(A) Subjects listened to an acoustic textural stimulus, whose predictability was governed by its marginal frequency distribution (grey curve, left panel). Tones in individual frequency bins were …
(A) Performance of change detection depended significantly on change time (abscissa) and change size (shades of orange indicate the step size as percent of the original bin probability, see inset). …
The prechange marginal probability of a frequency bin significantly influences the performance in the same trial (~10% increase, p=0.005, only 110% condition considered here). Prechange probability …
Subjects could adopt a strategy to listen to salient, high probability bins. We tested this hypothesis by comparing equal changes in high probability bins, with differential changes in other bins …
(A) Listening duration in the previous trial significantly reduces detectability in the current trial (~15% decrease, p=0.008, Friedman test). A very similar result was obtained in comparison with …
(A) Reaction time distribution sharpens with change size. (B) Median response time significantly reduces by 20% (p<10−4, Kruskal-Wallis) with larger change size (different colors indicate different …
(A) The probabilities for hits and false alarms were independently computed from their respective reaction time (RT) distributions at each time intervals from 0.2 to 2 s with 0.2 s increments (see …
(A) Spectral distance between the changed bin centers ('change distribution', measured in semitones, st) significantly reduces performance (p=0.01, Kruskal-Wallis test). Spectral distance ranged …
(A) After stimulus onset, the central potential (Ch. 1, black dot in C) shows a classical N1-P2 progression, followed by a sustained negative potential (labelled NS here). Different shades of red …
(A) The detection rate of subjects in the EEG version of the task was quite comparable to the one in the psychophysics only task (see Figure 2A). (B) The false alarm rate stayed approximately …
(A) CPP potentials aligned to response as in Figure 5E2 (for second change-time bin, i.e. around 2.4 s). The solid lines are the early responses (up to median reaction time) and the dashed lines are …
(A) The dual timescale model consists of two dynamical estimation processes operating with different speeds. If their estimates differ by more than a threshold , a change in the stimulus is …
(A) Conceptual structure of the model. The cochleogram (top panel) is passed through modulation filters (scale Ω: 0.54 cycle/oct.; rate ω: 0.72 Hz) for obtaining a cortical representation of the …
Reaction times were normalized within each subject before averaging to account for individual overall differences. (A) The accuracy (correct response for either trial type) of catch trials stayed …
Example sounds embedding a change at 3s.
The overall duration of the 4 stimuli is 5 s. Change size is 50%.
Same than Supplementary file 1, with change size 80%.
Same than Supplementary file 1, with change size 110%.
Same than Supplementary file 1, with change size 140%.