Illustration of the trial sequence. In Task 1 (BM-local), a monitor displayed scrambled BM sequences. Participants only judged the facing direction of the scrambled walker using local BM cues. In Task 2 (BM-global), each trial only showed an intact or scrambled walker (black dots in the figure) embedded within a mask containing local BM cues. Because the two conditions contained the same local cues that were also present in the mask, the participant must rely on global BM cues to determine whether an intact walker was present in the mask. The figure shows one of five possible directions the intact walker could face (i.e., facing participants). In Task 3 (BM-general), the stimuli sequence consisted of an intact walker (black dots) and a mask containing similar target local cues, and children judged the direction the walker was facing using general BM cues (local + global). Dots in the figure were rendered in black for better illustration but were displayed in white in the actual experiments.