ROM1 is redundant to PRPH2 as a molecular building block of photoreceptor disc rims

  1. Department of Ophthalmology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA, 27710
  2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA, 77204
  3. College of Optometry, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA, 77204
  4. Department of Cell Biology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, 73104
  5. Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA, 27710

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a response from the authors (if available).

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Audrey Bernstein
    State University of New York Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Utpal Banerjee
    University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The precise mechanism of how tetraspanin proteins engage in the generation of discs is still an open question in the field of photoreceptor biology. This question is of significance as the lack of photoreceptor discs or defects in disc morphogenesis due to mutations in tetraspanin proteins is a known cause of vision loss in humans. The authors of this study combine TEM and mouse models to tease out the role of tetraspanin proteins, peripherin, and Rom1 in the genesis of the photoreceptor discs. They show that the absence of Rom1 leads to an increase in peripherin and changes in disc morphology. Further rise in peripherin alleviates some of the defects observed in Rom1 knockout animals leading to the conclusion that peripherin can substitute for the absence of Rom1.

A mouse model of Rom1 generated by the McInnes group in 2000 predicted a role for Rom1 in rim closure. They also showed enlarged discs in the absence of Rom1. This study confirmed this finding and showed the compensatory changes in peripherin, maintaining the total levels of tetraspanin proteins. Lack of Rom1 leads to excessive open disks demonstrated by darkly stained tannic acid-accessible areas in TEM. Interestingly, increased peripherin expression can rescue some morphological defects, including maintaining normal disc diameters and incisures. Overall, these observations lead authors to propose a model that ROM1 can be replaced by peripherin.

The compensatory increase in peripherin and morphological rescue in the absence of ROM1 is expected, given the previous work from authors showing i) absence of peripherin showing increased ROM1 and ii) "Eliminating Rom1 also increased levels of Prph2/RRCT: mean Prph2/RRCT levels in P30 Prph2+/R retinas were 34% of WT, while levels in Prph2+/R/Rom1−/− retinas were 59% of WT" from Conley, 2019. The current study provides a comprehensive quantitative analysis. However, the mechanism behind the mechanism is unclear and warrants discussion.

Photoreceptor morphology appears better when peripherin is overexpressed. Is there a rescue of rod function (assessed by ERG or equivalent measures) in peripherin OE/Rom1-/- mice? Given the extensive work in this area and the implications the authors allude to at the end, it is important to investigate this aspect.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this study, Lewis et al seek to further define the role of ROM1. ROM1 is a tetraspanin protein that oligomerizes with another tetraspanin, PRPH2, to shape the rims of the membrane discs that comprise the light-sensitive outer segment of vertebrate photoreceptors. ROM1 knockout mice and several PRPH2 mutant mice are reexamined. The conclusion reached is that ROM1 is redundant to PRPH2 in regulating the size of newly forming discs, although excess PRPH2 is required to compensate for the loss of ROM1.

This replicates earlier findings while adding rigor using a mass spectrometry-based approach to quantitate the ratio of ROM1 and PRPH2 to rhodopsin (the protein packed in the body of the disc membranes) and careful analysis of tannic acid labeled newly forming discs using transmission electron microscopy.

In ROM1 knockout mice PRPH2 expression was found to be increased so that the level of PRPH2 in those mice matches the combined amount of PRPH2 and ROM1 in wildtype mice. Despite this, there are defects in disc formation that are resolved when the ROM1 knockout is crossed to a PRPH2 overexpressing line. A weakness of the study is that the molar ratios between ROM1, PRPH2 and rhodopsin were not measured in the PRPH2 overexpressing mice. This would have allowed the authors to be more precise in their conclusion that a 'sufficient' excess of PRPH2 can compensate for defects in ROM1.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

In this manuscript, Lewis et al. investigate the role of tetraspanins in the formation of discs - the key structure of vertebrate photoreceptors essential for light reception. Two tetraspanin proteins play a role in this process: PRPH2 and ROM1. The critical contribution of PRPH2 has been well established and loss of its function is not tolerated and results in gross anatomical pathology and degeneration in both mice and humans. However, the role of ROM1 is much less understood and has been considered somewhat redundant. This paper provides a definitive answer about the long-standing uncertainty regarding the contribution of ROM1 firmly establishing its role in outer segment morphogenesis. First, using an ingenious quantitative proteomic technique the authors show PRPH2 compensatory increase in ROM1 knockout explaining the redundancy of its function. Second, they uncover that despite this compensation, ROM1 is still needed, and its loss delays disc enclosure and results in the failure to form incisures. Third, the authors used a transgenic mouse model and show that deficits seen in ROM1 KO could be completely compensated by the overexpression of PRPH2. Finally, they analyzed yet another mouse model based on double manipulation with both ROM1 loss and expression of PRPH2 mutant unable to form dimerizing disulfide bonds further arguing that PRPH2-ROM1 interactions are not required for disc enclosure. To top it off the authors complement their in vivo studies by a series of biochemical assays done upon reconstitution of tetraspanins in transfected cultured cells as well as fractionations of native retinas. This report is timely, addresses significant questions in cell biology of photoreceptors, and pushes the field forward in a classical area of photoreceptor biology and mechanics of membrane structure as well. The manuscript is executed at the top level of technical standard, exceptionally well written, and does not leave much more to desire. It also pushes standards of the field- one such domain is the quantitative approach to analysis of the EM images which is notoriously open to alternative interpretations - yet this study does an exceptional job unbiasing this approach.

According to my expertise in photoreceptor biology, there is nothing wrong with this manuscript either technically or conceptually and I have no concerns to express.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation