285 results found
    1. Ecology

    Higher social tolerance is associated with more complex facial behavior in macaques

    Alan V Rincon, Bridget M Waller ... Jérôme Micheletta
    Detailed quantification of macaque facial behavior reveals a positive link between social and communicative complexity, and helps us to better understand the evolution of animal communication.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Cold protection allows local cryotherapy in a clinical-relevant model of traumatic optic neuropathy

    Yikui Zhang, Mengyun Li ... Wencan Wu
    Local deep hypothermia combined with hibernation-mimicking cold protection is neuroprotective in a translatable large animal model of traumatic optic neuropathy.
    1. Neuroscience

    Microstructural organization of human insula is linked to its macrofunctional circuitry and predicts cognitive control

    Vinod Menon, Guillermo Gallardo ... Demian Wassermann
    In vivo quantitative analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI reveals novel insights into microstructure of human insular cortex and its functional circuits associated with the salience network and cognitive control.
    1. Neuroscience

    A novel rhesus macaque model of Huntington’s disease recapitulates key neuropathological changes along with motor and cognitive decline

    Alison R Weiss, William A Liguore ... Jodi L McBride
    mHTT delivery in key cortical and subcortical brain regions leads to hallmark mHTT aggregate formation, gray and white matter degenerative changes, along with motor and cognitive decline in a new macaque model of Huntington's disease.
    1. Neuroscience

    Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game

    Sebastian Moeller, Anton M Unakafov ... Igor Kagan
    Using novel approach to study real-time social interactions shows that mutual action visibility facilitates static and dynamic coordination in both species, but whereas humans employ dynamic turn-taking to equalize rewards, macaques, after training with a human, compete between themselves.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Tailoring Tfh profiles enhances antibody persistence to a clade C HIV-1 vaccine in rhesus macaques

    Anil Verma, Chase E Hawes ... Smita S Iyer
    Strategies to enhance Tfh cells for HIV-vaccine antibody persistence and protection is pivotal for vaccine success.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    scAAVengr, a transcriptome-based pipeline for quantitative ranking of engineered AAVs with single-cell resolution

    Bilge E Öztürk, Molly E Johnson ... Leah C Byrne
    A transcriptome-based pipeline (scAAVengr) quantifies and ranks competing adeno-associated viral vectors in primate retina, and mouse brain, heart, and liver, simultaneously and across all cell types, in the same animal, with single-cell resolution.
    1. Neuroscience

    Neuroelectrophysiology-compatible electrolytic lesioning

    Iliana E Bray, Stephen E Clarke ... Paul Nuyujukian
    Neuronal loss can be studied by passing electrical current through the same electrodes used for neuron measurement without disrupting recording ability.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Circular RNA repertoires are associated with evolutionarily young transposable elements

    Franziska Gruhl, Peggy Janich ... David Gatfield
    Evolutionary analyses suggest that most mammalian circRNAs did not emerge from common ancestral circRNA precursors, arguing against widespread functional conservation.
    1. Neuroscience

    A connectomics-based taxonomy of mammals

    Laura E Suarez, Yossi Yovel ... Bratislav Misic
    Inter-species variations in connectome architecture across the mammalian phylogenetic spectrum recapitulate established taxonomic relationships defined by genetic, morphology, and behavioural differences, and are mainly driven by local changes in connectivity while hallmark global features tend to be conserved across species.

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