255 results found
    1. Developmental Biology

    Deficient spermiogenesis in mice lacking Rlim

    Feng Wang, Maria Gracia Gervasi ... Ingolf Bach
    Genetic analyses in mice identifies Rlim in the spermatogenic cell lineage as a regulator of cytoplasmic reduction during spermiogenesis.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    HIPK4 is essential for murine spermiogenesis

    J Aaron Crapster, Paul G Rack ... James K Chen
    HIPK4 is a male germ cell-enriched kinase that regulates cytoskeletal rearrangements in spermatids during spermiogenesis and is required for male fertility in mice.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Augmentation of progestin signaling rescues testis organization and spermatogenesis in zebrafish with the depletion of androgen signaling

    Gang Zhai, Tingting Shu ... Zhan Yin
    Augmentation of progestin signaling promotes testis development and spermatogenesis independent from andorgen signaling in zebrafish.
    1. Cell Biology

    Control of ciliary transcriptional programs during spermatogenesis by antagonistic transcription factors

    Weihua Wang, Junqiao Xing ... Zhangfeng Hu
    The discovery of X chromosome-associated protein 5 (Xap5)-mediated transcriptional rewiring of ciliary genes in animals reveals that this regulatory mechanism was conserved during evolution.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    The rapidly evolving X-linked MIR-506 family fine-tunes spermatogenesis to enhance sperm competition

    Zhuqing Wang, Yue Wang ... Wei Yan
    The rapidly evolving X-linked MIR-506 family miRNAs function to enhance sperm competitiveness and male reproductive fitness in mice.
    1. Cell Biology

    Mitochondrial defects caused by PARL deficiency lead to arrested spermatogenesis and ferroptosis

    Enrico Radaelli, Charles-Antoine Assenmacher ... Marco Spinazzi
    Mitochondrial functional and structural defects caused by PARL deficiency lead to arrested spermatogenesis and germ cell ferroptosis.
    1. Developmental Biology

    The Slingshot phosphatase 2 is required for acrosome biogenesis during spermatogenesis in mice

    Ke Xu, Xianwei Su ... Hongbin Liu
    SSH2, a Slingshot phosphatase required for male fertility, participates in acrosome biogenesis via the control of actin remodeling during spermatid development.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Microhomology-mediated circular DNA formation from oligonucleosomal fragments during spermatogenesis

    Jun Hu, Zhe Zhang ... Chao Liu
    Germline extrachromosomal circular DNAs are mainly formed by microhomology-mediated ligation of nucleosome-protected fragments and barely contribute to de novo genomic deletions at meiotic recombination hotspots.
    1. Developmental Biology

    An important role for triglyceride in regulating spermatogenesis

    Charlotte F Chao, Yanina-Yasmin Pesch ... Elizabeth Rideout
    Triglyceride plays an important role in regulating sperm development.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Androglobin, a chimeric mammalian globin, is required for male fertility

    Anna Keppner, Miguel Correia ... David Hoogewijs
    Androglobin, a newly identified mammalian globin with a unique modular structure including a protease and calmodulin binding IQ domain within a circularly permuted globin domain, is implicated in murine spermatogenesis.

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