105 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Plant Biology

    An effector of the Irish potato famine pathogen antagonizes a host autophagy cargo receptor

    Yasin F Dagdas, Khaoula Belhaj ... Tolga O Bozkurt
    A plant pathogen effector evolved a short linear motif to subvert autophagic defenses by antagonising a host cargo receptor.
    1. Plant Biology

    An oomycete effector subverts host vesicle trafficking to channel starvation-induced autophagy to the pathogen interface

    Pooja Pandey, Alexandre Y Leary ... Tolga O Bozkurt
    A pathogen effector mimics starvation-induced autophagy by subverting host endomembrane trafficking to stimulate biogenesis of autophagosomes around pathogen feeding sites, revealing how pathogens interlock distinct host compartments to facilitate infection.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Stromule extension along microtubules coordinated with actin-mediated anchoring guides perinuclear chloroplast movement during innate immunity

    Amutha Sampath Kumar, Eunsook Park ... Jeffrey Lewis Caplan
    Stromules induced during plant innate immunity dynamically interact and use the cytoskeleton to form and to direct the movement of chloroplasts.
    1. Plant Biology

    Compensatory sequence variation between trans-species small RNAs and their target sites

    Nathan R Johnson, Claude W dePamphilis, Michael J Axtell
    Superfamilies of trans-species small RNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta have sequence variation that correspond to synonymous site variation in host plant target mRNAs.
    1. Plant Biology

    Building customizable auto-luminescent luciferase-based reporters in plants

    Arjun Khakhar, Colby G Starker ... Daniel F Voytas
    A fungal bioluminescence pathway can be reconstituted in planta to create luminescence in many plant species without external substrate addition, and be used to design customizable reporters of gene-expression.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Plant Biology

    A virus-encoded protein suppresses methylation of the viral genome through its interaction with AGO4 in the Cajal body

    Liping Wang, Yi Ding ... Rosa Lozano-Duran
    The Cajal body is essential for plants to deploy antiviral DNA methylation.
    1. Plant Biology

    The Rhizobial effector NopT targets Nod factor receptors to regulate symbiosis in Lotus japonicus

    Hanbin Bao, Yanan Wang ... Yangrong Cao
    Reviewed Preprint v3
    • Important
    • Solid
    1. Plant Biology

    Proximity labeling of protein complexes and cell-type-specific organellar proteomes in Arabidopsis enabled by TurboID

    Andrea Mair, Shou-Ling Xu ... Dominique C Bergmann
    Proximity-labeling using engineered biotin ligases TurboID and miniTurbo enables detection of cell-type-specific and low abundance protein complexes and subcellular proteomes in Arabidopsis and other plants.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Plant Biology

    Structural basis of pathogen recognition by an integrated HMA domain in a plant NLR immune receptor

    A Maqbool, H Saitoh ... MJ Banfield
    Structure/function studies of a plant pathogen effector in complex with a host disease resistance protein domain reveal the molecular basis for recognition and underpin future engineering of immunity in crops.
    1. Plant Biology

    Structural basis for plant plasma membrane protein dynamics and organization into functional nanodomains

    Julien Gronnier, Jean-Marc Crowet ... Sébastien Mongrand
    Unprecedented resolution of the molecular mechanisms of plant membrane protein anchoring involving phospholipids and sterols reveals the control of spatio-temporal segregation into plasma membrane nanodomains.

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