infected KCs with LDL (red), LD (green), and the nucleus (blue). Images were acquired directly from 96 well glass bottom plate and bright field was merged with reduced brightness and increased contrast identically for all experimental conditions. Scale bar 40μm, Yellow arrow represents intracellular LD. A (ii) Graph representing Fluorescence plate reader-based quantification of A (i). B (i) Co-localization of LDL with the LD- amastigotes in infected KCs 24Hrs p.i. Merged image showing LDL (magenta), LD (green), nucleus (blue), White dotted line in the merged image demarcates infected-KC for co-localization analysis. Scale bar 10μm, yellow arrow represents LD nucleus and N represents host nucleus B (ii) Intensity plot representing co-localized signals from B (i), marked with grey transparent box. C (i) GC-MS lipid profile of isolated PVs from LD-infected-KCs. Retention time 27.73 corresponding to the cholesterol and 28.56 corresponding to fatty acids are represented with * for LD-S-PV and with black arrowheads for LD-R-PV. C (ii) Relative abundance of Cholesterol and Fatty acids of C (i). D (i) Representative Confocal Raman spectroscopy image of uninfected or LD-infected-KCs 24Hrs p.i, illustrating distinct lipid-related signal distribution patterns marked with pseudo-colours. Yellow dotted circle in the left most panel demarcates the host cell nucleus while white arrow marking intracellular LD nucleus. In merged panel white dotted line demarcates cells periphery. The right most panel shows dot plot representation of lipid distribution, where each colour corresponds to different lipid-related peaks with respect to blue (B) indicating the nucleus. D (ii) Comparative Raman spectra from LD-S and LD-R-infected-KCs. Lipid-related peaks are demarcated with shaded box, representing 1. 540-560 cm-1 (Cholesterol), 2. 1080-1090 cm-1 (phospholipids), 3. 1270-1280 cm-1 (triglycerides), 4. 1300-1340 cm-1 (Amide-III bond), 5. 1440-1453 cm-1 (Fatty acids and Triglycerides), and 6. 1650-1660 cm-1 (Amide-I bond). *** signifies p value < 0.0001, ** signifies p value <0.001, * signifies p value < 0.05, n.s non-significant.