Social dominance has opposing effects on behavior following stress in male vs. female mice indicating an important role in sex differences in the stress response.
Robin E Morrison, Winnie Eckardt ... Tara S Stoinski
In mountain gorillas, as in certain human populations, relationships between group members can act as a social buffer, breaking the link between maternal loss, increased social adversity, and decreased fitness.
Alecia J Carter, Miquel Torrents Ticó, Guy Cowlishaw
Social information is a process encompassing information acquisition, application and exploitation that is constrained by an individual’s social, behavioural and demographic phenotype.
Michael J Bartlett, Tammy E Steeves ... Patrice C Rosengrave
Seminal fluid harbours the as yet unknown mechanism that facilitates rapid adjustment of sperm velocity in response to changing sperm competition risk.
Katherine B LeClair, Kenny L Chan ... Scott J Russo
Socially dominant mice, unlike subordinates, are protected from displaying a common stress-associated behavioral deficit, social avoidance, following exposure to multiple kinds of chronic stress.
A novel naturalistic environment with a touchscreen enables high-quality eye tracking for studying visual cognition in monkeys, and allows naive monkeys to learn complex tasks through a combination of social observation of trained monkeys and trial-and-error learning.
1H-Magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14T reveals a metabolic signature for anti-depressant-like effects of acetyl-L-carnitine in nucleus accumbens of susceptible mouse.