531 results found
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Establishment of regions of genomic activity during the Drosophila maternal to zygotic transition

    Xiao-Yong Li, Melissa M Harrison ... Michael B Eisen
    Drosophila melanogaster embryos undergo a dramatic genomic transformation in the hour preceding gastrulation, as thousands of promoters and regulatory regions become biochemically distinct before they become active.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Genome-wide errant targeting by Hairy

    Kurtulus Kok, Ahmet Ay ... David N Arnosti
    Pervasive ‘futile cycling’ by chromatin-modifying factors suggests a mechanism for creating new links in gene regulatory networks.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Chromatin dynamics and the role of G9a in gene regulation and enhancer silencing during early mouse development

    Jan J Zylicz, Sabine Dietmann ... M Azim Surani
    Silencing of gene regulatory elements by modifications of DNA-bound proteins promotes the progression of early mouse development.
    1. Developmental Biology

    TALE factors use two distinct functional modes to control an essential zebrafish gene expression program

    Franck Ladam, William Stanney ... Charles G Sagerström
    TALE transcription factors bind different genomic motifs and function together with different protein partners at different stages of zebrafish embryogenesis.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    ETS family transcriptional regulators drive chromatin dynamics and malignancy in squamous cell carcinomas

    Hanseul Yang, Daniel Schramek ... Elaine Fuchs
    Transcription factors of the ETS family govern a cohort of key cancer-associated regulators of malignancy in squamous cell carcinomas.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    GLI transcriptional repression regulates tissue-specific enhancer activity in response to Hedgehog signaling

    Rachel K Lex, Zhicheng Ji ... Steven A Vokes
    GLI3 represses Hedgehog target gene expression by regulating histone modifications at a subset of tissue-specific GLI-bound enhancers.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Live-cell imaging reveals enhancer-dependent Sox2 transcription in the absence of enhancer proximity

    Jeffrey M Alexander, Juan Guan ... Orion D Weiner
    Sox2 transcription is not correlated with spatial proximity of its essential regulatory enhancer in embryonic stem cells, suggesting gene transcription is not limited to periods of direct enhancer-promoter contact.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Silencing of transposable elements may not be a major driver of regulatory evolution in primate iPSCs

    Michelle C Ward, Siming Zhao ... Yoav Gilad
    Human and chimpanzee-induced pluripotent stem cells show limited species-specificity in transposable element silencing.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Pancreatic progenitor epigenome maps prioritize type 2 diabetes risk genes with roles in development

    Ryan J Geusz, Allen Wang ... Maike Sander
    Analysis of epigenome maps from human pancreatic progenitors and functional validation in zebrafish identify LAMA1 and CRB2 as type 2 diabetes risk-associated genes with roles in pancreatic development.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Dynamic spreading of chromatin-mediated gene silencing and reactivation between neighboring genes in single cells

    Sarah Lensch, Michael H Herschl ... Lacramioara Bintu
    In a synthetic system, spreading of chromatin-mediated silencing to nearby genes depends on distance and can bypass genetic insulators, while reactivation after release of gene targeting is coordinated by insulators and promoters.

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