1,417 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    HNF1A is a novel oncogene that regulates human pancreatic cancer stem cell properties

    Ethan V Abel, Masashi Goto ... Diane M Simeone
    HNF1A, a risk factor gene for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, is critical to maintaining pancreatic cancer stem cell properties through regulating POU5F1 (OCT4) expression, providing a novel role for HNF1A in maintenance of the disease.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Replication Study: Wnt activity defines colon cancer stem cells and is regulated by the microenvironment

    Anthony Essex, Javier Pineda ... Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology
    Editors' Summary: This Replication Study has reproduced important parts of the original paper.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    miR-142 regulates the tumorigenicity of human breast cancer stem cells through the canonical WNT signaling pathway

    Taichi Isobe, Shigeo Hisamori ... Yohei Shimono
    Insights into the roles and mechanisms of two of the miRNAs upregulated in human breast cancer stem cells in at least some breast cancers are presented.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Visualization of stem cell activity in pancreatic cancer expansion by direct lineage tracing with live imaging

    Takahisa Maruno, Akihisa Fukuda ... Hiroshi Seno
    Genetic lineage tracing approach combined with live imaging visualized the functional stem cell activity of Doublecortin-like kinase 1+ cells within pancreatic cancer in vivo.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Single-cell chromatin accessibility profiling of glioblastoma identifies an invasive cancer stem cell population associated with lower survival

    Paul Guilhamon, Charles Chesnelong ... Mathieu Lupien
    Chromatin-based cancer stem cell heterogeneity typifies primary glioblastoma and includes an invasive subtype associated with a lower survival.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    A long non-coding RNA targets microRNA miR-34a to regulate colon cancer stem cell asymmetric division

    Lihua Wang, Pengcheng Bu ... Xiling Shen
    A novel long non-coding RNA targets microRNA miR-34a for epigenetic silencing and initiates asymmetric division of colon cancer stem cells.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    De-repression of the RAC activator ELMO1 in cancer stem cells drives progression of TGFβ-deficient squamous cell carcinoma from transition zones

    Heather A McCauley, Véronique Chevrier ... Géraldine Guasch
    A new mechanism connects the loss of TGFβ signaling with invasion and metastasis in highly malignant transition zone tumors.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Disseminating cells in human oral tumours possess an EMT cancer stem cell marker profile that is predictive of metastasis in image-based machine learning

    Gehad Youssef, Luke Gammon ... Adrian Biddle
    Cancer stem cells that have undergone EMT are identified in the region surrounding metastatic human oral tumours in a retrospective cohort study, and these are predictive of metastatic outcome in an image-based machine learning approach.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Replication Study: The microRNA miR-34a inhibits prostate cancer stem cells and metastasis by directly repressing CD44

    Xuefei Yan, Beibei Tang ... Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology
    Editors' Summary: This Replication Study did not reproduce those experiments in the original paper that it attempted to reproduce.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Differential requirements of androgen receptor in luminal progenitors during prostate regeneration and tumor initiation

    Chee Wai Chua, Nusrat J Epsi ... Michael M Shen
    Analyses of genetically engineered mouse models reveal the androgen receptor-independent properties of a luminal stem/progenitor cell in the prostate epithelium, and its ability to serve as a cell of origin for castration-resistant prostate cancer.

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