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    1. Neuroscience

    Multiple NTS neuron populations cumulatively suppress food intake

    Weiwei Qiu, Chelsea R Hutch ... Darleen Sandoval
    Analyses reveal that multiple NTS neuron types act cumulatively in the suppression of feeding, that the abrogation of food intake by multiple non-aversive populations fails to promote aversive responses, and that there exist additional NTS populations that modulate food intake.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Sub-surface deformation of individual fingerprint ridges during tactile interactions

    Giulia Corniani, Zing S Lee ... Hannes P Saal
    1. Neuroscience

    Early roots of information-seeking: Infants predict and generalize the value of information

    Tommaso Ghilardi, Francesco Poli ... Sabine Hunnius
    1. Neuroscience

    Visual experience shapes functional connectivity between occipital and non-visual networks

    Mengyu Tian, Xiang Xiao ... Marina Bedny
    1. Neuroscience

    The Na+ leak channel NALCN controls spontaneous activity and mediates synaptic modulation by α2-adrenergic receptors in auditory neurons

    Tenzin Ngodup, Tomohiko Irie ... Laurence O Trussell
    Noradrenergic receptors can control the spontaneous electrical firing of neurons by inhibiting a Na+ channel known as NALCN using a pathway shared by metabotropic GABA receptors.
    1. Neuroscience

    Silencing long-descending inter-enlargement propriospinal neurons improves hindlimb stepping after contusive spinal cord injuries

    Courtney T Shepard, Brandon L Brown ... David SK Magnuson
    Silencing long-descending propriospinal neurons that connect C6 to L2 disrupts right-left alternation of both the forelimbs and hindlimbs in the intact animal, but leads to improved stepping after a mild-moderate thoracic contusion spinal cord injury.