Yiyi Chen, Laimdota Zizmare ... Christoph Trautwein
Targeted manipulations on organotypic cultures show that the retina switches between at least four different metabolic pathways, each with different yields and kinetics, to dynamically adapt to momentaneous energy needs.
Multiple alleles of Txnip, which can interact with several different proteins, including Hsp90AB1, were tested for their ability to prolong the survival of cone photoreceptors in diseases leading to blindness.
Daniel Thiel, Luis Alfonso Yañez Guerra ... Gáspár Jékely
The identification of 31 neuropeptide GPCRs in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis provides a rich resource to study peptidergic signaling in cnidarians and suggests that cnidarian and bilaterian peptidergic systems diversified independent from each other from a few ancestral systems.
Silvia Cardani, Tara A Janes ... Silvia Pagliardini
Knockdown of PHOX2B in the chemosensitive area of the retrotrapezoid nucleus of adult rats reduces CO2 responses and the expression of the proton sensors TASK2 and GPR4.