160 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Unexpected plasticity in the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei

    Sarah Schuster, Jaime Lisack ... Markus Engstler
    Parasite life cycles may be more flexible than traditionally thought, potentially allowing single-cell infections of insect vectors and transmission between hosts even at very low parasite densities.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Structural basis for ligand and innate immunity factor uptake by the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor

    Harriet Lane-Serff, Paula MacGregor ... Matthew K Higgins
    The structure of the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor bound to its ligand reveals the molecular basis for ligand recognition in innate immunity and identifies molecular determinants that aid efficient uptake.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Visualizing trypanosomes in a vertebrate host reveals novel swimming behaviours, adaptations and attachment mechanisms

    Éva Dóró, Sem H Jacobs ... Maria Forlenza
    The transparent zebrafish reveals the reality of trypanosomes swimming in a vertebrate host, and their adaptations to an extremely heterogenic environment.
    1. Cell Biology

    Continuous endosomes form functional subdomains and orchestrate rapid membrane trafficking in trypanosomes

    Fabian Link, Alyssa Borges ... Markus Engstler
    The endosomal apparatus of African trypanosomes consists a continuous membrane system with functional subdomains rather than distinct compartments for early, late, and recycling endosomes.
    1. Cell Biology

    Dynamic localization of the chromosomal passenger complex in trypanosomes is controlled by the orphan kinesins KIN-A and KIN-B

    Daniel Ballmer, Bungo Akiyoshi
    The kinetoplastid parasite Trypanosoma brucei employs a unique mechanism to target the conserved Aurora B kinase to kinetochores and the central spindle.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Mapping replication dynamics in Trypanosoma brucei reveals a link with telomere transcription and antigenic variation

    Rebecca Devlin, Catarina A Marques ... Richard McCulloch
    Mapping DNA replication timing, allied to genetic analysis of a RecQ repair helicase, reveals that antigenic variation in the African trypanosome may be initiated by locus-specific, replication-derived sequence instability.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Codon choice directs constitutive mRNA levels in trypanosomes

    Janaina de Freitas Nascimento, Steven Kelly ... Mark Carrington
    The information for mRNAs expression level is set by codon choice in trypanosomes and requires translation to be interpreted into a turnover rate.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Molecular mechanism of complement inhibition by the trypanosome receptor ISG65

    Alexander D Cook, Mark Carrington, Matthew K Higgins
    A structure derived from cryogenic electron microscopy shows how ISG65, an African trypanosome receptor that aids virulence, binds C3b and suggests mechanisms through which ISG65 might aid complement resistance.
    1. Cell Biology

    Tryparedoxin peroxidase-deficiency commits trypanosomes to ferroptosis-type cell death

    Marta Bogacz, R Luise Krauth-Siegel
    Ferroptosis is an evolutionary ancient process that is counterbalanced by distant peroxidases, GPx4 in mammals and tryparedoxin peroxidases in trypanosomes, and can be induced at distinct subcellular membranes depending on the individual cell type.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Evolutionary diversification of the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor from an ancestral haemoglobin receptor

    Harriet Lane-Serff, Paula MacGregor ... Mark Carrington
    The ligand specificity and expression profile of the haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor has diversified throughout the evolution of trypanosomes.

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