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    1. Neuroscience

    Ultrastructural sublaminar-specific diversity of excitatory synaptic boutons in layer 1 of the adult human temporal lobe neocortex

    Astrid Rollenhagen, Akram Sadeghi Dastjerdi ... Joachim HR Lübke
    1. Neuroscience

    Deficiency of Orexin Receptor Type 1 in Dopaminergic Neurons Increases Novelty-Induced Locomotion and Exploration

    Xing Xiao, Gagik Yeghiazaryan ... A Christine Hausen
    1. Neuroscience

    Methylphenidate enhances or impairs the cognitive control of Pavlovian bias depending on working memory capacity

    Dirk EM Geurts, Hanneke EM den Ouden ... Roshan Cools
    1. Neuroscience

    Hypothalamic CRH Neurons Modulate Sevoflurane Anesthesia and The Post-anesthesia Stress Responses

    Shan Jiang, Lu Chen ... Chang-Rui Chen
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tumor-infiltrating nerves functionally alter brain circuits and modulate behavior in a mouse model of head-and-neck cancer

    Jeffrey Barr, Austin Walz ... Paola D Vermeer
    Nerve tracing and behavioral studies in tumor-bearing mice together with transcriptional and functional analysis reveal cancer-induced central and peripheral neuronal alterations that influence behavior.
    1. Neuroscience

    Sensitivity to vocal emotions emerges in newborns at 37 weeks gestational age

    Xinlin Hou, Peng Zhang ... Dandan Zhang
    Analysis of neonatal response reveals that at 37 weeks gestational age, infants exhibit a marked developmental shift in their ability to perceive emotional vocal prosody, highlighting a critical period for social emotional development with potential implications for early neurodevelopmental assessments.