Extracellular domain of Cx43 GJC and HC.
a-b, The lateral views of Cx43 GJC in digitonin, indicating the positions of the extracellular loops 1 and 2. c, Views of the extracellular loops ECL1 (top) and ECL2 (bottom), for Cx43 (left), Cx46, (middle; PDB ID: 7jkc), and Cx26 (right; PDB ID: 2zw3). The residues of one monomer in each of the structures, directly involved in junction formation, are coloured by element with carbon atoms as orange/yellow (Cx43), brown/pink (Cx46) and teal/cyan (Cx26). The residues of the neighbouring connexin monomers within 4 Å distance are shown coloured with white carbon atoms. Dotted lines indicate electrostatic contacts, calculated in PyMol. d, Sequence alignment of the complete ECL1 and ECL2 regions of the three proteins shown in c. The black lines indicate the GJC interface residues, as shown in c. e, Alignment of the Cx43 GJC structures in digitonin micelles and in nanodiscs. Cα atoms of the interface residues shown in C are represented as spheres (the ribbon and spheres of Cx43 in nanodiscs is coloured black). f, Same as e, for a comparison between Cx43 GJC in digitonin and Cx43 HC in nanodiscs. The arrow indicates the movement of the two loops that accompanies GJC formation. The ribbon and spheres of Cx43 HC are light grey. The grey numbers in brackets indicate displacement of selected Cα atoms (residues P59, Q58, P193, P194).