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    Empathy: Exploring the impact of violence in video games

    Nicolas Roy, Michel-Pierre Coll
    Playing a violent game for a few weeks did not alter neural and behavioral responses to the pain of others in inexperienced male gamers.
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    1. Neuroscience

    EphrinB2 knockdown in cervical spinal cord preserves diaphragm innervation in a mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS

    Mark W Urban, Brittany A Charsar ... Angelo C Lepore
    In the SOD1G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), expression of transmembrane signaling molecule ephrinB2 in spinal cord astrocytes contributes to motor neuron damage and loss of diaphragm function.
    1. Neuroscience

    Resource-rational account of sequential effects in human prediction

    Arthur Prat-Carrabin, Florent Meyniel, Rava Azeredo da Silveira
    A proposed model of optimal inference under cognitive costs accounts for human sequential effects, including subtle patterns of attractive and repulsive influence of past observations, in a binary prediction task across a wide range of stimulus conditions.
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    Resting-state alterations in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia are related to the distribution of monoamine and GABA neurotransmitter systems

    Lisa Hahn, Simon B Eickhoff ... Matthias L Schroeter
    Local brain functional activity reductions in bvFTD follow the distribution of serotonergic, GABAergic, and norepinephrinergic neurotransmitter systems, indicating a selective vulnerability and providing novel insights into the underlying disease mechanisms.
    1. Neuroscience

    Toolkits for detailed and high-throughput interrogation of synapses in C. elegans

    Maryam Majeed, Haejun Han ... Hang Lu
    An imaging pipeline together with a collection of transgenic nematode strains provide a strategy to visualize and properly quantify synaptic connectivity in the C. elegans brain.
    1. Neuroscience

    A preclinical model of THC edibles that produces high-dose cannabimimetic responses

    Anthony English, Fleur Uittenbogaard ... Benjamin Bruce Land
    Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-E-gel enables robust preclinical study of voluntary THC consumption in mice, revealing sex-dependent psychotomimetic effects that are valuable for understanding cannabimimetic responses.
    1. Neuroscience

    Eelbrain, a Python toolkit for time-continuous analysis with temporal response functions

    Christian Brodbeck, Proloy Das ... Jonathan Z Simon
    Brain activity is modelled as a function of stimuli that evolve continuously in time, in experimental designs without repeated trials.
    1. Neuroscience

    Genetic and pharmacologic alterations of claudin9 levels suffice to induce functional and mature inner hair cells

    Yingying Chen, Jeong Han Lee ... Ebenezer N. Yamoah