Spatial segregation is identified as the primary mechanism facilitating the coexistence of apex and mesocarnivores in the Qilian Mountain National Park, China.
Tronko provides a scalable solution for accurate taxonomic assignment for large-scale metabarcoding datasets by overcoming the speed and memory limitations of previous phylogenetic placement methods.
A cellular map of a deep-sea mussel gill unveils how distinct cell types collaborate to cultivate intracellular symbiotic bacteria, providing insights into host–symbiont interactions and environmental adaptation in bivalves.
Kim Schalcher, Estelle Milliet ... Emily LC Shepard
Bio-logging reveals that barn owls enhance hunting success by using man-made poles to silently approach their prey, emphasizing a link between predator-prey interactions and land-use in the agricultural landscape.
Molecular mechanism that Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus improves the lipid metabolism and fecundity of Diaphorina citri through adipokinetic hormone and its receptor.