1,630 results found
    1. Cancer Biology

    Extracellular signal-regulated kinase mediates chromatin rewiring and lineage transformation in lung cancer

    Yusuke Inoue, Ana Nikolic ... William W Lockwood
    Lineage transformation in lung cancer is dictated by ERK activity and requires permissive chromatin alterations in the context of targeted therapy resistance.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Dependency of human and murine LKB1-inactivated lung cancer on aberrant CRTC-CREB activation

    Xin Zhou, Jennifer W Li ... Lizi Wu
    Targeting aberrant CRTC-CREB activation blocks the growth of LKB1-inactivated lung cancer.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Common genetic variations in telomere length genes and lung cancer: a Mendelian randomisation study and its novel application in lung tumour transcriptome

    Ricardo Cortez Cardoso Penha, Karl Smith-Byrne ... James D Mckay
    A novel Mendelian randomisation framework unravels one gene expression component, correlated with proliferation and genome stability-related features, associated with telomere length in lung adenocarcinoma tumours, which provides insights into how telomere length influences the genetic basis of lung cancer aetiology.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Serum RNAs can predict lung cancer up to 10 years prior to diagnosis

    Sinan U Umu, Hilde Langseth ... Trine B Rounge
    Prediagnostic RNA levels show early lung cancer progression.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Innate immune activation by checkpoint inhibition in human patient-derived lung cancer tissues

    Teresa WM Fan, Richard M Higashi ... Andrew N Lane
    Pembrolizumab activates innate immune metabolism and function in primary human non-small cell lung cancer, whereas Pembrolizumab and beta-glucan synergize in enhancing immune metabolism and tumoridical action in brain-metastasized lung cancer.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Topological signatures in regulatory network enable phenotypic heterogeneity in small cell lung cancer

    Lakshya Chauhan, Uday Ram ... Mohit Kumar Jolly
    Network topology and gene expression patterns in small cell lung cancer reveal two mutually opposing teams of regulators that enable multistability and consequent non-genetic heterogeneity, a clinically unsolved challenge.
    1. Cancer Biology

    The chemokine CXCL13 in lung cancers associated with environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons pollution

    Gui-Zhen Wang, Xin Cheng ... Guang-Biao Zhou
    The chemokine CXCL13 is critical to the development of air pollution- and tobacco smoke-induced lung cancers.
    1. Cancer Biology

    FoxA1 and FoxA2 drive gastric differentiation and suppress squamous identity in NKX2-1-negative lung cancer

    Soledad A Camolotto, Shrivatsav Pattabiraman ... Eric L Snyder
    Lineage specifiers FoxA1 and FoxA2 control lung cancer growth and identity by activating gastric differentiation and suppressing squamous cell carcinoma transdifferentiation.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Inhibition of mutant EGFR in lung cancer cells triggers SOX2-FOXO6-dependent survival pathways

    S Michael Rothenberg, Kyle Concannon ... Daniel A Haber
    SOX2 causes resistance to anti-EGFR therapies in EGFR-mutant lung cancer.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Axon-like protrusions promote small cell lung cancer migration and metastasis

    Dian Yang, Fangfei Qu ... Julien Sage
    In small cell lung cancer, the transition from a neuroendocrine state to a more neuronal state endows these cancer cells with increased migration and metastatic potential.

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