6,064 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Distinct effects of prefrontal and parietal cortex inactivations on an accumulation of evidence task in the rat

    Jeffrey C Erlich, Bingni W Brunton ... Carlos D Brody
    Quantitative modeling of inactivations shows the prefrontal cortex (but not parietal cortex) of the rat is obligatory for decisions guided by evidence accumulating longer than 240 ms.
    1. Neuroscience

    Amplitude modulations of cortical sensory responses in pulsatile evidence accumulation

    Sue Ann Koay, Stephan Thiberge ... David W Tank
    From as early as primary visual cortex and across posterior cortical areas, neural responses to visual pulses during an evidence-accumulation task exhibit a multitude of task-related amplitude modulations/gain changes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multiple timescales of sensory-evidence accumulation across the dorsal cortex

    Lucas Pinto, David W Tank, Carlos D Brody
    Sensory-evidence accumulation is a distributed cortical computation, but frontal cortical areas contribute to accumulation on longer timescales than posterior cortical areas.
    1. Neuroscience

    Humans strategically shift decision bias by flexibly adjusting sensory evidence accumulation

    Niels A Kloosterman, Jan Willem de Gee ... Johannes Jacobus Fahrenfort
    Decision-makers are able to intentionally control neural excitability to strategically bias sensory evidence accumulation towards the decision bound that maximizes reward within a given ecological context.
    1. Neuroscience

    Balancing true and false detection of intermittent sensory targets by adjusting the inputs to the evidence accumulation process

    Anna C Geuzebroek, Hannah Craddock ... Simon P Kelly
    In order to adjust for expected difficulty level while detecting unpredictably timed target within continuous streams of noisy information, people regulate the transfer of the sensory inputs to the accumulation process.
    1. Neuroscience

    The role of premature evidence accumulation in making difficult perceptual decisions under temporal uncertainty

    Ciara A Devine, Christine Gaffney ... Redmond G O'Connell
    Temporal uncertainty interferes with the timely onset of evidence accumulation in perceptual decision making prompting the brain to rely instead on statistical regularities in the temporal structure of the environment.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Age- and diet-associated metabolome remodeling characterizes the aging process driven by damage accumulation

    Andrei S Avanesov, Siming Ma ... Vadim N Gladyshev
    Aging is a process characterized by gradual metabolome remodeling, deceleration of the remodeling in late life and under conditions that extend lifespan, and a mortality-associated pattern of cumulative damage.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Pre-existing bilayer stresses modulate triglyceride accumulation in the ER versus lipid droplets

    Valeria Zoni, Rasha Khaddaj ... Stefano Vanni
    In parallel to protein-driven processes, characteristic physicochemical properties of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane modulate intracellular fat accumulation and lipid droplet formation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Competing neural representations of choice shape evidence accumulation in humans

    Krista Bond, Javier Rasero ... Timothy Verstynen
    Interactions between cortical and subcortical circuits in the mammalian brain flexibly control the flow of information streams that drive decisions by shifting the balance of power both within and between action representations.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Antibiotic-induced accumulation of lipid II synergizes with antimicrobial fatty acids to eradicate bacterial populations

    Ashelyn E Sidders, Katarzyna M Kedziora ... Brian P Conlon
    Palmitoleic acid not only potentiates vancomycin killing of Gram-positive bacteria, but the insertion of palmitoleic acid into the membrane leads to the unexpected accumulation of membrane-bound cell wall precursors, representing a novel mechanism of action for unsaturated fatty acids.

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