4,406 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    ATP-induced asymmetric pre-protein folding as a driver of protein translocation through the Sec machinery

    Robin A Corey, Zainab Ahdash ... Ian Collinson
    How the process of protein folding may be controlled by the Sec machinery to assist protein transport across membranes.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Two-way communication between SecY and SecA suggests a Brownian ratchet mechanism for protein translocation

    William John Allen, Robin Adam Corey ... Ian Collinson
    Evidence is presented that supports a completely new, diffusion-driven mechanism for transporting proteins across membranes in bacteria.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    The ribosomal protein Asc1/RACK1 is required for efficient translation of short mRNAs

    Mary K Thompson, Maria F Rojas-Duran ... Wendy V Gilbert
    Asc1/RACK1 promotes the translation of mRNAs associated with the translational closed loop complex, which have short open reading frames and encode proteins required for core metabolic processes.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    HRI coordinates translation necessary for protein homeostasis and mitochondrial function in erythropoiesis

    Shuping Zhang, Alejandra Macias-Garcia ... Jane-Jane Chen
    The heme and HRI-mediated eIF2aP–ATF4 integrated stress response in erythropoiesis has a major global impact, especially under the stress condition of iron deficiency.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Protein translocation channel of mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix-exposed import motor communicate via two-domain coupling protein

    Rupa Banerjee, Christina Gladkova ... Dejana Mokranjac
    Two domains of the peripheral membrane protein Tim44 interact with two different sectors of a translocase to coordinate the translocation of proteins across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Kinetics of initiating polypeptide elongation in an IRES-dependent system

    Haibo Zhang, Martin Y Ng ... Barry S Cooperman
    The retarding effect of a ribosome-bound internal ribosome entry site on eukaryotic protein synthesis is largely overcome following translocation of tripeptidyl-tRNA.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    A functional link between the co-translational protein translocation pathway and the UPR

    Rachel Plumb, Zai-Rong Zhang ... Malaiyalam Mariappan
    Ire1α co-opts the Sec61 translocon channel to efficiently cleave its mRNA substrates during endoplasmic reticulum stress conditions.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Effector membrane translocation biosensors reveal G protein and βarrestin coupling profiles of 100 therapeutically relevant GPCRs

    Charlotte Avet, Arturo Mancini ... Michel Bouvier
    Development, validation, and use of an effector membrane translocation biosensor platform reveals G protein coupling selectivity signatures for 100 GPCRs that range from remarkable selectivity to full promiscuity toward the different G protein subtypes.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Mitochondrial volume fraction and translation duration impact mitochondrial mRNA localization and protein synthesis

    Tatsuhisa Tsuboi, Matheus P Viana ... Brian M Zid
    Mitochondria can tune the protein synthesis of nuclear-encoded proteins through condition-dependent mRNA localization that is regulated by translation elongation and the geometric constraints of the cell.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Dynamic action of the Sec machinery during initiation, protein translocation and termination

    Tomas Fessl, Daniel Watkins ... Roman Tuma
    The complex process of protein translocation across membranes has been dissected into multiple key steps and the distributions of translocation rates indicate stochastic nature of the reaction.

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