Morphology: Too hip for two sacral vertebrae

A complex pelvic morphology has been discovered in the fossils of one of the largest crocodylians.
  1. Michelle R Stocker  Is a corresponding author
  1. Virginia Tech, United States

The properties of vertebrae – the bones that make up the backbone – have a crucial influence on the way that mammals, birds, fishes and many other vertebrate species move. Some vertebrates have vertebrae that are rather charismatic in terms of size, shape or number. For example, all mammals possess seven vertebrae within their necks, whether they are a giraffe or a mouse, and the length of these vertebrae depends on the length of the neck.

Reptiles typically have two vertebrae in their sacrum, which is near the pelvis (Hoffstetter and Gasc, 1969). Having two sacral vertebrae is characteristic of the Archosauromorpha, a group that includes crocodylians (large, predatory, aquatic and semiaquatic reptiles) and their extinct close relatives (Nesbitt, 2011; Griffin et al., 2017). However, birds and their close relatives among non-avian theropods (dinosaurs with hollow bones and three toes) deviate from this trend of having two vertebrae in the sacrum. Many birds have at least 12 sacral vertebrae, and swans have 24 (Turner et al., 2012)!

Studies of growth in living species, like the chicken, show that the ordering of the body during development – and the number of vertebrae formed – is controlled by a group of genes called the Hox genes. These genes have recently been shown to control patterning in other archosauromorphs, including crocodylians (e.g. Böhmer et al., 2015).

But this is all in living species, what about fossils? It is known, for example, that some early theropod fossils (like those of Tyrannosaurus or Velociraptor) exhibit more than two sacral vertebrae (Turner et al., 2012). Exploring the vertebrae of fossils helps to fill in the gaps in our understanding of morphology, and helps explain why modern groups look the way they do and how extinct members of those groups organized their body plans.

Now, in eLife, Torsten Scheyer of the University of Zurich and co-workers in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Venezuela report on a crocodylian fossil that has more than two sacral vertebrae (Scheyer et al., 2019). The extinct Purussaurus mirandai, one of the largest known crocodylians, is found fossilized in rocks in northern South America that are between 5 and 13 million years old, and is related to crocodylians alive today. This giant caiman is known for its very large skull, but Scheyer et al. have now described all the other bones known to be associated with the species. As part of that description, they examined the sacral vertebrae and found the first non-pathological case of a crocodylian with more than two vertebrae in their sacrum (Figure 1).

Fossilized sacral vertebrae of Purussaurus mirandai.

Scheyer et al. have examined the skeleton of the crocodylian P. mirandai. All other crocodylians examined to date only have two vertebrae in their sacrum, making P. mirandai the first reported case of a crocodylian with three sacral vertebrae. This is likely due to a change in the expression of the Hox genes in this species. Indicated as prz in the image, the prezygagophysis connects each vertebra with the anterior one in the spine.

How did the number of vertebrae increase? As the skeleton grows, three types of changes are possible: a vertebra could be added from the tail (i.e., the ‘caudal’ vertebrae), creating a caudosacral; a vertebra could be inserted between the original two; or a vertebra could be added from the front, creating a dorsosacral. Scheyer et al. show that P. mirandai has the two original sacral vertebrae as well as a dorsosacral, similar to some extinct crocodylian-like animals called phytosaurs (Griffin et al., 2017).

But why would a species add vertebrae? An expanded sacrum might give vertebrates increased stability. This is important when a species increases in size, or when it becomes bipedal (and has to be able to balance while standing on two legs). Scheyer et al. looked at other parts of the skeleton to answer why P. mirandai had an extra vertebra, examining the shoulder girdle. In these specimens, the shoulder girdle is oriented more vertically than in other crocodylians with just two sacral vertebrae. This, along with the expanded pelvis, is evidence for weight being supported by the limbs rather than the trunk, hinting at the species becoming more upright. Crocodylians also have massive, muscular tails, which add to the weight that has to be supported and also changes the center of mass (Molnar et al., 2014).

These newly examined specimens of P. mirandai show that crocodylians have the ability to expand the number of sacral vertebrae, suggesting a change in the pattern of Hox gene expression in this species. There is evidence that other non-dinosaurian archosauromorphs, such as phytosaurs, expanded their sacral vertebrae, too, despite having evolved separately (Griffin et al., 2017). However, a sacrum with more than two sacral vertebrae has evolved multiple times independently, especially in animals from the Triassic Period (~250–200 million years ago). The confirmation that crocodylians can have more than two sacral vertebrae rewrites what was thought of as possible for this group of animals, adding an interesting new layer of developmental and morphological flexibility.


  1. Book
    1. Hoffstetter R
    2. Gasc J-P
    Vertebrae and ribs of modern reptiles
    In: Gans C, Bellairs A. D. A, Parsons T. S, editors. Biology of the Reptilia. Volume 1. Morphology A. London: Academic Press. pp. 201–310.

Article and author information

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  1. Michelle R Stocker

    Michelle R Stocker is in the Department of Geosciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, United States

    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon "This ORCID iD identifies the author of this article:" 0000-0002-6473-8691

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© 2019, Stocker

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  1. Michelle R Stocker
Morphology: Too hip for two sacral vertebrae
eLife 8:e53399.
  1. Further reading

Further reading

    1. Evolutionary Biology
    Thibaut Sellinger, Frank Johannes, Aurélien Tellier
    Research Article

    With the availability of high-quality full genome polymorphism (SNPs) data, it becomes feasible to study the past demographic and selective history of populations in exquisite detail. However, such inferences still suffer from a lack of statistical resolution for recent, for example bottlenecks, events, and/or for populations with small nucleotide diversity. Additional heritable (epi)genetic markers, such as indels, transposable elements, microsatellites, or cytosine methylation, may provide further, yet untapped, information on the recent past population history. We extend the Sequential Markovian Coalescent (SMC) framework to jointly use SNPs and other hyper-mutable markers. We are able to (1) improve the accuracy of demographic inference in recent times, (2) uncover past demographic events hidden to SNP-based inference methods, and (3) infer the hyper-mutable marker mutation rates under a finite site model. As a proof of principle, we focus on demographic inference in Arabidopsis thaliana using DNA methylation diversity data from 10 European natural accessions. We demonstrate that segregating single methylated polymorphisms (SMPs) satisfy the modeling assumptions of the SMC framework, while differentially methylated regions (DMRs) are not suitable as their length exceeds that of the genomic distance between two recombination events. Combining SNPs and SMPs while accounting for site- and region-level epimutation processes, we provide new estimates of the glacial age bottleneck and post-glacial population expansion of the European A. thaliana population. Our SMC framework readily accounts for a wide range of heritable genomic markers, thus paving the way for next-generation inference of evolutionary history by combining information from several genetic and epigenetic markers.

    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology
    Kara Schmidlin, Sam Apodaca ... Kerry Geiler-Samerotte
    Research Article

    There is growing interest in designing multidrug therapies that leverage tradeoffs to combat resistance. Tradeoffs are common in evolution and occur when, for example, resistance to one drug results in sensitivity to another. Major questions remain about the extent to which tradeoffs are reliable, specifically, whether the mutants that provide resistance to a given drug all suffer similar tradeoffs. This question is difficult because the drug-resistant mutants observed in the clinic, and even those evolved in controlled laboratory settings, are often biased towards those that provide large fitness benefits. Thus, the mutations (and mechanisms) that provide drug resistance may be more diverse than current data suggests. Here, we perform evolution experiments utilizing lineage-tracking to capture a fuller spectrum of mutations that give yeast cells a fitness advantage in fluconazole, a common antifungal drug. We then quantify fitness tradeoffs for each of 774 evolved mutants across 12 environments, finding these mutants group into classes with characteristically different tradeoffs. Their unique tradeoffs may imply that each group of mutants affects fitness through different underlying mechanisms. Some of the groupings we find are surprising. For example, we find some mutants that resist single drugs do not resist their combination, while others do. And some mutants to the same gene have different tradeoffs than others. These findings, on one hand, demonstrate the difficulty in relying on consistent or intuitive tradeoffs when designing multidrug treatments. On the other hand, by demonstrating that hundreds of adaptive mutations can be reduced to a few groups with characteristic tradeoffs, our findings may yet empower multidrug strategies that leverage tradeoffs to combat resistance. More generally speaking, by grouping mutants that likely affect fitness through similar underlying mechanisms, our work guides efforts to map the phenotypic effects of mutation.