The inferior colliculus integrates auditory and cognitive functions, playing critical roles in sensory prediction, reward processing, and decision-making beyond its traditional role as a sensory relay.
A magnetoencephalography study across different languages shows that life-long listening experience influences the neural mechanisms underlying rhythm perception.
Benjamin R Kop, Yazan Shamli Oghli ... Lennart Verhagen
Realizing the clinical and neuroscientific potential of transcranial ultrasonic stimulation (TUS) requires careful control of the peripheral auditory confounds that underlie previously reported online motor inhibitory effects.
Ursula Kwong-Brown, Martha L Tobias ... Darcy B Kelley
When ancestral Xenopus returned to water ~170mya, they evolved a new method for producing courtship calls underwater without airflow, using vibrations that also preserve essential acoustic information on species identity.
Cortical offset responses are not only inherited from the periphery but also amplified and de novo generated, and preventing them decreases the ability to detect sound termination.
Anton Fomenko, Kai-Hsiang Stanley Chen ... Robert Chen
Transcranial low-intensity ultrasound applied in block design and at low duty cycles and longer sonication durations can safely and non-invasively suppress human motor-evoked potentials, possibly via GABA-A-mediated inhibitory pathways.
For perceptual inference, human observers do not estimate sensory uncertainty instantaneously from the current sensory signals alone, but by combining past and current sensory inputs consistent with a Bayesian learner.
Ryan J Morrill, James Bigelow ... Andrea R Hasenstaub
The brain processes the same multisensory stimulus differently when the way it sounds, as opposed to the way it looks, is useful for making a decision.