2,938 results found
    1. Cell Biology

    Generation of stress fibers through myosin-driven reorganization of the actin cortex

    Jaakko I Lehtimäki, Eeva Kaisa Rajakylä ... Pekka Lappalainen
    Live-cell microscopy studies revealed that stress fibers can be generated de novo from the actin cortex without the involvement of stress fiber precursors.
    1. Cell Biology

    Epsin deficiency impairs endocytosis by stalling the actin-dependent invagination of endocytic clathrin-coated pits

    Mirko Messa, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego ... Pietro De Camilli
    Epsin has a key role in the coupling of actin to endocytic clathrin coated pits that is required for their maturation and helps capture SNAREs at endocytic clathrin coated pits.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Myosin motors fragment and compact membrane-bound actin filaments

    Sven K Vogel, Zdenek Petrasek ... Petra Schwille
    A combination of single-molecule imaging and an in vitro model of the cell cortex has allowed the interactions between actin filaments and filaments made of myosin II to be studied in detail.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Nanoscale architecture and coordination of actin cores within the sealing zone of human osteoclasts

    Marion Portes, Thomas Mangeat ... Renaud Poincloux
    Cutting-edge super-resolution microscopy methods reveal the architecture and dynamics of the sealing zone formed by human osteoclasts and composed of coordinated groups of podosomal cores encircled by adhesion complexes.
    1. Cell Biology

    Erk regulation of actin capping and bundling by Eps8 promotes cortex tension and leader bleb-based migration

    Jeremy S Logue, Alexander X Cartagena-Rivera ... Clare M Waterman
    Eps8, a specific effector of oncogenic signaling, organizes the cortical actin cytoskeleton of cancer cells to promote mechanical properties that favor a newly identified mode of confined, adhesion-independent cell migration.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Native proline-rich motifs exploit sequence context to target actin-remodeling Ena/VASP protein ENAH

    Theresa Hwang, Sara S Parker ... Amy E Keating
    Short linear motifs throughout the intrinsically disordered proteome use sequence context in diverse ways to target actin remodeler ENAH.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Cell Biology

    Symmetry breaking in reconstituted actin cortices

    Enas Abu Shah, Kinneret Keren
    A reconstituted system has been developed that self-organizes into dynamic actin cortices capable of spontaneous polarization, similar to the initial cortical polarization observed in cells during embryogenesis and development.
    1. Cell Biology

    Calcium-mediated actin reset (CaAR) mediates acute cell adaptations

    Pauline Wales, Christian E Schuberth ... Roland Wedlich-Söldner
    Calcium influx during acute cell stimulation triggers a global actin reset in mammalian cells, which is linked to plasma membrane repair and transcription and has implications for our understanding of cell migration, cancer, inflammation and cell stress response.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Exophilin-8 assembles secretory granules for exocytosis in the actin cortex via interaction with RIM-BP2 and myosin-VIIa

    Fushun Fan, Kohichi Matsunaga ... Tetsuro Izumi
    Analyses of knockout mice and a biochemical screen of interacting proteins reveal that exophilin-8 forms a large network of protein interactions to efficiently retain secretory granules beneath the plasma membrane for exocytosis.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Repair of noise-induced damage to stereocilia F-actin cores is facilitated by XIRP2 and its novel mechanosensor domain

    Elizabeth L Wagner, Jun-Sub Im ... Jung-Bum Shin
    A novel mechanism for F-actin repair is involved in the maintenance of sensory hair cells and hearing function.

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