4,251 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Representation of visual landmarks in retrosplenial cortex

    Lukas F Fischer, Raul Mojica Soto-Albors ... Mark T Harnett
    Retrosplenial cortex encodes landmarks by integrating visual inputs with other task-related variables in a supralinear fashion.
    1. Neuroscience

    Context-dependent signaling of coincident auditory and visual events in primary visual cortex

    Thomas Deneux, Evan R Harrell ... Brice Bathellier
    Abrupt sounds boost coincident visual cortex responses which could help localization of sudden audio-visual events.
    1. Neuroscience

    High-resolution quantitative and functional MRI indicate lower myelination of thin and thick stripes in human secondary visual cortex

    Daniel Haenelt, Robert Trampel ... Nikolaus Weiskopf
    In vivo quantitative magnetic resonance imaging at ultra-high magnetic field reveals systematic differences of relaxation parameters (R1) within the human secondary visual cortex at the level of the thin-thick-pale stripes system, which points toward higher cortical myelination of pale stripes.
    1. Neuroscience

    Emergence of transformation-tolerant representations of visual objects in rat lateral extrastriate cortex

    Sina Tafazoli, Houman Safaai ... Davide Zoccolan
    Neuronal recordings from rat visual cortex reveal an object-processing pathway, along which neuronal representations become increasingly capable of supporting recognition of visual objects in spite of variation in their appearance.
    1. Neuroscience

    Task-related hemodynamic responses in human early visual cortex are modulated by task difficulty and behavioral performance

    Charlie S Burlingham, Minyoung Ryoo ... Elisha P Merriam
    The fMRI-BOLD signal in human early visual cortex reflects alertness and behavioral performance on the timescale of individual trials.
    1. Neuroscience

    Response to short-term deprivation of the human adult visual cortex measured with 7T BOLD

    Paola Binda, Jan W Kurzawski ... Maria Concetta Morrone
    Two hour deprivation of vision in one eye transiently boosts the representation of the deprived eye (suppressing the non-deprived eye) in adult human V1 and along the ventral pathway.
    1. Neuroscience

    Successor-like representation guides the prediction of future events in human visual cortex and hippocampus

    Matthias Ekman, Sarah Kusch, Floris P de Lange
    Early visual cortex (V1) and hippocampal cortex represent a predictive map of the visual world akin to the successor representation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Columnar processing of border ownership in primate visual cortex

    Tom P Franken, John H Reynolds
    The assignment of borders to foreground objects occurs in cortical columns in primate visual cortex, and first in deep layers, suggesting a central role for feedback.
    1. Neuroscience

    Behavioral-state modulation of inhibition is context-dependent and cell type specific in mouse visual cortex

    Janelle MP Pakan, Scott C Lowe ... Nathalie L Rochefort
    The three main types of inhibitory neurons in mouse primary visual cortex respond differently to locomotion in darkness and during visual stimulation, revealing context-dependent responses to changes in behavioral state.
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    1. Neuroscience

    VIP interneurons in mouse primary visual cortex selectively enhance responses to weak but specific stimuli

    Daniel J Millman, Gabriel Koch Ocker ... Saskia EJ de Vries
    Measurements of visual response to motion of different contrasts along with network modeling reveals a microcircuit in superficial layers of cortex that regulates the gain regime.

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