Browse our latest Ecology articles

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    1. Ecology

    Group size and composition influence collective movement in a highly social terrestrial bird

    Danai Papageorgiou, Damien Roger Farine
    High-resolution GPS data revealed a quadratic relationship between group size and movement, with vulturine guineafowl groups of intermediate size exhibiting the largest home-range size and greater variation in site use.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Sex-specific effects of cooperative breeding and colonial nesting on prosociality in corvids

    Lisa Horn, Thomas Bugnyar ... Jorg JM Massen
    A systematic experimental comparison of prosocial behavior in eight corvid species reveals sex-specific effects of cooperative breeding and colonial nesting, thereby adding important new insights regarding the evolution of prosociality.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Transparent soil microcosms for live-cell imaging and non-destructive stable isotope probing of soil microorganisms

    Kriti Sharma, Márton Palatinszky ... Elizabeth A Shank
    Two optically transparent substrates enable the exploration of the ecophysiology and spatiotemporal organization and activities of bacteria and fungi within heterogeneous soil-like environments.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Global landscape of phenazine biosynthesis and biodegradation reveals species-specific colonization patterns in agricultural soils and crop microbiomes

    Daniel Dar, Linda S Thomashow ... Dianne K Newman
    Computational approach quantifies the abundance of phenazine-antibiotic producing and biodegrading bacteria in diverse soil and plant-associated habitats.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Plant-Microbe Interactions: Finding phenazine

    Sarah J Wolfson, Libusha Kelly
    Analysis of genetic information from soil samples provides insights into bacteria that help to protect crops from fungal diseases by producing chemicals called phenazines.
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    1. Ecology
    2. Neuroscience

    BiteOscope, an open platform to study mosquito biting behavior

    Felix JH Hol, Louis Lambrechts, Manu Prakash
    A new tool to visualize blood-feeding mosquitoes in high resolution and quantitatively characterize their behavior sheds light on contact-dependent sensing and blood-feeding dynamics of several medically relevant mosquito species.
    1. Ecology
    2. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Transmission of West Nile and five other temperate mosquito-borne viruses peaks at temperatures between 23°C and 26°C

    Marta S Shocket, Anna B Verwillow ... Erin A Mordecai
    Mechanistic, trait-based models for transmission of West Nile virus and observed incidence of human West Nile disease cases in the US both show optimal transmission at 24-25°C.
    1. Ecology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Nutrient levels and trade-offs control diversity in a serial dilution ecosystem

    Amir Erez, Jaime G Lopez ... Ned S Wingreen
    Whereas theories of ecological diversity mostly consider continuously supplied nutrients, a seasonal model uncovers a general mechanism that controls diversity and reconciles conflicting experimental findings.
    1. Ecology
    2. Plant Biology

    Comment on 'Lack of evidence for associative learning in pea plants'

    Monica Gagliano, Vladyslav V Vyazovskiy ... Ben Radford
    We are writing to comment on the article by Markel, 2020, which reports an unsuccessful attempt to replicate our finding of associative learning in plants.
    1. Ecology
    2. Neuroscience

    Genetic variation in the social environment affects behavioral phenotypes of oxytocin receptor mutants in zebrafish

    Diogo Ribeiro, Ana Rita Nunes ... Rui F Oliveira
    Individual social behavior results from the interaction between the individuals own oxytocin receptor genotype and the oxytocin receptor genotypes of other individuals present in its social environment.