Motor Control: Sensory feedback can give rise to neural rotations

Investigating how an artificial network of neurons controls a simulated arm suggests that rotational patterns of activity in the motor cortex may rely on sensory feedback from the moving limb.
  1. Omid G Sani
  2. Maryam M Shanechi  Is a corresponding author
  1. Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, United States
  2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Viterbi School of Engineering, University of Southern California, United States
  3. Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Southern California, United States

Each time you move your arm, populations of neurons in the motor cortex perform an intricate and coordinated dance that leads to the generation of movement. A large portion of this coordinated activity can be described as having a ‘rotational pattern’ over time, which is often not directly visible in the neural activity and is uncovered using dimensionality reduction methods such as principal component analysis (Figure 1A; Churchland et al., 2012). Such rotational dynamics have been observed in the motor cortex in many studies involving arm reaching or reach and grasp movements (see, for example Kao et al., 2015; Pandarinath et al., 2015; Suresh et al., 2020; Susilaradeya et al., 2019; Abbaspourazad et al., 2021; Sani et al., 2021), but were absent in the supplementary motor area (Lara et al., 2018).

Using an artificial network to investigate how rotational patterns are generated in the motor cortex.

(A) The brain and the arm together can be viewed as a closed-loop feedback control system. When the brain receives instructions for a task, neurons in the motor cortex (red inset) send a command to the arm, which moves and returns sensory information back to the cortex. During arm movements, the activity of neurons in the motor cortex exhibits rotational patterns, which may not be visible directly, but usually emerge after neural activity (red graph) has been subjected to dimensionality reduction methods and averaged across several repetitions of the same movement (different movements are shown with different colors). (B) A similar closed-loop system can be constructed in simulations with an artificial neural network (magenta, left) replacing the brain and a musculoskeletal model (right) replacing the arm. Kalidindi et al. show that such a system generates rotational patterns in the artificial neural network that resemble those observed in the motor cortex, regardless of the presence or absence of recurrent connections (purple).

Several studies have investigated the mathematics behind how these rotational patterns arise from the activity of individual neurons (e.g., Michaels et al., 2016; Elsayed and Cunningham, 2017). Some of these reports (Sussillo et al., 2015; Michaels et al., 2016) rely on artificial neural networks: simplified computational representations of interconnected neurons, or groups of neurons, that allow researchers to study how patterns of activity in the brain may emerge. These networks make it possible to explore how the nervous system might perform certain tasks without using real brains, which are harder to observe and difficult or impractical to manipulate.

One question that remains a topic of lively investigation is whether rotational patterns of activity are generated autonomously within the motor cortex itself or whether they reflect ongoing inputs from other regions of the brain (Vyas et al., 2020). It is known that networks with recurrent connections – this is, networks with ‘memory’, in which the output can be affected by previous inputs – can generate patterns autonomously. Indeed, a group of researchers discovered that when they trained a recurrent artificial network to generate the motor activities needed for movement, the patterns resembled the rotational activity seen in the motor cortex (Sussillo et al., 2015). Now, in eLife, Hari Teja Kalidindi (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Kevin P Cross (Queen's University) and colleagues report that it is also possible to train a neural network to control an artificial arm without using any recurrent connections inside the network (Kalidindi et al., 2021).

The team (who are based in Italy, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States) constructed an artificial neural network that can activate muscles on a simulated arm which then sends sensory information, such as its position and muscle activations, back into the network (Figure 1B). The artificial neural network was trained to perform reaching movements or to counter disturbances from the environment, such as forces that suddenly pushed the arm aside. This approach replicated key findings from non-human primate experiments in that the activity of neurons in the brain showed rotational patterns, whereas muscle activations in the arm did not. Intriguingly, Kalidindi et al. also found that when they stripped recurrent connections from the neural network, it could still learn to move the artificial arm, and still generated rotational patterns in its activity.

So how can a network with absolutely no recurrent connections produce rotational patterns similar to those observed in the motor cortex? Since non-recurrent networks always return the same output when they receive a specific input, the only way they can produce patterns that vary over time is if the input to the network also changes over time. Indeed, Kalidindi et al. found that the sensory feedback signals from the arm, which act as the input to the neural network, also show rotational patterns. Thus, feedback from the arm’s position and from muscle activations is sufficient to generate rotational patterns of activity in the brain. When Kalidindi et al. repeated the experiment with monkeys performing the same tasks, they observed rotational patterns not only in the motor cortex, but also in the somatosensory cortex, the region of the brain that receives and processes sensory information from the environment. This suggests that sensory feedback to the real brain may also contain rotational dynamics, as was the case in the artificial network simulations.

Another important consideration is the structure of the behavioral task. Usually, the tasks used to study the activity of the motor cortex involve the arm being stationary at an initial position and ending up stationary in another. So, could the rotational patterns observed in these tasks be due to the movement starting and ending at the same zero-velocity state? To investigate, Kalidindi et al. trained neural networks to perform a new task in which the arm continuously tracks a target moving at a constant velocity. Both recurrent and non-recurrent networks performed well, but this experiment led to substantially less rotational dynamics than the previous tasks, suggesting that the design of the behavioral task can play a critical role in the prominence of rotational patterns in neural activity.

The work of Kalidindi et al. cleverly uses artificial neural networks and real-world data to highlight the importance of studying the motor cortex in the context of the entire closed feedback loop between the brain and the body, and the need to study this system using different types of tasks. Critically, the experiments suggest that rotational patterns observed in the motor cortex can be influenced not only by internal autonomous dynamics, but also by external inputs such as sensory feedback. An important future research direction is to tease apart the extent to which these two contributing factors influence neural activity in the motor cortex.


Article and author information

Author details

  1. Omid G Sani

    Omid G Sani is in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States

    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon "This ORCID iD identifies the author of this article:" 0000-0003-3032-5669
  2. Maryam M Shanechi

    Maryam M Shanechi is in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States

    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon "This ORCID iD identifies the author of this article:" 0000-0002-0544-7720

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© 2021, Sani and Shanechi

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  1. Omid G Sani
  2. Maryam M Shanechi
Motor Control: Sensory feedback can give rise to neural rotations
eLife 10:e75469.
  1. Further reading

Further reading

    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    Harlan P Stevens, Carly V Winegar ... Stephen R Piccolo
    Research Article

    To help maximize the impact of scientific journal articles, authors must ensure that article figures are accessible to people with color-vision deficiencies (CVDs), which affect up to 8% of males and 0.5% of females. We evaluated images published in biology- and medicine-oriented research articles between 2012 and 2022. Most included at least one color contrast that could be problematic for people with deuteranopia (‘deuteranopes’), the most common form of CVD. However, spatial distances and within-image labels frequently mitigated potential problems. Initially, we reviewed 4964 images from eLife, comparing each against a simulated version that approximated how it might appear to deuteranopes. We identified 636 (12.8%) images that we determined would be difficult for deuteranopes to interpret. Our findings suggest that the frequency of this problem has decreased over time and that articles from cell-oriented disciplines were most often problematic. We used machine learning to automate the identification of problematic images. For a hold-out test set from eLife (n=879), a convolutional neural network classified the images with an area under the precision-recall curve of 0.75. The same network classified images from PubMed Central (n=1191) with an area under the precision-recall curve of 0.39. We created a Web application (; users can upload images, view simulated versions, and obtain predictions. Our findings shed new light on the frequency and nature of scientific images that may be problematic for deuteranopes and motivate additional efforts to increase accessibility.

    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    Matthew Millard, David W Franklin, Walter Herzog
    Research Article

    The force developed by actively lengthened muscle depends on different structures across different scales of lengthening. For small perturbations, the active response of muscle is well captured by a linear-time-invariant (LTI) system: a stiff spring in parallel with a light damper. The force response of muscle to longer stretches is better represented by a compliant spring that can fix its end when activated. Experimental work has shown that the stiffness and damping (impedance) of muscle in response to small perturbations is of fundamental importance to motor learning and mechanical stability, while the huge forces developed during long active stretches are critical for simulating and predicting injury. Outside of motor learning and injury, muscle is actively lengthened as a part of nearly all terrestrial locomotion. Despite the functional importance of impedance and active lengthening, no single muscle model has all these mechanical properties. In this work, we present the viscoelastic-crossbridge active-titin (VEXAT) model that can replicate the response of muscle to length changes great and small. To evaluate the VEXAT model, we compare its response to biological muscle by simulating experiments that measure the impedance of muscle, and the forces developed during long active stretches. In addition, we have also compared the responses of the VEXAT model to a popular Hill-type muscle model. The VEXAT model more accurately captures the impedance of biological muscle and its responses to long active stretches than a Hill-type model and can still reproduce the force-velocity and force-length relations of muscle. While the comparison between the VEXAT model and biological muscle is favorable, there are some phenomena that can be improved: the low frequency phase response of the model, and a mechanism to support passive force enhancement.