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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    A translation proofreader of archaeal origin imparts multi-aldehyde stress tolerance to land plants

    Pradeep Kumar, Ankit Roy ... Rajan Sankaranarayanan
    Genetic, biochemical, and bioinformatic analyses reveal how expanding metabolic repertoire interferes with fundamental processes like protein synthesis inside cells and the role of D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase2 in protecting these processes during terrestrialisation.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Positive selection and relaxed purifying selection contribute to rapid evolution of male-biased genes in a dioecious flowering plant

    Lei Zhao, Wei Zhou ... Hong-Tao Li
    Computational analyses, for the first time in plants, reveal how male-biased genes evolve faster than female-biased and unbiased genes.
    1. Plant Biology

    The tRNA thiolation-mediated translational control is essential for plant immunity

    Xueao Zheng, Hanchen Chen ... Shunping Yan
    The transfer RNA thiolation modification is required for the efficient translation of the master immune regulator NPR1 in plants.
    1. Ecology
    2. Plant Biology

    Unprecedented yet gradual nature of first millennium CE intercontinental crop plant dispersal revealed in ancient Negev desert refuse

    Daniel Fuks, Yoel Melamed ... Ehud Weiss
    New archaeobotanical data from Negev Highland rubbish middens demonstrate that crop diversity in the Southern Levant expanded more during the first millennium CE than in any earlier period, yet with minimal consequences for consumption and production patterns.
    1. Plant Biology

    Glutaredoxin regulation of primary root growth is associated with early drought stress tolerance in pearl millet

    Carla de la Fuente, Alexandre Grondin ... Laurent Laplaze
    Increased primary root growth in pearl millet is correlated with early water stress tolerance, an important constraint in agrosystems in the Sahel, and is associated with the regulation of root cell elongation by a glutaredoxin.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Plant Biology

    Soil-borne fungi alter the apoplastic purinergic signaling in plants by deregulating the homeostasis of extracellular ATP and its metabolite adenosine

    Christopher Kesten, Valentin Leitner ... Clara Sanchez-Rodriguez
    Biochemical and in vivo physiology imaging reveal that plant pathogens actively imbalance the apoplastic eAdo/eATP levels as a virulence mechanism.
    1. Plant Biology

    Soybean RIN4 represents a mechanistic link between plant immune and symbiotic signaling

    Katalin Tóth, Daewon Kim ... Gary Stacey
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Important
    • Convincing
    1. Plant Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Vicia faba SV channel VfTPC1 is a hyperexcitable variant of plant vacuole Two Pore Channels

    Jinping Lu, Ingo Dreyer ... Rainer Hedrich
    Polymorphic residues of a vacuolar Ca2+ sensor site in TPC1 channels differ between species of Brassicacea and Fabaceae and lead to distinct TPC1 gating behavior.
    1. Plant Biology

    Characterization of tryptophan oxidation affecting D1 degradation by FtsH in the photosystem II quality control of chloroplasts

    Yusuke Kato, Hiroshi Kuroda ... Wataru Sakamoto
    Oxidative modification of Tryptophan residues in the reaction center protein D1 may be a key to drive the Photosystem II repair, likely enhancing accessibility of FtsH protease to D1.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    The Arabidopsis SHORTROOT network coordinates shoot apical meristem development with auxin-dependent lateral organ initiation

    Elmehdi Bahafid, Imke Bradtmöller ... Rüdiger GW Simon
    Mutant and gene expression analyses shows that phytohormones and mobile transcription factors interact to coordinate organ formation with stem cell maintenance in the plant shoot meristem.