ALiX | Confocal | ALiX is developed for basic research on diffusing two-color smFRET in single or multiple spot geometries (Ingargiola et al., 2017). | |
Fretica | Confocal | Fretica, a Mathematica package with a backend written in C++, is a user-extendable toolbox that supports MFD, PIE/ALEX, PCH (Huang et al., 2004; Müller et al., 2000), FIDA (Gopich and Szabo, 2005b; Kask et al., 1999), PDA (Antonik et al., 2006; Ernst et al., 2020), recurrence analysis (Hoffmann et al., 2011), fluorescence lifetime fitting, FLIM, FCS, FLCS (Arbour and Enderlein, 2010; Dertinger et al., 2007), dual-focus FCS, nsFCS (Nettels et al., 2007; Schuler and Hofmann, 2013), maximum likelihood estimation from photon-by-photon (Gopich and Szabo, 2009) and binned trajectories, simulation of confocal experiments and more (Nettels and Schuler, 2020; | |
FRET_3colorCW | Confocal | C++ and MATLAB GUI-based CPU-GPU co-parallelization software package for an enhanced maximum likelihood analysis of two- and three-color fluorescence photon trajectories generated by continuous-wave donor excitation (Yoo et al., 2020). | |
gSMFRETda | Confocal | gSMFRETda is a GPU-capable program for Monte Carlo simulations of PDA. It can sample dwell time and other parameters in fine grids, thus allowing the analysis of rapid dynamic interconversions (Liu et al., 2019). | |
H2MM | Confocal | H2MM is a maximum likelihood estimation algorithm for a photon-by-photon analysis of smFRET experiments (Pirchi et al., 2016). | |
MFD Spectroscopy and Imaging | Confocal | A modular software package for confocal fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging experiments using multiparameter fluorescence detection (MFD) with all tools (FCS, fFCS, PDA, seTCSPC, trace analysis, 2D simulation of MFD diagrams, Burbulator) and multiparameter fluorescence image spectroscopy (MFIS) (Antonik et al., 2006; Felekyan et al., 2005; Kühnemuth and Seidel, 2001; Widengren et al., 2006; Felekyan et al., 2020). | |
OpenSMFS | Confocal | A collection of tools (Ingargiola et al., 2016b) for solution-based single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, including smFRET, FCS, MC-DEPI (Ingargiola et al., 2018b). | |
smfBox | Confocal | A confocal smFRET platform, providing build instructions and open-source acquisition software (Ambrose et al., 2020). | |
rFRET | Confocal Imaging | rFRET is a comprehensive, MATLAB-based program for analyzing ratiometric microscopic FRET experiments (Nagy et al., 2016). | |
ChiSurf | Confocal Imaging Ensemble | ChiSurf is a fluorescence analysis platform for the analysis of time-resolved fluorescence decays (Peulen et al., 2017). | |
PAM - PIE Analysis with MATLAB | Confocal Imaging Ensemble | PAM (PIE analysis with MATLAB) is a GUI-based software package for the analysis of fluorescence experiments and supports a large number of analysis methods ranging from single-molecule methods to imaging (Schrimpf et al., 2018; Barth et al., 2020). | RRID:SCR_020966, |
AutoSiM | TIRF | AutoSiM is a deep-learning developed MATLAB program for automatically selecting and sorting smFRET traces (Li et al., 2020a). | |
BIASD | TIRF | BIASD uses Bayesian inference to infer transition rates that are more than three orders of magnitude larger than the acquisition rate of the experimental smFRET data (Kinz-Thompson and Gonzalez, 2018). | |
DeepFRET | TIRF | smFRET software based on deep-learning for automatic trace selection and classification. It includes all common features: image analysis, background-corrected trace-extraction, hidden Markov analysis, correction factor application, and data visualization (Thomsen et al., 2020). | |
ebFRET | TIRF | ebFRET performs combined analysis on multiple smFRET time-series to learn a set of rates and states (van de Meent et al., 2014). | |
FRETboard | TIRF | smFRET data preprocessing and analysis using algorithms of choice and user supervision. Also offered as a web-based user interface (de Lannoy et al., 2020). | |
HaMMy | TIRF | smFRET analysis and hidden Markov modeling (McKinney et al., 2006). | |
hFRET | TIRF | hFRET uses variational Bayesian inference to estimate the parameters of a hierarchical hidden Markov model, thereby enabling robust identification and characterization of kinetic heterogeneity (Hon and Gonzalez, 2019). | |
iSMS | TIRF | iSMS is a user-interfaced software package for smFRET data analysis. It includes extraction of time-traces from movies, traces grouping/selection tools according to defined criteria, application of corrections, data visualization and analysis with hidden Markov modeling, and import/export possibilities in different formats for data-sharing (Preus et al., 2015; Preuss et al., 2020). | |
MASH-FRET | TIRF | MASH-FRET is a MATLAB-based software package for the simulation (Börner et al., 2018) and analysis of single-molecule FRET videos and trajectories (video processing [Hadzic et al., 2016], histogram analysis [König et al., 2013], and transitions analysis [Hadzic et al., 2018; König et al., 2013]). | |
miCUBE | TIRF | TIRF smFRET platform, providing detailed build instructions and open-source acquisition software (Martens et al., 2019). | |
SMACKS | TIRF | SMACKS (single-molecule analysis of complex kinetic sequences) is a maximum-likelihood approach to extract kinetic rate models from noisy single-molecule data (Schmid et al., 2016). | |
smCamera | TIRF | smFRET data acquisition (Windows. exe) and analysis (IDL, MATLAB) with example data (Roy et al., 2008). | |
SPARTAN | TIRF | Automated analysis of smFRET multiple single-molecule recordings. It includes extraction of traces from movies, trace selection according to defined criteria, application of corrections, hidden Markov modeling, simulations, and data visualization (Juette et al., 2016). | |
STaSI | TIRF | STaSI uses the Student’s t-test and groups the segments into states by hierarchical clustering (Shuang et al., 2014). | |
TwoTone | TIRF | A TIRF-FRET analysis package for the automatic analysis of single-molecule FRET movies (Holden et al., 2011). | |
vbFRET | TIRF | vbFRET uses variational Bayesian inference to learn hidden Markov models from individual, smFRET time trajectories (Bronson et al., 2009). | |
Fast NPS | Modeling | A nano-positioning system for macromolecular structural analysis (Eilert et al., 2017). | |
Fluordynamics | Modeling | Fluordynamics is a PyMOL plugin to label biomolecules with organic fluorophores for all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. It builds on AMBERDYES (Schepers and Gohlke, 2020) and extends the force field to common nucleic acid linker chemistries (Steffen et al., 2016). | |
FPS | Modeling | A toolkit for FRET restrained modeling of biomolecules and their complexes for quantitative applications in structural biology (Kalinin et al., 2012). | |
FRETraj | Modeling | FRETraj is a Python API to the LabelLib package, which integrates into PyMOL to interactively calculate accessible-contact volumes and predict FRET efficiencies (Steffen et al., 2016). | |
FRETrest in Amber20 | Modeling | FRETrest is a set of helper scripts for generating FRET-restraints for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations performed with the AMBER Software Suite (Dimura et al., 2020). | |
LabelLib | Modeling | LabelLib is a C++ library for the simulation of the accessible volume (AV) of small probes flexibly coupled to biomolecules (Dimura et al., 2016; Kalinin et al., 2012). | |