2,639 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Context-dependent signaling of coincident auditory and visual events in primary visual cortex

    Thomas Deneux, Evan R Harrell ... Brice Bathellier
    Abrupt sounds boost coincident visual cortex responses which could help localization of sudden audio-visual events.
    1. Neuroscience

    Preserved extrastriate visual network in a monkey with substantial, naturally occurring damage to primary visual cortex

    Holly Bridge, Andrew H Bell ... Kristine Krug
    Even when the primary visual cortical area is absent bilaterally from early life, the rest of a primate visual brain can develop and function normally to support day-to-day visual behaviour.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Uncovering circuit mechanisms of current sinks and sources with biophysical simulations of primary visual cortex

    Atle E Rimehaug, Alexander J Stasik ... Anton Arkhipov
    A biophysically detailed model of mouse primary visual cortex reproduces, in a quantitative manner, experimentally recorded spikes and local field potentials, and suggests mechanisms that form current sinks and sources in vivo.
    1. Neuroscience

    Laminar specificity and coverage of viral-mediated gene expression restricted to GABAergic interneurons and their parvalbumin subclass in marmoset primary visual cortex

    Frederick Federer, Justin Balsor ... Alessandra Angelucci
    The gene-regulatory enhancers h56D and S5E2 restrict transgene expression to GABAergic and parvalbumin-positive interneurons, respectively, across marmoset cortical layers, thus representing a promising tool for circuit dissection in non-human primates.
    1. Neuroscience

    A hierarchy of timescales explains distinct effects of local inhibition of primary visual cortex and frontal eye fields

    Luca Cocchi, Martin V Sale ... Jason B Mattingley
    The selective effect of local inhibition on diffuse patterns of brain connectivity can be accounted for by an intrinsic hierarchical ordering of cortical timescales.
    1. Neuroscience

    Synaptic connectivity to L2/3 of primary visual cortex measured by two-photon optogenetic stimulation

    Travis A Hage, Alice Bosma-Moody ... Gabe J Murphy
    A combination of multicellular recording and optogenetic photostimulation was used to deeply characterize the spatial profiles and effective strengths of intralaminar and translaminar synaptic connections from genetically defined neuronal populations in the visual cortex of adult mouse.
    1. Neuroscience

    Behavioral-state modulation of inhibition is context-dependent and cell type specific in mouse visual cortex

    Janelle MP Pakan, Scott C Lowe ... Nathalie L Rochefort
    The three main types of inhibitory neurons in mouse primary visual cortex respond differently to locomotion in darkness and during visual stimulation, revealing context-dependent responses to changes in behavioral state.
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    1. Neuroscience

    VIP interneurons in mouse primary visual cortex selectively enhance responses to weak but specific stimuli

    Daniel J Millman, Gabriel Koch Ocker ... Saskia EJ de Vries
    Measurements of visual response to motion of different contrasts along with network modeling reveals a microcircuit in superficial layers of cortex that regulates the gain regime.
    1. Neuroscience

    Visual experience has opposing influences on the quality of stimulus representation in adult primary visual cortex

    Brian B Jeon, Thomas Fuchs ... Sandra J Kuhlman
    Stimulus representation in primary visual cortex rebounds to its original state following therapeutic sensory deprivation in adults.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sensory cortex is optimized for prediction of future input

    Yosef Singer, Yayoi Teramoto ... Nicol S Harper
    Prediction of future input explains diverse neural tuning properties in sensory cortex.

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