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    1. Medicine

    Identification of pharmacological inducers of a reversible hypometabolic state for whole organ preservation

    Megan M Sperry, Berenice Charrez ... Donald E Ingber
    Repurposing of a drug designed for pain relief can quickly and reversibly slow biochemical and metabolic activities in cells and organs and could facilitate organ transplantation and prevent tissue injury.
    1. Medicine

    Nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics with machine learning for predicting progression from prediabetes to diabetes

    Jiang Li, Yuefeng Yu ... Bin Wang
    Lipoprotein particle size and composition, fatty acids, and amino acids were associated with the risk of incident diabetes, and adding the selected metabolites could significantly improve the risk prediction of progression from prediabetes to diabetes beyond the conventional clinical variables.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Simply crushed Zizyphi spinosi semen prevents neurodegenerative diseases and reverses age-related cognitive decline in mice

    Tomohiro Umeda, Ayumi Sakai ... Takami Tomiyama
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Useful
    • Incomplete
    1. Medicine
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Preeclampsia-specific immune cell network in placenta revealed by Cytometry by time of flight and single-cell RNA-seq

    Haiyi Fei, Xiaowen Lu ... Lingling Jiang
    Not revised
    Reviewed Preprint v1
    • Valuable
    • Solid
    1. Medicine

    Point of View: Applied research won’t flourish without basic science

    Jon R Lorsch, Lawrence A Tabak, Monica M Bertagnolli
    Three senior figures at the US National Institutes of Health explain why the agency remains committed to supporting basic science and research.
    1. Medicine

    PKR activation-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV-transgenic mice with nephropathy

    Teruhiko Yoshida, Khun Zaw Latt ... Jeffrey B Kopp
    Single-nuclear transcriptomic profiling and functional assays identified PKR activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in HIV-associated nephropathy mice kidneys.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Medicine

    Insights into metabolic heterogeneity of colorectal cancer gained from fluorescence lifetime imaging

    Anastasia D Komarova, Snezhana D Sinyushkina ... Marina V Shirmanova
    The level of heterogeneity of cellular energy metabolism increases with model complexity and is the highest in patients' tumors, which can be observed and quantified using FLIM of NAD(P)H.