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  1. A team gather around a laptop

    eLife Innovation Sprint 2018: Project roundup

    From gamification of sample-size identification to a decentralised lab notebook, we showcase the projects developed at the eLife Innovation Sprint.
  2. DOE code

    DOE CODE — sharing research software between national institutes

    Jay Jay Billings describes the US Department of Energy's new open source software services and search platform.
  3. eLife judge with prizewinners

    Prototyping tools to improve the understanding of science

    We challenged hackers to produce prototypes in 24 hours at Hack24 2018.
  4. Paper with 1000 citations and barcode-like frequency of citations in IMRAD sections

    Investigating the context of citations

    A report from a short project using natural language processing and machine learning on open-access content to understand what lies beneath a citation.
  5. Open-source technology development for publishing

    Open source in publishing: community call, February 22

    The recording of February’s community call on open source technology for publishing is now available.
  6. blue text saying annotations with six in speech bubble

    Enabling scientific discussion on eLife with Hypothesis

    We collaborated with Hypothesis to integrate the open annotation tool on eLife.
  7. Paper cutouts of various size content headers laid on the floor

    Building a pattern library for scholarly publishing

    How we implemented a front-end design system for the online journal.
  8. Group of people celebrating

    How DIY communities are pushing the frontiers of science

    Lucy Patterson reports back from Science Hack Day Berlin