Aneuploid human embryos show less cells in trophectoderm and OCT4-positive cells and impaired second lineage segregation
a, 5 or 6dpf post-PGT-A euploid and fully aneuploid human blastocysts were warmed and kept for 16hrs in culture to allow for the second lineage segregation. The blastocysts were live-stained with CASP3/7 for 30min and fixed for immunostaining proteins of interest. In a first scan we analyzed OCT4 (ICM), CASP3/7 (apoptosis), LC3B (autophagy) and S15p53 (DNA damage) in both lineages. Embryos were then re-stained with GATA4 as a marker for PrE. b, Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid, aneuploid for DNA (white) and Serine (S) 15 p53 (turquoise). c, Percentage (%) of Serine 15 p53 positive cells per embryo. Euploid n = 3, Aneuploid n = 5. Mann-Whitney test, *p = 0.0357. d, Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid and aneuploid embryos for DNA (white) and OCT4 (magenta). The first aneuploid panel (Trisomy 14 and 16) shows a similar number of ICM cells compared to the euploid embryo. The second aneuploid panel (Trisomy 14 and 22) shows an embryo without an ICM. e,f,g, Differences in number of nuclei per embryo between euploid and aneuploid embryos in the OCT4-negative cells (trophectoderm) (e) **p = 0.0092, OCT4-positive cells (ICM/EPI), *p = 0.0412 (f) and whole embryo **p = 0.0067 (g). Euploid n = 10, Aneuploid n = 14. Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction. h, Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid and aneuploid embryos for DNA (white), CASP3/7 (green) and OCT4 (magenta). i, Percentage (%) of CASP3/7 positive (+) cells in the trophectoderm lineage (OCT4-negative cells). Euploid n = 9, Aneuploid n = 14. Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction, *p = 0.0453. j, CASP3/7 mean intensity per cell of whole embryos. Euploid n = 9, Aneuploid n = 14. Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction, *p = 0.0332. k, Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid and aneuploid embryos for DNA (white), OCT4 (magenta) and GATA4 (green). The first aneuploid panel (trisomy 13 and 15) shows an embryo with presence of a GATA4 positive cell (PrE). The second aneuploid panel (Trisomy 7 and monosomies 5, 12 and 21) shows an embryo that did not contain GATA4 positive cells. l, Differences in the number of cells per embryo that were OCT4 positive and either GATA4 negative (red) or positive (green) between euploid and aneuploid embryos. In case GATA4-positive cells (PrE) were present we considered the GATA4-negative cells to be epiblast (EPI). All euploid embryos contained GATA4-positive cells, 7/14 aneuploid embryos had an ICM completely lacking GATA4-positive cells (Fisher-exact test, p = 0.0188). m, Differences in the PrE/EPI ratio between euploid and aneuploid embryos that had an ICM containing GATA4-positive cells. Euploid n = 9, Aneuploid n = 7. Note here that one euploid embryo (#6, l) was lost during re-staining for GATA4. Mann-Whitney test, **p = 0.0089. n, Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid and aneuploid embryos for DNA (white), LC3B (turquoise) and OCT4 (magenta). Yellow circle indicates the ICM. The first aneuploid panel (Trisomy 1 and 20 and monosomy 18) shows OCT4-positive cells (ICM/EPI) with low levels of autophagy and, after re-staining for GATA4, without PrE (right panel, ICM zoom). The second aneuploid panel (Monosomy 14) shows an embryo with high levels of autophagy in the ICM that contains PrE cells (right panel, ICM zoom). o,p,q. Differences in LC3B puncta per cell between euploid and aneuploid embryos in the whole embryo,*p = 0.0317 (o),(OCT4-negative cells (trophectoderm),*p = 0.0317 (p) and OCT4-positive cells (ICM/EPI) (q). Euploid n = 4, Aneuploid n = 5. Mann-Whitney test. r, Violin plots with box plots of OCT4-positive-cells (ICM/EPI) per embryo (left, ns), OCT4-negative cells (trophectoderm) per embryo (center, *p = 0.043) and GATA4-positive-cells (PrE) per embryo (right, ****p < 0.001, Jonkheere-Terpstra test) depending on gene dosage. Euploid (light blue), Low dosage (middle blue) and High dosage (darkest blue).
Yellow arrows indicate presence of the signal and yellow arrow heads indicate absence of signal. Brightfield pictures were obtained during confocal imaging. All scale bars are 20 µm. Box and whisker plots show median and minimum to maximum values. Bar plots show mean ± s.d. For all plots each dot represents a single embryo; ns = not significant. T = Trisomy, M = Monosomy