Immunostaining reveals increased proteotoxic stress, DNA-damage independent p53-activation, autophagy and apoptosis
a. Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid and aneuploid embryos for DNA (white) and CASP3/7 (green). T= Trisomy, M=Monosomy. Source: Experiment 1. b. Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid, aneuploid and reversine-treated embryos for DNA (white) and CASP8 (green). T= Trisomy. Source: Experiment 1. c. CASP3/7 mean intensity per cell. Euploid n=13, Aneuploid n=8 embryos. Unpaired t-test, *p = 0.0177. Source: Experiment 1. d. CASP8 mean intensity per cell. Euploid n=6, Aneuploid n=9, Reversine-treated n=8 embryos. One-way ANOVA, *p = 0.04, **p = 0.0098, ns= non-significant. Source: Experiment 1. e. Number of nuclei per embryo. Euploid n=26, Aneuploid n=29, Reversine-treated n=8 embryos. One-way ANOVA, ****p < 0.0001, **p = 0.0033, ns= non-significant. Source: Experiment 1 and 3. f. Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid, aneuploid and reversine-treated embryos for DNA (white), LC3B (turquoise) and HSP70 (magenta). T= Trisomy. Source: Experiment 1. g. LC3B puncta per cell. Euploid n=19, Aneuploid n=22 embryos, Reversine-treated n=8 embryos. One-way ANOVA, **p = 0.0069, ***p = 0.0003, ns= non-significant. Source: Experiment 1. h. HSP70 mean intensity per cell. Euploid n=13, Aneuploid n=8, Reversine-treated n=8 embryos. One-way ANOVA, *p = 0.0121, **p = 0.0096, ns= non-significant. Source: Experiment 1. i. Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid, aneuploid for DNA (white) and p62 (turquoise). White square shows zoom of a representative area. T= Trisomy, M=Monosomy. Source: Experiment 1. j. p62 puncta per cell. Euploid n=6, Aneuploid n=9 embryos. Unpaired t-test, *p = 0.0284. Source: Experiment 1. k. Optical sections of reversine treated embryos for DNA (white), CASP8 (green), HSP70 (red) showing cells with presence (yellow arrow) or absence (yellow arrowhead) of the proteins to investigate co-localization. Source: Experiment 1. l. Percentage of cells of reversine embryos positive for either CASP8/HSP70, CASP8 or HSP70. One-way ANOVA, CASP8/HSP70 vs CASP8***p = 0.0003, CASP8/HSP70 vs HSP70***p = 0.0005, ns= non-significant. Source: Experiment 1. m. Orthogonal projections after immunostaining of euploid, aneuploid for DNA (white) and Serine (S) 15 p53 (turquoise). Source: Experiment 4. n. Percentage of Serine 15 p53 positive cells per embryo. Euploid n = 3, Aneuploid n = 5. Unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction, *p = 0.0356. T= Trisomy. Source: Experiment 4. o. Orthogonal projections of immunostained untreated (n = 6) and Bleomycin treated (n = 6) embryos for DNA (white) and gH2AX (magenta) showing few foci in the untreated and pan-nuclear expression of gH2AX. Source: Experiment: 2. p. Orthogonal projections of immunostained euploid (n = 7) and aneuploid (n = 11) embryos for DNA (white), NANOG (green) and gH2AX (magenta). T= Trisomy. Source: Experiment 3. q. Percentage of cells with gH2AX foci or pan nuclear expression of euploid (n = 7) and aneuploid (n = 11) embryos in NANOG-negative, NANOG positive cells and whole embryos. Source: Experiment 3. r. Percentage of cells with gH2AX foci or pan nuclear expression of euploid (n = 7), low-dosage (n = 5) and high dosage (n = 6) aneuploid embryos in NANOG-negative, NANOG positive cells and whole embryos. Source: Experiment 3. s. Orthogonal projections of immunostained euploid (n = 6) and aneuploid (n = 11) embryos for DNA (white), DRAM1 (turquoise) and NANOG (green). T= Trisomy. Source: Experiment 3. t. DRAM1 mean cytoplasmatic intensity in TE and ICM of euploid and aneuploid cells. Euploid TE (n = 312 cells). Aneuploid TE (n = 434 cells). Euploid ICM (n = 43 cells). Aneuploid ICM (n = 70 cells). Each dot represents the cytoplasm of a single cell. One-way ANOVA, ****p<0.0001, ns = non-significant. Source: Experiment 3.
Embryo sources are indicated in each section. Brightfield pictures were obtained during confocal imaging. All scale bars are 20 µm. Box and whisker plots show median, and whiskers show minimum to maximum values. Bar plots and scatter plots show mean ± s.d.