The number and distribution of matS sites have different effects on MukBEF Inhibition.
(A) The figure shows a schematic representation of different transpositions with the number of matS sites located on each Ter region. The three att sites are integrated into the chromosome in the same orientation, and attL/attR are fixed positions on all LiTer transpositions. attB is inserted at different positions into the Ter allowing, upon transposition, the division of the Ter domain into two subdomains, Ter1 and Ter2, containing different numbers of matS sites. The number of matS sites is indicated for the different transpositions, and the distribution of matS on the Ter2 segment is indicated in the schematic for the three transposed strains, LiTer4, LiTer7, and LiTer9.
(B) Normalized Hi-C contact map with 5Kb bin resolution of the transposed strains LiTer7, LiTer4, and LiTer4 ΔmatS28. The position of the different Ter regions is highlighted below the matrix, and by dashed lines on the matrix.
(C) Ratio of normalized 5Kb bin contact maps for the different transpositions compared to the matP mutant on the same genetic organization. The position of the different Ter regions is highlighted below the ratio, and by dashed lines on the ratio.
(D) Quantification of the Hi-C diagonal width for loci along the chromosome for the transposed strains LiTer7, LiTer4, the derivative mutant LiTer4ΔmatS28, and LiTer4ΔmatP. The schematic map below represents the LiTer7 configuration. The position of the different Ter regions is highlighted below the graph, and by dashed lines on the graph.
(E) This panel quantifies the range of contacts in the Ter2 region or in the corresponding sequence on the wild-type (WT) configuration. Boxplot representations are used, indicating the median (horizontal bar), the 25th and 75th percentiles (open box), and the rest of the population. “Ter” corresponds to the range of contacts over the entire Ter region, in the WT strain (WT Ter) or in the ΔmatP strain (ΔmatP Ter). The column WT matSX-Y corresponds to the range of contacts between the designated matS sites in the WT configuration. This portion of the Ter can be compared with the same Ter segment in the transposed strain (Ter2). Additionally, the matS20-28 segment corresponds to Ter2 in LiTer9, just as matS22-28 corresponds to Ter2 in LiTer7, and matS25-28 to Ter2 in LiTer4. The range of contacts of this segment was also measured in a ΔmatP or ΔmatS background.