10 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Brain functional networks associated with social bonding in monogamous voles

    M Fernanda López-Gutiérrez, Zeus Gracia-Tabuenca ... Sarael Alcauter
    Brain functional connectivity shows a neurobiological predisposition to social bonding, and network-wide changes occur as a result of cohabitation in the prairie vole.
    1. Neuroscience

    Social selectivity and social motivation in voles

    Annaliese K Beery, Sarah A Lopez ... Natalie S Bourdon
    Prairie and meadow voles show striking sex and species differences in social motivation to access conspecifics of different types (familiar versus unfamiliar and same-sex versus opposite-sex).
    1. Neuroscience

    Prolonged partner separation erodes nucleus accumbens transcriptional signatures of pair bonding in male prairie voles

    Julie M Sadino, Xander G Bradeen ... Zoe R Donaldson
    Pair bond induced transcriptional changes in the nucleus accumbens erode after long-term partner separation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Different Roles of D1/D2 Medium Spiny Neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens in Pair Bond Formation of Male Mandarin Voles

    Lizi Zhang, Yishan Qu ... Fadao Tai
    Reviewed Preprint v2
    • Important
    • Compelling
    1. Neuroscience

    Sexual coordination in a whole-brain map of prairie vole pair bonding

    Morgan L Gustison, Rodrigo Muñoz-Castañeda ... Steven M Phelps
    A brain-wide map of neural activation reveals how sexual experience becomes a pair bond in the monogamous prairie vole.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Alone, in the dark: The extraordinary neuroethology of the solitary blind mole rat

    Yael Kashash, Grace Smarsh ... Tali Kimchi
    A new ethologically relevant model for investigating the neurobiology of solitary, asocial behavior in the blind mole rat.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Oxytocin receptor controls promiscuity and development in prairie voles

    Ruchira Sharma, Kristen M Berendzen ... Devanand S Manoli
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Skd3 (human ClpB) is a potent mitochondrial protein disaggregase that is inactivated by 3-methylglutaconic aciduria-linked mutations

    Ryan R Cupo, James Shorter
    Skd3 (human ClpB) is a potent ATP-dependent mitochondrial protein disaggregase that is activated by the rhomboid protease, PARL, and inactivated by MGCA7-linked mutations.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mother brain is wired for social moments

    Ortal Shimon-Raz, Roy Salomon ... Ruth Feldman
    Mother brain shows special sensitivity to social moments of mother-infant synchrony, compared to other caregiving experiences, through enhanced activation across the caregiving network, response to oxytocin administration, and temporal consistency.
    1. Ecology

    Vasopressin 1a receptor antagonist disrupts male-male affiliative relationships formed by triadic cohabitation in large-billed crows

    Akiko Seguchi, Ei-Ichi Izawa
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Important
    • Convincing
    • Incomplete

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