The hypo- versus hyperkinetic nature of Parkinson’s disease and dystonia, respectively, may be reflected by differences in disease-specific spiketrain dynamics and striato-pallidal synaptic plasticity.
Long-term physical exercise had a substantial effect on the plasma proteome, identifying novel exerkines and suggesting CD300LG as a potential link to insulin sensitivity.
Stephen E Flaherty III, Olivier Bezy ... Zhidan Wu
Investigation of mouse models from forward mutagenetic screen reveals that the gene Spag7 is essential for embryonic development and energy homeostasis later in life.
Christin Krause, Jan H Britsemmer ... Henriette Kirchner
The liver microRNA transcriptome of humans with type 2 diabetes and obesity is analyzed for the first time and compared with diet-induced obesity in mice.
Joanna C Porter, Jamie Inshaw ... Venizelos Papayannopoulos
Nebulized dornase alfa endonuclease reduces inflammation, coagulopathy, and the length of hospitalization in individuals with severe COVID-19 pneumonia.